Should Earl be ejected given the "evidence"

Based on the new "Video", should Earl be ejected?

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ADD Oh look a chicken
Silver Member
Can you explain why following the rules is chicken shit? I'm not arguing with anyone. I'm not taking sides. Just wondering why you are evil. We can't possibly be called a poor sport for following the rule. (However dumb it may be).
I don't agree with bar rules we play, but I follow them. Have won a game or two on technical BS. Did not feel good about it, but just supposed to let it go? Guaranteed it's called on me the same way. Am I a poor sport?

Asking because we deal with this crap weekly in leagues.
I know apples to oranges, but same principle?
Don't take this as an attack on your statement at all Hungarian...
Just curious why you put it that way.

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C'mon, man!
Silver Member
You've way over-thought this my man.

there are 2 results!

One from the referee with the limited info available.


One after having full disclosure regarding what happened and statements made, ruled on by officials by their inaction.

Regarding public opinion, i was curious how many people here viewed the situation. I am a strong believer in the "rule of law" and rules can be good and bad. But, rules are always the motivation behind the actions of the participants. Don't like the rules then don't play! But, the hypocrisy of the 2 rulings and the failure to make the call by the referee, failure to make the call by the head referee & failure for tournament officials to "Man UP" and make a public statement regarding the "Lie" and "referee mistakes" speaks volumes. They would rather keep Jayson twisting in the wind as the "villain" in this situation.

Public opinion indicates rules mean nothing and Lying to a referee is "not' unsportsman like. Hope all the players are taking notes.

it was a golden opportunity to set the tone for the sport regarding behavior and sportsmanship lost to the sport.



C'mon, man!
Silver Member
Because 14.1 is supposed to be a Gentlemen's sport played by Gentlemen.

Can you explain why following the rules is chicken shit? I'm not arguing with anyone. I'm not taking sides. Just wondering why you are evil. We can't possibly be called a poor sport for following the rule. (However dumb it may be).
I don't agree with bar rules we play, but I follow them. Have won a game or two on technical BS. Did not feel good about it, but just supposed to let it go? Guaranteed it's called on me the same way. Am I a poor sport?

Asking because we deal with this crap weekly in leagues.
I know apples to oranges, but same principle?
Don't take this as an attack on your statement at all Hungarian...
Just curious why you put it that way.

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C'mon, man!
Silver Member
Also, the rule we are talking about is subjective to interpretation and intent as opposed to other rules that are more cut and dry. Earl's "intent' was to cut the 10 and he did. He indicated his shot visually by pointing his cue. Visual indications should prevail over verbal indications. Have you ever been in a noisy environment playing pool and yelled out what you were calling and your opponent could not hear you and so then you pointed? Pointing should prevail.

Can you explain why following the rules is chicken shit? I'm not arguing with anyone. I'm not taking sides. Just wondering why you are evil. We can't possibly be called a poor sport for following the rule. (However dumb it may be).
I don't agree with bar rules we play, but I follow them. Have won a game or two on technical BS. Did not feel good about it, but just supposed to let it go? Guaranteed it's called on me the same way. Am I a poor sport?

Asking because we deal with this crap weekly in leagues.
I know apples to oranges, but same principle?
Don't take this as an attack on your statement at all Hungarian...
Just curious why you put it that way.

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Silver Member
All the blame resides with "whoever" made the rules for this tournament. Not with the gentleman trying desperately to play by the "Rules".

Want to vilify someone then vilify the correct person!!!


Right, but you're trying to blame Earl. What about the evidence of Jayson acting like a jerk and launching a pool ball towards fans, and waving his cue at Earl. Pretty quiet on that subject??

Big picture, right call made under circumstances. End of story. Lets all go play some pool today :)

Kid Dynomite

Dennis (Michael) Wilson
Silver Member
Right, but you're trying to blame Earl. What about the evidence of Jayson acting like a jerk and launching a pool ball towards fans, and waving his cue at Earl. Pretty quiet on that subject??

Big picture, right call made under circumstances. End of story. Lets all go play some pool today :)
Not you again!

I said uncle already and only chime in when folks start down that road of vilifying the guy trying to play by the rules.

He is the bad guy because his opponent lied to the referee and cheated.

If the referee was told the truth and made the same ruling there would not be any bad conduct by jayson.


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Kid Dynomite

Dennis (Michael) Wilson
Silver Member
Lesson learned!

Never underestimate the Earl groupies on a pool forum.


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C'mon, man!
Silver Member
I guess you are aiming that towards me and that's cool if you are but I'm not an Earl Groupie.

One thing I can say about you is that you are one of the most hard headed posters on this forum and that's cool too.

Earl pointed, that should prevail over everything before that. The only indicator with a higher priority would be placing an APA approved marker at the pocket.

I think all the other stuff you are talking about is irrelevant but it keeps you in argument action and that's cool too.


Lesson learned!

Never underestimate the Earl groupies on a pool forum.


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lesson learned!

Never underestimate the Earl groupies on a pool forum.


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Kd, lots of the people who disagree with you are not Earl fans. Some people just have a different view about what the rule is/should be.


ADD Oh look a chicken
Silver Member
Also, the rule we are talking about is subjective to interpretation and intent as opposed to other rules that are more cut and dry. Earl's "intent' was to cut the 10 and he did. He indicated his shot visually by pointing his cue. Visual indications should prevail over verbal indications. Have you ever been in a noisy environment playing pool and yelled out what you were calling and your opponent could not hear you and so then you pointed? Pointing should prevail.

Agree, under normal circumstances. Williams emphasized the call shot strictly to be adhered to.
Without that, yep out of line.
With that though....

Good point, being game specific.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not you again!

I said uncle already and only chime in when folks start down that road of vilifying the guy trying to play by the rules.

He is the bad guy because his opponent lied to the referee and cheated.

If the referee was told the truth and made the same ruling there would not be any bad conduct by jayson.


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See, that is where you have to actually look at all the facts, and not just be so one-sided trying to find fault with someone. Jayson is the one that STARTED the bad behavior. He never should have said a word. Any and all bad sportsmanship started with him.


I'm not a expert on 14.1 by any stretch, but I thought the game was a played in a "call ball/shot/safe" for all shots taken by a player?

If that's the case and with the gentlemen who made the decision stating he heard "no clear shot called" wouldn't that have been a foul with loss of shot?


New member
I'm not a expert on 14.1 by any stretch, but I thought the game was a played in a "call ball/shot/safe" for all shots taken by a player?

If that's the case and with the gentlemen who made the decision stating he heard "no clear shot called" wouldn't that have been a foul with loss of shot?

They weren't literally calling every single shot. For many of the shots, there was no verbal call and no motioning for which shot they were intending to make. Because it was obvious. Had Earl not said anything at all, and just motioned toward the shot, there wouldn't have been any issue at all. He would've won the match and I have no doubt he would've won the tournament. He had the high run AND he got that high run on a tough table that other players were complaining about. I'm sure Jayson Shaws drama messed with him and affected him going into the match against Mika Immonen. I hope Mika gave Jayson his fair share.


Silver Member
Not you again!

I said uncle already and only chime in when folks start down that road of vilifying the guy trying to play by the rules.

He is the bad guy because his opponent lied to the referee and cheated.

If the referee was told the truth and made the same ruling there would not be any bad conduct by jayson.


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Geez, so show me the rule says you can throw pool balls at fans, wave a cue inches from our opponents face, willfully quit the game before it was over, and yell expletives at your opponent. Please, show me that rule that Jayson followed.

Your logic is backwards. So, because a ruling went against him, he's allowed to act in such an unprofessional manner? Did the rules specify he can act in that manner if the ruling goes against him? Show me that one, and we can all concede once and for all.

If you so worried about how folks act, it's how they act when things all around them are falling apart. Earl, I expect to act a certain way and he gets pummeled when he does. But someone else does the same thing, and suddenly it's some how excusable ? I'm perplexed. This perplexes me.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
There's no doubt, zero doubt, that Earl called the 2. I'm a HUGE Earl Strickland fan, but he unequivocally called the 2. I don't know how anybody can possibly not hear that on the video.

It was a bad call on the part of the officials. Both guys ended up acting in an unsportsmanlike manner, but Jayson had some reason to. Look at what happens in any other sport when an official makes a brutal call.

Kind of disappointed in Earl that he claimed he never called a ball. That clearly is a lie.


Silver Member
There's no doubt, zero doubt, that Earl called the 2. I'm a HUGE Earl Strickland fan, but he unequivocally called the 2. I don't know how anybody can possibly not hear that on the video.

It was a bad call on the part of the officials. Both guys ended up acting in an unsportsmanlike manner, but Jayson had some reason to. Look at what happens in any other sport when an official makes a brutal call.

Kind of disappointed in Earl that he claimed he never called a ball. That clearly is a lie.

One, cause he might actually believe he called the ten, he misspoke, it happens. just like when you tell the wife something but you say it incorrectly, then she politely points out that you said you would be home at 10, even though you swore you said 12 ??

But he corrected the error but pointing out the ball he intended to shoot, and the ref understood exactly what ball he was shooting, thus it matters NOT what Jayson believed at that time, only what the ref believed to be the shot called, the shot taken and the ball going where intended.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
One, cause he might actually believe he called the ten, he misspoke, it happens. just like when you tell the wife something but you say it incorrectly, then she politely points out that you said you would be home at 10, even though you swore you said 12 ??

But he corrected the error but pointing out the ball he intended to shoot, and the ref understood exactly what ball he was shooting, thus it matters NOT what Jayson believed at that time, only what the ref believed to be the shot called, the shot taken and the ball going where intended.

The ref wasn't even paying attention.

Stop trying to defend Earl by making up facts.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Kind of disappointed in Earl that he claimed he never called a ball. That clearly is a lie.

I don't think he claimed he never called a ball. It's a little hard to hear, but I think where this comes from is when he's talking to Jayson and the audience, and he says something like "we're not calling any shots" and "I could get up any time and say you didn't call NO shot, and I didn't call NO shots." Something like that. But I don't think he said he didn't call that 2. He didn't acknowledge that he called the wrong ball - he put the burden on the ref. But unless someone can point out the video and time where he lies, I don't think he did lie.