Tell us about your AZ's User Name


Ima Gangsta Bunny!
Silver Member
For those with "Unique" user names, do tell what prompted you to choose that name. I don't mean the obvious ones like Jude Rosenstock, but ones like Dead Poke? SmokeandPancake? Worriedbeef? to name a few.


Jude Rosenstock

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
sunnyday said:
For those with "Unique" user names, do tell what prompted you to choose that name. I don't mean the obvious ones like Jude Rosenstock, but ones like Dead Poke? SmokeandPancake? Worriedbeef? to name a few.


Actually, my name means bite me in German.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Jude Rosenstock said:
Actually, my name means bite me in German.
B = First letter of my first name
Val = First 3 letters of my last name


Sweet Marissa
When introducing myself, I often get "Oh, like Sweet Marissa" or other Allman Brothers reference.

That's actually "Melissa", but close enough.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I stole mine from a song on the Bob & Tom morning radio show in which they use a bunch of names that you can use to trick someone on a prank call such as Mike Hunt, Harry Ballsack, Dick Fitzwell, etc.... When I was playing online poker a few years ago, I was looking for a name that would give me a loose table image so people would make a wrong assumption right off the bat. Also, Stew Pidaso is one of those prank names that is not so obvious, so it is easier to fool someone and they usually get more of a kick out of it once they get it.


The Voice of Reason
Silver Member
mine was just from years ago when i was signing up for a hotmail email account with my mom when i was younger. every single username i thought of was taken - my mom tried and that was the first thing she thought of...:confused: why on earth that was the first thing that popped out of her head i'll never know lol. still, it's unique to say the least.
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Roy Steffensen

Silver Member
My real name is Walt Frazier, but that name was already taken so I just picked Roy Steffensen. Don't know why, really...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I try to visit a poolhall everywhere I go so after watching the movie I adapted the name to my own use.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Roy Steffensen said:
My real name is Walt Frazier, but that name was already taken so I just picked Roy Steffensen. Don't know why, really...
To the Mooooooon! Baby!



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Jude Rosenstock said:
Wow. What does THAT mean?
I translated German to English and came up with this.

Grube bedeutet rosenstock auf Bulgaren = Pit means rosenstock on bulgarian.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
AZ's User Name


My wife and I play pool together (two for pool) in the APA League for around 7 years now. She started out as a 2 and is now a 4 (8 Ball) and 5 (9 Ball). I am a 7 (8 Ball) and a 9 (9 Ball).

We have been to APA national events 6 times (4 Singles - me, 1 Doubles - both!, 1 masters team - me). We will be going together again in the Masters (me) in Aug 08 for the 7th time. We really do enjoy the APA!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mine is what I tell people when they tell me that I'm good.

I'm sure I look very good compared to some of my competition, but my competition doesn't get out much. I know what good looks like and I'm good enough to know that I'm not good :D . Just saying I'm a big fish in a small pond doesn't really bring up the right image, so I started telling them I'm like a mino in a dixie cup. Or in other words, to the big fish, I'd be nice snack.


Silver Member
Well...since you asked

sunnyday said:
For those with "Unique" user names, do tell what prompted you to choose that name. I don't mean the obvious ones like Jude Rosenstock, but ones like Dead Poke? SmokeandPancake? Worriedbeef? to name a few.


Actually supposed to be Smokeandapancake..but I dont remember if I run out of space or if I was drunk and not paying attention, either way it is what I am stuck with :D

To the point

But mainly.. my old home town boy Luda...
2:10 or so in the vid

Thanks for asking