Tell us about your AZ's User Name


Inadequate User
Silver Member
Since Sunny called me out for having a weird handle, I suppose I'll answer now that I have the opportunity. Way back in the olden days when I registered I was a little wet behind the ears(Quit thinking "As opposed to now?") and I didn't give much thought to creating a respectable user ID. My thought process was something like this...

User ID for a pool forum... hmm...

What's some cool pool lingo I could use for a name?

How about Deadstroke? No, you've never been in deadstroke. All you ever do is poke the balls.

I guess I could have put Deadpoke as a user ID but I put DeadPoked for one reason or another. I capitalized the P for some unknown reason as well. My middle name starts with a D and my last name starts with P. That could possibly be it. I was 21 back when I registered... young, dumb, and full of... baloney. :D


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Jude Rosenstock said:
Wow. What does THAT mean?

BVal said:
I translated German to English and came up with this.

Grube bedeutet rosenstock auf Bulgaren = Pit means rosenstock on bulgarian.


Actually, "It (meaning my name) means Rosenstock in Bulgarian" is what I tried to say...APparently language proficiency did not come with my heritage.


< Searing Twins
Silver Member
My AZ name

I like pool cues. I do cue repairs and I buy and sell cues for a hobby and I live in South Carolina. SCCues.....


Dios mio, man.
Silver Member
The literal meaning is "Sacred sight" which would refer to my 20/10 eyesight. Or that I see hidden meanings. OR it could mean that I'm hard to decipher (I don't mean mysterious... I'm not that lame). All of them I guess. I've also had this name for about 8 or 9 years now.


Showin some A$$
Silver Member
bumpypickle said:
Does this mean you "bark and run"?

I will tell you what...You book a flight, book a hotel...come out to Phoenix...and find out for yourself....;)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
There was a TV show that aired about 15 years ago, can't think of the name, but one of the characters was called big wave dave ( a surfer ). Being a Dave myself, my kids started calling me big wave & I've been using it ever since. I think the show only aried about 4-5 was a real dog.

!Smorgass Bored

Hump ? What HUMP ?
Gold Member
I'm Never Too Busy To Help Someone

big_wave_dav said:
There was a TV show that aired about 15 years ago, can't think of the name, but one of the characters was called big wave dave ( a surfer ). Being a Dave myself, my kids started calling me big wave & I've been using it ever since.
I think the show only aried about 4-5 was a real dog.

LOL...six episodes in 1993




NOT Mike Sigel
Silver Member
My idol has always been Mike Sigel aka Captain Hook, so I found A-Z about the same time the IPT was starting up and they were calling him "Mike the Mouth" so I figured he would not mind if I used his old nick name since they gave him a new one.

He can have it back if he ever want's to post here and I will get a new nickname like Overcut or Scratch-on-the-break lol:D :D :eek:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

my dog's name is Kane..


Trust the Process
Silver Member
my name

My name is Matt ....I got into NA /AA recovery in 1990
so Matt90 . I've seen the dark side of pool and other things
so now I am on the good side of the force :D