
AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It wasn't in a post of his. It was a reply/comment on a post that had a thousand other responses. Basically that the format was a joke and agreed by a number of pros in the chain. Don't recall him specifically saying he wouldn't be playing in any of them down the road. But sort of obvious as he is out fishing now. :ROFLMAO: Presumably Vegas will be the exception.

Was hoping when it all came out about this series that it would have been Predator's show rather than just sponsoring and having CSI run things. Oh well.
I already posted way above this that you would say that. Just because some idiot says something on an internet Forum I'm supposed to just believe it? Until you prove it, I don't give a damn what you say. As a matter of fact oh, you can piss up a rope, wad it into a big ball, and shove it straight up your ass.
Guess this "idiot" wasn't the only person who read it. Nice to see you've resorted to name calling so everyone can see your true colors.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I already posted way above this that you would say that. Just because some idiot says something on an internet Forum I'm supposed to just believe it? Until you prove it, I don't give a damn what you say. As a matter of fact oh, you can piss up a rope, wad it into a big ball, and shove it straight up your ass.
I will say that post was a little harsh.
Of course you posted it way above. You ain't fooling anybody with your rigged posts.

Why would anyone do your work for you to prove your dumb ass wrong when you have already pre-stipulated that you don't even care if someone proves it to you as "And even if he said that word for word, that's just one person. It really doesn't mean that much even if it is Shane Van Boening."

Another Tool to the Ignore list.
Guess this "idiot" wasn't the only person who read it. Nice to see you've resorted to name calling so everyone can see your true colors.
My true colors is I don't believe everything I read from somebody on the Internet. I want proof of what you're saying. Just because you say it doesn't make it true. And I suppose you believe everything you read on the internet too huh?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Of course you posted it way above. You ain't fooling anybody with your rigged posts.

Why would anyone do your work for you to prove your dumb ass wrong when you have already pre-stipulated that you don't even care if someone proves it to you as "And even if he said that word for word, that's just one person. It really doesn't mean that much even if it is Shane Van Boening."

Another Tool to the Ignore list.
Please please don't add me to your ignore list! It will alter my life forever.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
And I suppose you believe everything you read on the internet too huh?
Unless someone hacked Shane's FB account, yes, I believe what HE posted in response to the CSI events as corroborated by at least one other forum member.

Island Drive

Otto/Dads College Roommate/Cleveland Browns
Silver Member
Distance equipment, other events....entry and hotel all figure in to pro pool player$ thinking.
Since it's not the PGA, ones decisions are their own, somewhat.
How far would they travel for a race to 5, 7, 9 or 11 if it's 9 ball.
Would you drive further if it's on a 9 ft table than a bar table?
How far would I travel to a race to 7....8 ball event on tight pockets with good equipment, as opposed too.
9 ft tables races to 11, in a room with poor lighting, seating and air flow :).
When sponsors/commitments are not involved.
Rounders will always pick and choo$e their preferred eco$y$tem.
Last edited:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Unless someone hacked Shane's FB account, yes, I believe what HE posted in response to the CSI events as corroborated by at least one other forum member.
All I'm asking is for a little proof of what you're saying. It cannot be found. If you can do that, I will apologize.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
I don't have a dog in this fight, but here is SVB's comment to Corey about the format.


  • Screenshot_20211014-094714_Facebook.jpg
    94.7 KB · Views: 130


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
But there is no such comment on SVB's Facebook page.
As other's have pointed out, it was not a headline post by SVB. It was posted within the body of someone else's post so it will not appear on SVB's page, CSI's page or Predator's page.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
To me it is comparable to the overtime rule in college football. Each team gets a chance to score from the opponents 25 yard line. They play until one team can't match the other. FAR superior to the NFL overtime rules ,IMO. I am also aware that there are others who feel the exact opposite.

I don't mind the format, as it is something different than the standard "major" tourneys...NASCAR is more entertaining because of differing formats (Road Courses, Super Speedways, Short tracks, etc.)

I also agree that SVB has the right to not play these tourneys. Maybe he has the means to not have to grind out a tour schedule, but it is disappointing that our best and most popular player is not behind the effort. Maybe it is the tour promoter job to entice him to enter? Maybe an appearance fee?

Either way, for many years that I have been here even just lurking, people have pointed to the lack of a true pro tour as one of the factors limiting the growth of professional pool in this country. Now we seem to have folks willing to put in the work, and a certain percentage of people are refusing to support it due to the overtime system. Seems an awful lot like cutting your nose off to spite your face.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
To me it is comparable to the overtime rule in college football. Each team gets a chance to score from the opponents 25 yard line. They play until one team can't match the other. FAR superior to the NFL overtime rules ,IMO. I am also aware that there are others who feel the exact opposite.

I don't mind the format, as it is something different than the standard "major" tourneys...NASCAR is more entertaining because of differing formats (Road Courses, Super Speedways, Short tracks, etc.)

I also agree that SVB has the right to not play these tourneys. Maybe he has the means to not have to grind out a tour schedule, but it is disappointing that our best and most popular player is not behind the effort. Maybe it is the tour promoter job to entice him to enter? Maybe an appearance fee?

Either way, for many years that I have been here even just lurking, people have pointed to the lack of a true pro tour as one of the factors limiting the growth of professional pool in this country. Now we seem to have folks willing to put in the work, and a certain percentage of people are refusing to support it due to the overtime system. Seems an awful lot like cutting your nose off to spite your face.

Two races to 4 with a spot shot shootout tiebreaker is not the format befitting a "true pro tour".


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
1. SVB is in a different financial boat than the other US “pros”. Good for him for sticking to his guns if that’s really his thought on the event.

2. People saying the format “favors the weaker players” have pretty much been proven wrong, correct?

3. I’d rather see longer races also, but how can we possibly complain about this new tour? It’s pumping a bunch of money into the game and giving us a free show of some of the best players on the planet!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Two races to 4 with a spot shot shootout tiebreaker is not the format befitting a "true pro tour".
According to whom? There are an awful lot of pro's playing...maybe it changes once its up and running smoothly. Maybe the format grows on folks, who knows. It's the "throw the baby out with the bathwater" attitude that I don't understand....


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
1. SVB is in a different financial boat than the other US “pros”. Good for him for sticking to his guns if that’s really his thought on the event.

2. People saying the format “favors the weaker players” have pretty much been proven wrong, correct?

3. I’d rather see longer races also, but how can we possibly complain about this new tour? It’s pumping a bunch of money into the game and giving us a free show of some of the best players on the planet!
This guy gets it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
1. SVB is in a different financial boat than the other US “pros”. Good for him for sticking to his guns if that’s really his thought on the event.
Agreed. If he doesn't like it, he shouldn't play; his prerogative.
2. People saying the format “favors the weaker players” have pretty much been proven wrong, correct?
I still believe shorter races favor weaker players. Anything can happen in a short race. I'd much rather play a less skilled player a Race to 9 vs a Race to 4. The gap may not be as wide at the pro level but I still think there is a gap.
3. I’d rather see longer races also, but how can we possibly complain about this new tour? It’s pumping a bunch of money into the game and giving us a free show of some of the best players on the planet!
You are correct. The exposure and backing is good for pro pool in the US but I do not think the format is considering other tours across the globe are employing a more traditional format, especially when players are not participating because of the format.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thank you. I could not find it anywhere, as well as other people. Good enough for me.

To rexus31... I apologize for the harshness of my post. I just don't believe everything that's said on an internet forum.
No worries. Guilty until proven innocent, I suppose.