Mosconi Cup Online - Not Secure


Silver Member
Went to the Mosconi Cup site this morning to purchase the online package. I noticed the page where you put in your credit card number is not a secure page i.e., https. So I didn't but it. Thought I would warn everyone to be careful, this type of unsecured order page presents an increased risk of credit card theft.


Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
Make sure you go to the last page that you actualy put you card # on...the ones before it are not secure I don't think. Johnnyt


Silver Member
I did go to the last page. Here is an actual screen shot that I took.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Excuse me for being ignorant, but how can you really tell if it's secure.
I didn't sleep at Red Roof



Nothing ever registers...
Silver Member
no-sho said:
Excuse me for being ignorant, but how can you really tell if it's secure.
I didn't sleep at Red Roof

NoSho, to add to what hangemhigh said, "https" means "hyper text transfer protocol SECURE". It means that all information is encrypted between you and the website you are dealing with. When it just says "http" anyone that really wants to can "listen" to what you are sending back and forth. When it says "https" it means that if someone does "listen", they won't be able to understand what is being said because the information is encrypted.

This is good if you don't want the bad guys grabbing your credit card info. Of course when you see https it does not mean that the website itself can't be hacked later, etc... or that they won't sell your information later. But the information being sent at the moment is fairly safe.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
worriedbeef said:
you're worried about security yet you're using internet explorer? tut tut

I usually use firefox for browsing, but when it comes to online broadcast, a live watch. for an odd reason my firefox doesn't seem to run them well, I go into the Demo in that website and firefox just showed me the word (video) in a middle of a black empty screen. doesn't play anything for me, "I got all video plugins installed" then I went to internet explorer and into the same exact page. and it runs the demo for me where Alcano and Ralf talks. if you are expert with firefox help me out:) thanks.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Tim5000 said:
Went to the Mosconi Cup site this morning to purchase the online package. I noticed the page where you put in your credit card number is not a secure page i.e., https. So I didn't but it. Thought I would warn everyone to be careful, this type of unsecured order page presents an increased risk of credit card theft.


On another note, last night I saw on Fox5 news that just over 50% of all credit card thefts come from the resturant business.


Silver Member
whitewolf said:

On another note, last night I saw on Fox5 news that just over 50% of all credit card thefts come from the resturant business.

Maybe they should stop putting the numbers on the card and just use the magnetic stripe. That seems like it would prevent retail & restaurant employees from stealing it.


Silver Member
OK, I contacted their tech support and they gave me this BS response.

You will be connected via a secure, encrypted channel.
The server then sends your data through the authorization network to the
appropriate bank over a secure, proprietary connection.

Matchroom Support

Any web experts out there that think this is a proper method? The page still doesn't have the 'S' after the http.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I am not so sure I want to sign up now. I got to the end point, and its not a secure page....


New member
It could be. It's really all about the target page not the page that you actually put your card into. So whether or not the page you have a screenshot is secure is pretty meaningless. But, most of us web people go ahead and toss the security up one page prior to the submission so everyone can see the lock and know they're dealing with a secure server. Additionally this avoids a man in the middle attack where someone fakes the page you're looking at and redirects the data.

Tim5000 said:
OK, I contacted their tech support and they gave me this BS response.

You will be connected via a secure, encrypted channel.
The server then sends your data through the authorization network to the
appropriate bank over a secure, proprietary connection.

Matchroom Support

Any web experts out there that think this is a proper method? The page still doesn't have the 'S' after the http.


Silver Member
After their tech support's BS response (see previous post) I asked them why is there no 'S' in the http. Now they're not responding at all! I guess the person answering the emails doesn't have a clue either.

I really wanted to watch, but I'm not going to risk it.


Silver Member
Tim5000 said:
After their tech support's BS response (see previous post) I asked them why is there no 'S' in the http. Now they're not responding at all! I guess the person answering the emails doesn't have a clue either.

I really wanted to watch, but I'm not going to risk it.

There are plenty of secure sites that don't show the https in the URL bar (not saying the Mosconi site is/isn't secure as I haven't looked at it)