Pool halls in Phoenix, AZ


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Silver Member
Well Glen you can be pissed about the owner who don’t want to spend money on recovering tables, and replacing rails that are crap. But IMHO a owner of any Pool Room, Bar, or Sports Bar right now in 2013 is trying to survive in a crap economy. Thank OBAMA for that.

Sorry, but Obama wasn't in office when these tables went down hill and needed to be fixed up, they were that way years ago when I first walked in there...and have only gotten worse since then. Changing the cloth only works for so long, at some point in time...the rails will only hold staples for so long, the ends of the sub-rails shatter and splinter out, rail bolts strip, nut plates need to be replaced. The only way to fix this problem...is to either fix the tables up right, even if it's only ONE table at a time...or replace the tables with new ones. The wear'n tear I'm talking about....didn't come from being played on by the customers, it's from the work that is performed on them by the mechanic. Sooner or later, the rails wear out, and I'm not talking about the cushions...I'm talking about the WOOD of the sub-rails, and it needs to be replaced. If Dave was the mechanic that could do that kind of work...it would have been done a long time ago, and the tables wouldn't be in the condition they're in today.;)


PS. And Kolbys isn't the only pool room in this condition, I've been to LOTS of pool rooms around the country, where the tables all seem to be maintained the same way....ran into the ground!!!...but still charging the customers todays rates to play on them!!!!
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from way back when
Silver Member
i play around the country and in years past most places had nice tables well kept up to a degree. nowadays since the bangers are catered to more than the regulars and owners do not want to speed big amounts to maintain equipment it gets run down terribly. few pool rooms are in good shape for what they charge.

those that charge 7 bucks for all day or 4 bucks and hour what can you expect. they dont take in enough to make it. and after letting their tables and cues and the carpet fall apart people go elsewhere.

many think good food is a pile of greasy fries and a hamburger that came out of a box.
that only attracts the customers that spend little. they may be good customers and help out a lot but overall they dont spend enough.

Dead Money

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
To put it to you in a way you MAY understand, you fly into an airport heading to LA. You have to take a cab to get where you're going once you get there. Outside waiting is 2 cabs, one...a limo, and the other is a 1955 Chev 4 door, the kind that use to be at every Army base waiting to take you off post.

The cab ride to where you're going is going to cost you $20, and it's the same price taking either cab, which one are you leaving the airport in...the limo, or the Chev?


I would take the 55 Chevy because I have never riden in one and I love old cars!


Well-known member
Silver Member
I would take the 55 Chevy because I have never riden in one and I love old cars!

The 55's I've rode in around Ft. Leonard MO had fiberglass backseat benches, no carpet, and no air conditioning, and no shocks...you're thinking of a restored to new 55;)

book collector

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I know what you mean about the bad tables. The worst I ever saw were in a place called Waldos or Uncle Waldos in Georgia or Florida , about 8 years ago, can't remember which.
I hadn't played for a long time and went on vacation and felt a bit better and decided to play a little.
Walked in to an ok place , definately not upscale, the guy said 10 an hour for the bad table and 12 an hour for the good.
I looked at them and honestly could not tell the difference , they were all horrible.
I can go in almost any pool room in the country and kick 3 rails to the corner and the spot on the first rail is usually within a 1/4 diamond of every other table.
I have played on Diamonds at a tournament and they played fine , Pretty consistent on kicking paths.
When I find one in a poolroom , 9 times out of ten they either play long or short by a diamond on a 3 rail shot. I have a feeling it is because it takes a more skillful table mechanic to get a Diamond right than a Brunswick , is this true in your experience or no?


Cowboys are my hero's
Silver Member
I almost feel sorry for the Room Owner who just barley making in in these tough times. I am sure if you went to any Sports Bar, Bar with Pool Tables, or Pool Room in the Greater Phoenix Area. Most owners would be willing to sell their Gold Mine in this economy.

We the consumer see all the money changing hand when places are packed, but have ZERO idea how much Profit most of these places make.

The guy who boosted about the size of Bull Shooters I am sure is not pay the electric bill when it is 120 degrees in Phoenix, and that bill top 10K for a hot month. Hot is June, July, August, September, and part of October in the Valley of the Sun.


Well-known member
Silver Member
I almost feel sorry for the Room Owner who just barley making in in these tough times. I am sure if you went to any Sports Bar, Bar with Pool Tables, or Pool Room in the Greater Phoenix Area. Most owners would be willing to sell their Gold Mine in this economy.

We the consumer see all the money changing hand when places are packed, but have ZERO idea how much Profit most of these places make.

The guy who boosted about the size of Bull Shooters I am sure is not pay the electric bill when it is 120 degrees in Phoenix, and that bill top 10K for a hot month. Hot is June, July, August, September, and part of October in the Valley of the Sun.

Not to mention all you customers that want everything for free;) do you do your part to help support any of the pool rooms you've taken the time to mention...or just speak of them as where you USE to go, but no longer have the desire to make the effort?


Well-known member
Silver Member
I know what you mean about the bad tables. The worst I ever saw were in a place called Waldos or Uncle Waldos in Georgia or Florida , about 8 years ago, can't remember which.
I hadn't played for a long time and went on vacation and felt a bit better and decided to play a little.
Walked in to an ok place , definately not upscale, the guy said 10 an hour for the bad table and 12 an hour for the good.
I looked at them and honestly could not tell the difference , they were all horrible.
I can go in almost any pool room in the country and kick 3 rails to the corner and the spot on the first rail is usually within a 1/4 diamond of every other table.
I have played on Diamonds at a tournament and they played fine , Pretty consistent on kicking paths.
When I find one in a poolroom , 9 times out of ten they either play long or short by a diamond on a 3 rail shot. I have a feeling it is because it takes a more skillful table mechanic to get a Diamond right than a Brunswick , is this true in your experience or no?

No, it takes the same skills to get any table to play right, in which most installers don't have.


Cowboys are my hero's
Silver Member
Well Glen maybe people don't support, or patronize Bars, Sports Bars, or Room because the owners don't care enough to create a nice environment for people to come to.

I recall one night tell the owner of a Sports Bar the Mens Room is completely out of paper towels. The owner said with a straight face, wipe you hands on your shirt. BTW the owner never refilled the paper towels that night.

I honestly do not understand why someone would use your services you over a local mechanic no matter how good you are, as you always have the unknown factor of something going wrong after you are 1000 miles away. So I am sure you are not going to turn around and return to "X" City to correct some problem when you are a 1000 miles away.

I feel the same way about the traveling instructors, as few have a few local guy who do instruction. But then they are not experts from AFAR.

I have heard several stories about Dave's Customer Service, where something when wrong with a Table Dave redid. Dave the local guy returned and took care of the problem, so there is an advantage of using a local guy over some traveling world expert.

As you are not local let me tell you two other thing that hurt Sports Bars, Pool Rooms, and Bars.

Arizona PASSED a NO SMOKING LAW, so you can not smoke inside a building that is not a Private Club, or Residence.

Also we have Tough DUI Laws, with Mandatory Jail Time & an Auto Interlock Device Requirement if convicted of a DUI.

Ever see a Motor Cycle with an Interlock Device, you it true that got em for Bikers convicted of DUI's.

Last you got what i call dumb owner who don't promote their business, or go out and get sponsor to add money to tournaments.

Ever Bar sell Bud Beer, but is the local Bud Beer Distributor, or Coors Beer Distributor supporting their customers. NO.

BTW I have a favorite charity I support, it is a 501-C3 not a Pool Room that a business for profit.
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Well-known member
Silver Member
Well Glen maybe people don't support, or patronize Bars, Sports Bars, or Room because the owners don't care enough to create a nice environment for people to come to.

I recall one night tell the owner of a Sports Bar the Mens Room is completely out of paper towels. The owner said with a straight face, wipe you hands on your shirt. BTW the owner never refilled the pater towel that night.

I honestly do not understand why someone would use your services you over a local mechanic no matter how good you are, as you always have the unknown factor of something going wrong after you are 1000 miles away. So I am sure you are not going to turn around and return to "X" City to correct some problem when you are a 1000 miles away.

I feel the same way about the traveling instructors, as few have a few local guy who do instruction. But then they are not experts from AFAR.

I have heard several stories about Dave's Customer Service, where something when wrong with a Table Dave redid. Dave the local guy returned and took care of the problem, so there is an advantage of using a local guy over some traveling world expert.

BTW I have a favorite charity I support, it is a 501-C3 not a Pool Room that a business for profit.

I'm not looking for work in your area, I have a trained table mechanic that can already do expert work in the Valley...but, on any given day I'm 1,000's of miles away from someones table I've worked on in the past...and yet have not recieved that phone call you're talking about to come back and fix something that went wrong:rolleyes:...IF you do the job right in the first place, you leave nothing to go wrong down the road;)


Cowboys are my hero's
Silver Member
Are you a God, or just HUMAN

I'm not looking for work in your area, I have a trained table mechanic that can already do expert work in the Valley...but, on any given day I'm 1,000's of miles away from someones table I've worked on in the past...and yet have not recieved that phone call you're talking about to come back and fix something that went wrong:rolleyes:...IF you do the job right in the first place, you leave nothing to go wrong down the road;)

IMHO no one is perfect, I was World Class at my profession, that is why I went all over the Western US to shoot editorial photos. Trust me if you have never made a mistake, you will it is being called HUMAN.


Well-known member
Silver Member
IMHO no one is perfect, I was World Class at my profession, that is why I went all over the Western US to shoot editorial photos. Trust me if you have never made a mistake, you will it is being called HUMAN.

When you get up in the morning and get dressed...do you still put your shoes on the wrong feet?...put your pants on backwards?...miss buttoning your shirt correctly? At some point in time, you get all this right...don't you? When it comes to working on pool tables, to me, it's like getting dressed in the mornings....I've been doing it for so long now, I have it down pat...afterall, like everyone likes to say..."it's not rocket science" right? If you'd have asked me if I'd ever made mistakes in the past, I'd have told you yes, and that I learned never to make them same mistakes again, and I haven't. So, without changing what I've been doing for all these years, I'm doing nothing more than repeating what I've been doing...one pool table after another. When I buy a new pair of shoes, I don't have to put them on wrong first...to know how they're suppose to go on right in the first place. But, maybe you have that problem now....how old are you?:thumbup:



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
"Oh yeah I know all about kolby's...I was there once. Once. Ten years ago. Oh Bullshooters? I drove by there once. All the other places in town (that I've never been to) are just bars with tables."

OP take all the advice from the more...vociferous in this thread with a huge grain of salt.

Kolby's, bullshooters, skip & jans are all fine places to play, where you won't get stabbed. Metro seemed pretty good, but I was only there once so not too sure on it. Avoid River City and the Lucky Cue. Hope you have a good trip/vacation!
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Cowboys are my hero's
Silver Member
When you get up in the morning and get dressed...do you still put your shoes on the wrong feet?...put your pants on backwards?...miss buttoning your shirt correctly? At some point in time, you get all this right...don't you? When it comes to working on pool tables, to me, it's like getting dressed in the mornings....I've been doing it for so long now, I have it down pat...afterall, like everyone likes to say..."it's not rocket science" right? If you'd have asked me if I'd ever made mistakes in the past, I'd have told you yes, and that I learned never to make them same mistakes again, and I haven't. So, without changing what I've been doing for all these years, I'm doing nothing more than repeating what I've been doing...one pool table after another. When I buy a new pair of shoes, I don't have to put them on wrong first...to know how they're suppose to go on right in the first place. But, maybe you have that problem now....how old are you?:thumbup:


Glen you seem to know the answer to everything about Pool & Pool Room Operation, so you should be like John after on the TV Show Bar Rescue.

Maybe Spike TV will give you a TV Show where you can go out with all your smarts, and show failing Pool Room Owners how to turn their failing operation into successful one. Be sure to let us know when your show is premiering on Spike.

As for your age question people of all ages make mistakes that is why most driver carry insurance, people in business carry business insurance, and most physician carry malpractice insurance.

If were were perfect pencils would not come with erasers, and typing correction fluid would have never been need to be invented.

When I was doing photography for a living I always carried back up equipment should something stop working for no apparent reason.

Hopefully the guy from Reno looking for a place to play pool, and billiard supply place. Found Kolby's, & Shoot the Bull-House of Cues and had a positive experience in Phoenix Area.:smile:


Well-known member
Silver Member
Glen you seem to know the answer to everything about Pool & Pool Room Operation, so you should be like John after on the TV Show Bar Rescue.

Maybe Spike TV will give you a TV Show where you can go out with all your smarts, and show failing Pool Room Owners how to turn their failing operation into successful one. Be sure to let us know when your show is premiering on Spike.

As for your age question people of all ages make mistakes that is why most driver carry insurance, people in business carry business insurance, and most physician carry malpractice insurance.

If were were perfect pencils would not come with erasers, and typing correction fluid would have never been need to be invented.

When I was doing photography for a living I always carried back up equipment should something stop working for no apparent reason.

Hopefully the guy from Reno looking for a place to play pool, and billiard supply place. Found Kolby's, & Shoot the Bull-House of Cues and had a positive experience in Phoenix Area.:smile:

I have truck insurance, trailer insurance as well. Don't use pencils, so don't need an eraser, and don't use a typewriter either...don't have a use for one when working on pool tables. I do have back up tools...but, what do they have to do with making a mistake? When cutting wood, I always measure twice, and cut once...so, I fail to see where the mistake doing what I've been doing for the last 30 years is going to all of a sudden come into play. I don't have call backs...isn't that telling you something, like maybe I'm not an amature at what I do for a living?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have truck insurance, trailer insurance as well. Don't use pencils, so don't need an eraser, and don't use a typewriter either...don't have a use for one when working on pool tables. I do have back up tools...but, what do they have to do with making a mistake? When cutting wood, I always measure twice, and cut once...so, I fail to see where the mistake doing what I've been doing for the last 30 years is going to all of a sudden come into play. I don't have call backs...isn't that telling you something, like maybe I'm not an amature at what I do for a living?

Yeah, you have all the answers. Like when you were at my house and said we had to drive 30 miles to town to buy shorter rail bolts. I said "why don't we just cut some down?" You said we couldn't do it until I explained we do shit like that every day in the ranch. Next thing I know trees a post on AZ on how to cut rail bolts down. Didn't take expert knowledge dipshit, just some common sense. Difference is, those with common sense don't toot their own horn when they figure it out. Preach on buddy


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Silver Member
You need a time out Idaho...so you can do a little more growing up, because it's clear you have a problem...and need to deal with it! Maybe Mr. Wilson can help you out, you've been attacking me ever since your banned was lifted, maybe you should go away again:rolleyes: