Snow, chili, bourbon, cigars, pool................


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't smoke (anymore) but the rest of that sounds like a lovely combination on a winters day!

I long for the day I have space for a pool table and can hole up at home and just play pool for hours on end, especially on a snowy day with good food and drink around.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I was out and about today around Chapel Hill & Durham NC. The traffic was crazy near all the food stores and since it’s a Thursday it didn’t make sense.

I got home about five this afternoon and saw on the news we are under a winter storm watch. Everyone was buying food for the next month and now I know why.

We forecast to get 1- 2 inches of snow. That’s all it takes to put my southern friends into a state of panic!

Funny as hell being a Yankee in the south at times like this. When I was young and they called for snow we headed to the mountains to go skiing, party and chase all the rich snow bunnies at the bars till the eee hours of the morning.

Night skiing was the bomb get loaded, stoned then head into the bar for more fun.

Killington Vermont was a favorite never saw a cop ever. Unlimited skiing Monday - Friday was $55.00.. It was heaven! One night they recorded 4 feet of fresh powder on the peak.

We shoveled our way out of the house and loaded up the Suburban with chains already on and headed up. Four girls and four guys partied and skied till our legs were like wet spaghetti.

Times were good in the mid seventies and these poor southerners have no clue what snow is about.. It’s a celebration if your equipped for it!!!!