*** Name that Pool Hall contest ***


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
Are we there yet?

Okay,this is my final suggestion...and i mean it


..if this wins please ship the $$$$$ to Kickin' Chicken...
...he is in dire straits economically
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Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
Well, I see my good friends pt, and Kickin' have once again shown their complete and utter lack of self-esteem by unceremoniously prostrating themselves before the judges in this contest.
I haven't been witness to this much boot-licking since I last visited "Two Tooth" Sally's place (may she rest in peace), lo these many months ago.
Shame on the both of you. :)

Can't speak for pt109 but I wouldn't say my prostrating myself before the judges was unceremonious. :grin-square:

Brian kc

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
my 14th hour submissions:

"where's my effin gift card billiard emporium"

"two days late and fifty dollars short pool hall"

"cracker barrel parking lot is getting on my nerves billiards and more"

"two-tooth sally's former brothel, now family pool & recreation center"

"ftgokie, is there any chance we can still be friends billiards center"

I've got a good feeling about these. :grin-square:

Brian kc
p.s. pt109, you slayed me with the static kling one!!! :thumbup:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
new poolroom

"The Spot", "DeadPresidents" non-smoking wont hurt ya much but no alcohol will put a major dent in your monthly bankroll. if it was'nt for the bar,neither Shooter's in Olathe or Magoo's in Tulsa could keep their doors open. Good luck dude.


High Run 127
Silver Member

my 14th hour submissions:

"where's my effin gift card billiard emporium"

"two days late and fifty dollars short pool hall"

"cracker barrel parking lot is getting on my nerves billiards and more"

"two-tooth sally's former brothel, now family pool & recreation center"

"ftgokie, is there any chance we can still be friends billiards center"

I've got a good feeling about these. :grin-square:

Brian kc
p.s. pt109, you slayed me with the static kling one!!! :thumbup:

This is funny....... I guess you got stood up at the alter...... With all the comments that you wrote, I think we all should dish in and give you a 50 dollar gift card.

Tramp Steamer

One Pocket enthusiast.
Silver Member
This is funny....... I guess you got stood up at the alter...... With all the comments that you wrote, I think we all should dish in and give you a 50 dollar gift card.

Now just hold on a minute there, young fella. My son Tramp worked just as hard as 'Cookin Chicken' did. Why, when he come over for supper the other evenin' he was plumb wore out from trying to come up with just the right name for his dear, dear friend ftgokie. Bless his heart, he only wants to make people happy.
I know he wouldn't want me meddlin' in his business, but he's all I've got since my husband passed away. I'm a widow you know. :)

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Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
My 17th hour submissions:

"Now I'm a dishwasher at Cracker Barrel trying to get gas money out of Musgokee Billiards Center"

"Has Two-tooth Sally taken ftgokie hostage, Pool, Bondage & More"

"Two-tooth Sally Got Felt"

"Two-tooth Sally felt bad"

"Conundrum Wrapped in an Enigma Pool Hall"

"Was the naming supposed to be last friday or this friday billiards?"

and finally:

"With All Due Respect Mizzizz Steamer, "Cookin Chicken" gives Tramp the Orange Crush in Naming Pool Joints Pool Joint" :D

Brian kc
P.S. Where the heck is ftgokie? Seriously...


"What's in your wallet?"
Silver Member
I thought this was over, all entries had to be in by the deadline. Even The Bachelorette finally made a decision.

Though some of the ideas have been quite good, I like the the very first name that the OP came up with when he started this thread. I would go with the name indicated in the thread title and Name That Pool Hall "Contest Billiards".


WO double hemlock
Silver Member

How are things in Stroklahoma?
I really don't think it's right to leave KC and the Tramp hanging.
Kickin' Chicken is a broken man now,he mumbles to himself and
asks total strangers for spare change.
The Tramp is being costantly berated by his momma for failing to
bring home the bacon in this contest.He's ready to slip loose from
his moorings.

As a compromise,how about hiring them both as house pros.
You could call the place 'Kickin' and Steamin'


D player extraordinaire
Silver Member
Were still dealing with buying the place. Was supposed to happen by Aug 1, but got pushed back till next week. Its gonna happen, just will take a little more time. Havnt had a chance to go over and decide on a name yet, I have my favorites, but will let everyone know when its final.....sorry for the delay guys and gals


Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
Were still dealing with buying the place. Was supposed to happen by Aug 1, but got pushed back till next week. Its gonna happen, just will take a little more time. Havnt had a chance to go over and decide on a name yet, I have my favorites, but will let everyone know when its final.....sorry for the delay guys and gals



Glad to see that you are alive and well. I had a feeling that you were mired down sorting out some of your business details.

While I was visiting yesterday with my communist friend, Tom McGonagle :D, he mentioned a place in NJ that he played at a few times that is no longer in biz, but I sure did like the name.

So, I will propose one more. The relationship to Oklahoma, or Musgokee in particular; well, there may not be any unless you see one streaking across the night sky:

"Comet Billiards"

Did I miss the deadline?

Brian kc


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Speaking of closed places for using names...How about

Lucky Cue Billiards ---- place closed in Brooklyn, NY this past year.

Could also be called.... The Lucky Cue or Lucky Cues

and with that said I'm done...Good luck with the new place and good luck in getting it all squared away.. Always nice to hear of a new place opening even if odds are i'll never get to play there:)

Tramp Steamer

One Pocket enthusiast.
Silver Member
My 17th hour submissions:

"Now I'm a dishwasher at Cracker Barrel trying to get gas money out of Musgokee Billiards Center"

"Has Two-tooth Sally taken ftgokie hostage, Pool, Bondage & More"

"Two-tooth Sally Got Felt"

"Two-tooth Sally felt bad"

"Conundrum Wrapped in an Enigma Pool Hall"

"Was the naming supposed to be last friday or this friday billiards?"

and finally:

"With All Due Respect Mizzizz Steamer, "Cookin Chicken" gives Tramp the Orange Crush in Naming Pool Joints Pool Joint" :D

Brian kc
P.S. Where the heck is ftgokie? Seriously...

That's Mizz Steamer, Mr. Chicken, and I know you meant no disrespect. It's just that us Steamers are like fly paper, we tend to stick together.
By-the-way, I was real sad to hear of "Two Tooth" Sally's passing. She and I used to have some rip-roaring good times, back in the days when eight-ball was a dime and snooker was fifteen cents.
I need to get off Tramps computer now. He gets a bit miffed when he finds out I've been using it.
So long Mr. Chicken. Oh, in case you haven't heard. I'm a widow now, you know. :smile:
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AKA: Sandy Bagger
Silver Member
Never been in a poolhall that didn't have a bar. However, never been in a poolhall that allowed smoking. California...

"no bar , no pinball machines , no bowling alleys , just pool , nothing else - this is Ames' , mister"
Old Glory's Billiards


New member
Names that apply

I lived in Broken Arrow 25 years ago and went to school at NSU so I have some names that may apply to the area.

TenKiller Billiards
3 River Billiard Club
Cherokee Billiard Club
Riverhawk Billiards

I hope all goes well in your new extablishment and look forward to playing a few racks when I pass by. I have an excellent logo for 3 River billiards that also incorporates the Riverhawk theme,