

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I wondered if it wasnt something to do with Ralf's hand gesture at the end. Drago did it yesterday. They mentioned it was to me "whatever'.
It was just a little motion much like Vivians Tornado trademark motion.

I think Earl has always been over the top anyway. I think he took it way too far with this one. Yelling and clowning arent great but anything remotely physical is much too far.

I really question the USAs matchups but they have had their chances. Rookie or not SVB is playing the best of anyone on the team and he gets one match today. Not sure why Corey played two but he wouldnt have it were my decision.
Rodney played even a little more reckless than his normal loose game.

I dont think that anyone can dispute that Team Europe has gotten a huge majority of the rolls but they also have taken advantage of them. USA has had some reasonable or more than reasonable chances and just havent delivered.

We will need to dominate the singles but first we need to get off to a strong start.
Im not sure who I would place first. SVB comes to mind followed by
Archer probably. Even though JA isnt in dead stroke he is still a force and has alot of heart.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not to put gasoline on the BBQ, but Earl seams to be a loose cannon some times. I like his play, but man he needs to use his head in the social atmosphere as well....



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Newton said:
Not to put gasoline on the BBQ, but Earl seams to be a loose cannon some times. I like his play, but man he needs to use his head in the social atmosphere as well....


The same applies to the Europeans.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sorry, I'm commenting without the streamed video. I did not know that some of the European player's was trying to break their stick...


Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
Newton said:
Sorry, I'm commenting without the streamed video. I did not know that some of the European player's was trying to break their stick...

I didn't see that with the cue. But I did see the same sore losing little brat that he's been for at least the last ten years...if not his entire career. Years ago people let it go because he was winning. Someone needs to slap the s*** out of him. Johnnyt


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Newton said:
Not to put gasoline on the BBQ, but Earl seams to be a loose cannon some times. I like his play, but man he needs to use his head in the social atmosphere as well....


And I'm just reading the thread. What's with throwing a 'dummy' on the floor? Is this true. Now that's great sportsmanship isn't it Newt?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Just curious who would you be willing to replace earl with that can consistently beat him right now??? I don't approve of his antics but what would you do if you just got beat on a national stage and someone threw a dummy on the floor? Would you slap them? Check his mosconi record it speaks for itself.:confused:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Well, since I'm out of reach in respect of Video I can't comment on anything actually. But I have seen so many episodes of Earl earlier which basically gave me the feeling that he have some really bad tamper which I find sad because he is a great player.

Lastyears WC 9ball was commented by some of my colleagues which was actually looking at what happened down there. They're comment was that there should have been some one in white coats picking him up, because his behavior was totally irrational during and after the match. I'm not saying this as a backup of my last comment, but for me the comment of " trying to break is stick" sounded familiar.

Last comment from Newton, which herby withdraw from the discussion since I have not watched what happened.

Good luck to both teams for tomorrow and hopefully the best team wins :)



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Well, I just had to post this one before I leave this thread

It seems like Earl did not want to shake hands at first and then some one in the audience reacted together with Drago.



I missed the first 2 days of action. If you buy the complete coverage does it allow you to watch previous days action?


"no buds chill"
Silver Member
Sorry I wasn't here for the point by point.

Sorry I wasn't giving commentary for todays matches. I was playing in a tournament. I didn't even know we got spanked today until just a few minutes ago. I'm sorry but I will play in a tournament myself before I will watch a tournament any day of the week. I did get to watch Frank the Barber play today but I got knocked to the loser's side and then ran up against Ramin Bakhtiari before I got a chance to play him. I made two errors against Ramin and that was enough for him to finish me off. I was a little upset since the first error was after running out through to the seven and the second error was a safety I played a little too slow.

Frank was playhing top shelf though.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Jaden said:
Sorry I wasn't giving commentary for todays matches. I was playing in a tournament. I didn't even know we got spanked today until just a few minutes ago. I'm sorry but I will play in a tournament myself before I will watch a tournament any day of the week. I did get to watch Frank the Barber play today but I got knocked to the loser's side and then ran up against Ramin Bakhtiari before I got a chance to play him. I made two errors against Ramin and that was enough for him to finish me off. I was a little upset since the first error was after running out through to the seven and the second error was a safety I played a little too slow.

Frank was playhing top shelf though.

Sorry to go off tangent with this post.. just curious about Frank the Barber. Locally to the bay area we have old school 'Mike the barber' who has been around quite awhile. Was just playing him 9ball last night. Different barbers or am I just confused?


"no buds chill"
Silver Member
cyrex said:
Sorry to go off tangent with this post.. just curious about Frank the Barber. Locally to the bay area we have old school 'Mike the barber' who has been around quite awhile. Was just playing him 9ball last night. Different barbers or am I just confused?

Different players. I;m pretty sure.