support you local poolroom another closing

fish on

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Support your local pool room before they have to close down!

Another great owner and pool supporter is forced to close due to rising expenses!
I feel his pain and will let him comment on this and any future plans if he desires to ?

Clear statement it is not drexeline that is closing drexeline doing fine and owner plans to be around for a long time

Lets all buy that dog,soda or coffee instead of bringing in that drink?
all of our pool rooms need the extra revenue as the pool table model is not working in this age

I love Drexeline ty florida Bob Maidhof for all you do to make our lives enjoyable
Drexeline is a survivor equipment staff and food best around !
keep supporting them all !
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The room I consider my "home" room is a fairly high class one and hosts a lot of work parties, charity events, leagues, league parties, people going in for drinks, it's near a military base and they get quite a bit of college kids coming in also.

Luckily for us they are doing pretty well. I feel for those rooms that don't server alcohol though, I doubt many if any can survive that way for long.


If not now...
Silver Member
When a few players chastised me last week for going to the counter and paying for my time instead of hiding, I was dumbfounded by those remarks and replied, "Just look at this place. It's beautiful and I want it to stay. Why wouldn't anyone pay for what they get from it?" I was little pissed and started questioning who I chose to play pool with.

I dunno if they listened, but I made the case.


Pool players have more balls
Gold Member
Silver Member
Support your local pool room before they have to close down!

Another great owner and pool supporter is forced to close due to rising expenses!
I feel his pain and will let him comment on this and any future plans if he desires to ?

Lets all buy that dog,soda or coffee instead of bringing in that drink?
They need the extra revenue as the pool table model is not working in this age
I love Drexeline ty florida Bob Maidhof for all you do to make our lives enjoyable
Drexeline is a survivor equipment staff and food best around !

Support your room is right. Pool is more than a game. The fun we have and people we meet at our poolrooms are priceless. Drexeline, Markley, Classic and The Spot.....let's keep them alive.


Support your local pool room before they have to close down!

Another great owner and pool supporter is forced to close due to rising expenses!
I feel his pain and will let him comment on this and any future plans if he desires to ?

Lets all buy that dog,soda or coffee instead of bringing in that drink?
They need the extra revenue as the pool table model is not working in this age
I love Drexeline ty florida Bob Maidhof for all you do to make our lives enjoyable
Drexeline is a survivor equipment staff and food best around !

Lot more then lack of support. They are just priced out of the market. Pool rooms need too much valuable space to justify what a pool room can realistically produce. There is a finite limit what a pool room can make in any given period of time, day, month, year. Only so many hours in a day and so much people can be expected to pay.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i play at Felt in Englewood Colorado every Saturday.
I spend about $25.00.
This is for food and time.
It also includes a $4.00 tip for the counter man.
He takes good care of me.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Support your local pool room before they have to close down!

Another great owner and pool supporter is forced to close due to rising expenses!
I feel his pain and will let him comment on this and any future plans if he desires to ?

Lets all buy that dog,soda or coffee instead of bringing in that drink?
They need the extra revenue as the pool table model is not working in this age
I love Drexeline ty florida Bob Maidhof for all you do to make our lives enjoyable
Drexeline is a survivor equipment staff and food best around !

Since when can you take your own food or drink into any establishment like that? Every place around here would ask you to leave get rid of it or leave. And i agree with the deadbeat issue. I've seen it happen myself. Thats why a rooms hold your drivers license until you return the balls to the attendent and pay your time.

cardiac kid

Super Senior Member
Silver Member
Yes, the model of a "pool" room is changing. When I first began visiting our pool room, it was the late 60's. Some of you might remember Ridge Billiards in Rochester. It was the very definition of a pool room. No music, no liquor, no swearing, no gambling :eek: .

Today East Ridge Billiards offers 18 Diamond Pro/Am's, a full bar and a menu more fitting of a restaurant. There is music from open to close. Both food and drink specials. $10 from open to close table rates. Think this is more of a model of today's pool room.
Don't think we are closing anytime soon!



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Support your local pool room before they have to close down!

Another great owner and pool supporter is forced to close due to rising expenses!
I feel his pain and will let him comment on this and any future plans if he desires to ?

Lets all buy that dog,soda or coffee instead of bringing in that drink?
They need the extra revenue as the pool table model is not working in this age
I love Drexeline ty florida Bob Maidhof for all you do to make our lives enjoyable
Drexeline is a survivor equipment staff and food best around !
Who's closing?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I also miss the pool rooms of my youth...wher pool was the main draw.

No food, no booze, no lock on the door.

Yes, the model of a "pool" room is changing. When I first began visiting our pool room, it was the late 60's. Some of you might remember Ridge Billiards in Rochester. It was the very definition of a pool room. No music, no liquor, no swearing, no gambling :eek: .

Today East Ridge Billiards offers 18 Diamond Pro/Am's, a full bar and a menu more fitting of a restaurant. There is music from open to close. Both food and drink specials. $10 from open to close table rates. Think this is more of a model of today's pool room.
Don't think we are closing anytime soon!


King T

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not really..,

Lot more then lack of support. They are just priced out of the market. Pool rooms need too much valuable space to justify what a pool room can realistically produce. There is a finite limit what a pool room can make in any given period of time, day, month, year. Only so many hours in a day and so much people can be expected to pay.

Pool is alive and well in Texas. There are more tournaments then ever and the APA membership is still growing and the BCA is holding study. Pool rooms don't need to make Money on Pool, they need to provide an environment that encourages socialization, sports bars with Pool tables.., The longer people hang out the greater the opportunity to make Money.

Most of the revenue comes from alcohol anyway, throw in the juke box, food, and anything else you can sell and you have a chance, the more people you can attract the food and drinks you can sell.

fish on

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Drexeline is alive and well just saying support all the great rooms

Who's closing?

Drexeline is doing fine with a wonderful staff and owner who plans on staying in business for a long time!
I say support all our pool rooms let me be clear drexeline is not closing


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The room I consider my "home" room is a fairly high class one and hosts a lot of work parties, charity events, leagues, league parties, people going in for drinks, it's near a military base and they get quite a bit of college kids coming in also.

Luckily for us they are doing pretty well. I feel for those rooms that don't server alcohol though, I doubt many if any can survive that way for long.

Same "home" room and I hope it sticks around. Tables aren't the greatest but at least they are 9 footers and plenty of them.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The pool room i first started hanging out at had 8 tables.
Soda .candy,chips was all they sold.
No jute box or pinball machines.
Pool was 50 cents an hour per person.
Even if all 8 tables were going with 2 players for the 14 or so hours day they were open thats only $122 a day.
And that never happened,maybe 1/2 of that $50 or $60 a day.
This had to pay all expenses plus 3 people that worked there.
This was the early '60's,but still.


Well-known member
Silver Member
Here's the truth about pool rooms closing. Pool rooms close because the room owners are not doing enough to keep them open. Operating on last years business plan don't work for today, or tomorrow people!! Staying open requires changes, upgrades, food, alchohol, collecting ALL the table time. Close the doors and watch those free players find somewhere else to play for free!!! Pool tables need to generate a minimum income, not a maximum, and the minimum needs to come by way of table time, food, alchohol....what ever combination needed to produce the needed minimum required!!!
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AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Drexeline is doing fine with a wonderful staff and owner who plans on staying in business for a long time!
I say support all our pool rooms let me be clear drexeline is not closing

The poolroom you are mentioning that is closing is not closing for lack of support. If it is the room I am thinking of, the owner told me that his landlord is doubling his rent and will not negotiate. He looked at several other locations and rents are ridiculous in the area.
This room is my home room and to my way of thinking it has the best equipment in the area hands down.

Pm me if you want to continue this discussion because I don't think the closing is general knowledge as of yet.
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Nick B

This is gonna hurt
Silver Member
I have said it a thousand times to a thousand people. Support your home room or you won't have one. Do they have food (reasonably good) eat there. Got a bar...drink there. The ONLY thing I will bring with me is a Starbucks (unless they have their own cappuccino machine).

I played in the same room for almost 30 years. Owner latest owner didn't keep equipment up. A few warnings and I moved on. Yesterday walked in for the first time in forever and it felt like Norm was back at Cheers.

Missed the place and gang. Stinky bathrooms...not so much.


Well-known member
Silver Member
The poolroom you are mentioning that is closing is not closing for lack of support. If it is the room I am thinking of, the owner told me that his landlord is doubling his rent and will not negotiate. He looked at several other locations and rents are ridiculous in the area.
This room is my home room and to my way of thinking it has the best equipment in the area hands down.

Pm me if you want to continue this discussion because I don't think the closing is general knowledge as of yet.

Then the room owner needs to pay attention to the fact that some street corners are even to expensive to build a McDonald's on, and recognize that fact before they decide to sign that lease and proceed onward!!