My japanese style home pool room


Bagus in Shinjuku. The pool hall is located on the 5th floor. Bagus is a chain store, they're all over Tokyo.
Yes, thank you. That's exactly the pool hall we stumbled into. It's funny though, I knew that there were pool halls in Tokyo beforehand, but as a foreigner eperiencing Tokyo for the first time you really don't have any clue on what to look for when you actually want to find one.


Well-known member
Yes, thank you. That's exactly the pool hall we stumbled into. It's funny though, I knew that there were pool halls in Tokyo beforehand, but as a foreigner eperiencing Tokyo for the first time you really don't have any clue on what to look for when you actually want to find one.
The next time you're in Japan you can just type 'billiards' or 'ビリヤード' into Google maps and it'll show you all the locations.


Well-known member
I hope you don't mind if I revive this "old" thread. I have an update on the Spectator Chair situation.

I have been looking for suitable spectator chairs in Japan for a long time but unfortunately, there are almost none to choose from, except for the ones from Diamond which I didn't like very much, I think this is because there are hardly any privately owned pool tables and pool halls usually have benches or just cheap chairs.

So I bought these great barber chairs, they are called "shampoo chairs" here because you can recline them to get your hair washed.

They can be rotated, the height can be adjusted (perfect height to see the pool table), super comfortable, can be reclined and the headrest can be adjusted. They also look pretty cool.

They also come with a footrest but I didn't attach it, maybe I do it in the future if I feel the need.






Well-known member
I hope you don't mind if I revive this "old" thread. I have an update on the Spectator Chair situation.

I have been looking for suitable spectator chairs in Japan for a long time but unfortunately, there are almost none to choose from, except for the ones from Diamond which I didn't like very much, I think this is because there are hardly any privately owned pool tables and pool halls usually have benches or just cheap chairs.

So I bought these great barber chairs, they are called "shampoo chairs" here because you can recline them to get your hair washed.

They can be rotated, the height can be adjusted (perfect height to see the pool table), super comfortable, can be reclined and the headrest can be adjusted. They also look pretty cool.

They also come with a footrest but I didn't attach it, maybe I do it in the future if I feel the need.

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New chairs look great. I think you added cue rack on the wall and changed art also, since original photos, yes? Gorgeous room.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
chairs are nice
very beautiful room
hope one day to visit japan


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Thanks. Yes, I added the art shortly after making this thread, it's my favorite ukiyo-e. The cue rack was already there :)
I was born in Tokyo as an Air Force brat many years ago, brother born in Germany. How about a tour of your cues when you have time sir?
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks man. NewArt (Japan's biggest Pool shop) liked it so much that they included it in their newest catalog, they'll also use it on their website to promote the diamond table.
View attachment 646926
The referenced Japanese firm Newart has a wonderfully navigable and attractive English language home page on their website.

It's meaningful and provocative to me that they are sold out of most their products. They ship all over the world:
