It probably wasn't Mark Griffin. Most likely Mark Gregory.
Mark G has kept in touch with Kevin. Kevin may decide to tell his side a little more after the Ban wears off.
Originally Posted By, It'sfroze: Post #137
My mistake I meant to type Mark Gregory. I edited my post to correct that, my apology to you sir.
Perhaps if others could just be a man and apologize when they mess up, this thread wouldn't be here at all.
Dominate, I would say that's a stretch, as this is one thread out of a whole page of different threads
Funny thing is in every thread on Az going back years about glen (RKC) screwing somebody there's always
someone that posts praising him no matter how he screwed someone, maybe that's how that wrong name
stuck in my head.
Why do people try to defend the indefensible ? Beats me.