Mosconi Cup 2021 Day 3 Updates


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Agree 100%

I enjoyed especially that match between David and Jeremy extremley. Every who s a bit knowledged knows anyway how much knowledge Jeremy Jones has- and what hell of a player he was/is. This set was worth every second. Even if on the first two days a few *funny misses" appeared- and day 2 was not that positive for europe i enjoyed it a lot. USA has shown heart-
Have heard several buddies, who also were much more "pro USA"- and now after day 3 my respect ( which was anyway super high before) for Jeremy Jones raised to another bar.

Hats off "Captain" Jones- showed up and delievered!

damn right! people giving JJ crap regarding just about anything pertaining to his play are out of their mind. the guy doesn't even play much rotation competitively, he travelled there expecting to be the coach, and with one day notice had to be a player.

i can't imagine how it feels as a prepared player being out there with that hostile ruckus crowd, the tv cameras on you and that pressure - and thinking about stepping up unprepared with short notice as he has done is just effing crazy. i would probably hide behind the chair.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Maybe being not that prepared helped JJ playing like he did, 'cause I think he played better than could be expected (given that he heard he's playing less than 24 h beforehand). I mean, I can imagine you'll think "well, I'm gonna do my best, give it my all, and see what happens. What can anyone expect of me?" Then a sort of relaxedness comes over you, I guess.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
So there is gambling on the Mosconi Cup and Matchroom allows the fans to shark the American players? But the whole thing is on the up and up.
The whole last half of yesterday they were screaming when our players were down....when they were winning, they were singing when there's were down.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What a lost opportunity... Recognizing what was going on, all Team Europe had to do was to walk over to JJ and hand him the cue ball. It would have gone down as an epic act of true sportsmanship.
Like Yapp did with Shane.

I've done it many times when a player called a hit wrong in my favor.


Diamond Dave’s babysitter
Silver Member
Like Yapp did with Shane.

I've done it many times when a player called a hit wrong in my favor.
Yapp was making a decision for himself, not a decision involving 60k for 4 other people. SVB also had a timeout in his pocket and very clearly “thought” he had used it. There’s also SVBs aural situation, which may or may not be his own fault depending on the status of his auditory devices. This is very different. JJ, all credit to him for dealing with this MC situation, knew he didn’t have an extension remaining, manager his time poorly, then tried to game the situation and got caught out. Very different.


'AZB_Combat Certified'
that such a nice (deciding) pool game could end on that kind of a technicality is lame
This is type of comment is exactly what I've been cracking up over. There was no technicality that caused the loss. JJ made a bone headed move for asking for a ball cleaning with 12secs left, and out of everyone on Team USA has the least amount of excuse for not knowing the rule.

If the man wasn't trying to buy time to settle his nerves then he should have asked for the cleaning while he decided to stroll back to his seat after first addressing the table.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What is wrong with taking responsibility for your own mistakes?

I have no idea why it would be an epic act of true sportsmanship.

Maybe you could explain why you think that.
Insert Yapp at the US Open, refusing ball in hand when Shane had a shot clock violation. True competitors do not want to win on a technicality. It truly would have been unprecedented had Alcaide refused the ball in hand and allowed JJ to play on but it would have been the epitome of sportsmanship.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The ref did a fantastic job. He cleaned the cueball in 3 or 4 seconds leaving JJ 3 or 4 seconds to shoot the shot. The ref could have easily used all the time left to clean the cueball if he wanted to sway the eventual outcome.

should he said there's no time to clean it? if there was 5 seconds left, hypothetically, what should he do in that instance? maybe they have a time threshold for it, i don't know.

the rule however is a good one, having seen corey and chang etc abuse the cue ball cleaning in other shot clock tournaments.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
The difference being that bugs are not supposed to be on pool balls, whereas chalk clinging to the cue ball is a part of playing pool, unless you’re sensible and use Taom (other brands available (not sure what they are)).

Another difference being that the ref was already moving to get the bug and stop the clock when Shaw raised his arm to point at the bug.

Jeremy asked for the cueball to be cleaned because he was about to play a delicate shot (and more likely because he was under it), which is his personal preference, as opposed to a big ass bug flying around the table.

I don’t understand how everyone keeps saying these two situations are the same 🤷‍♀️.

JJ asked for the CB to be cleaned with about 14 seconds left on the clock. Even if the ref explained to him that he can’t stop the clock, which he is under no obligation to do, and from what Marcel said after the foul, they got told repeatedly that the clock won’t stop for CB cleaning, he still would have only had several seconds left to play the shot. And Marcel absolutely motored, marking the cueball, cleaning it, replacing it, and removing the marker in about 5 seconds, as soon as JJ asked for the CB to be cleaned. Imagine if The US ref had been on the job. Sorry, I can’t remember his name, dude with the mini mullet. Absolutely awesome guy, seems really nice and obviously dedicated to the sport (and I’m really pleased MR has acknowledged his dedication by brining him in on these events), but he turns every sentence and action into a broadway show. Then it really would have been a mess.

Marcel is also one of the most experienced cuesports refs in the world, and an absolute pro. He even has a world snooker final under his belt. Questioning his motivations in doing anything other than what he’s been directed to do is pointless (if he didn’t go further in his interactions with the crowd, it’s because he’s been told not to, if it were snooker, he would have had people removed for a fraction of what happens at the MC).

Thank you, that's the best explanation I've seen anywhere (that the ref initiated the cleaning in Shaw's situation because it was an obvious obstruction).

I wasn't trying to defend JJ, he screwed up, but it's helpful to know the actual rules. One of the issues that continues to plague pool is different rules from tournament to tournament (or bar to bar).


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The fans can also shark the European players when they play in US.

Crazy how the Mosconi Cup has been going on for as long as it has, and people are still flabbergasted by the behavior of the fans.
Not flabbergasted just pointing out reality. When the British referee called the shot clock violation on Jones there were British fans in the crowd sharking Jones. Jones asked the referee to clean the ball which resulted in a shot clock violation.

There is gambling on the Mosconi Cup. It's not a coincidence.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not flabbergasted just pointing out reality. When the British referee called the shot clock violation on Jones there were British fans in the crowd sharking Jones. Jones asked the referee to clean the ball which resulted in a shot clock violation.

There is gambling on the Mosconi Cup. It's not a coincidence.

they're not gamblers. they're drunk. i know people in that crowd. the problem is the beer, but they want to sell beer too, so.. the late matches are the worst for this reason. it's part of the mosconi cup, always has been. the refs could be tougher on the crowd though, imo.


Boot Party Coordinator
Silver Member
I thought the fans were respectful enough the first 2 days -much more than usual.
Yesterday with their constant rising crescendos leading all the was up to contact with the CB while the ref stood there with only his hand in the air p!ssed me off.
The drunken cheats did not do that when the Euros here shooting to my recollection.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I thought the fans were respectful enough the first 2 days -much more than usual.
Yesterday with their constant rising crescendos leading all the was up to contact with the CB while the ref stood there with only his hand in the air p!ssed me off.
The drunken cheats did not do that when the Euros here shooting to my recollection.
I would wager the decision to allow it is beyond the pay grade of the referee.


'AZB_Combat Certified'
I thought the fans were respectful enough the first 2 days -much more than usual.
Yesterday with their constant rising crescendos leading all the was up to contact with the CB while the ref stood there with only his hand in the air p!ssed me off.
The drunken cheats did not do that when the Euros here shooting to my recollection.
You must not have watched the action with the volume on then. The fans never stopped making noise


'AZB_Combat Certified'
The ref did a fantastic job. He cleaned the cueball in 3 or 4 seconds leaving JJ 3 or 4 seconds to shoot the shot. The ref could have easily used all the time left to clean the cueball if he wanted to sway the eventual outcome.
Thank you for pointing this out. That ref did an outstanding job of responding to JJ's request and ripping through the ball cleaning process. He may have just earned himself a spot on a F1 crew.