Tell us about your AZ's User Name


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Cat's Cradle is an amazing book.

My username is a concatenation of my name (Tony Morelli), and is also the name of my cephalopod Website (octopuses and squid), The Octopus News Magazine Online. It's quite arguably the best squid and octopus site in the universe. It's the AZBilliards of the cephalopod community! ;)

!Smorgass Bored

Hump ? What HUMP ?
Gold Member
I Simply Refuse To Answer AGAIN.... dammit !

Thunderball said:
This might be the single most confusing thing I've ever read in these forums.Maybe if I knew who the Bickle cat was it would make some sense.

Either way it made me laugh.

Travis Bickle was Robert DeNiro's name in TAXI DRIVER.
(pay attention, willya..... this only the 100th time for this SAME thread about names)


Don't anger my stakehorse
Silver Member
Kurt Vonnegut

catscradle said:
This is the 3rd thread I've answered this question....

Kurt Vonnegut was one of my favorite writers, one of my favorite books of his was Cat's Cradle, voila.

Had to read Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five for an English Lit class at college last semester. I procrastinated till the last minute but ended up reading it in 3 hours. I couldn't put it down!! I enjoyed it very much so maybe I should check out some of this other work......and by the way

a9ballbr8k......pretty self explanitory.....a nine ball break. Been using this as a username and email for about 14 years.


Cowboys are my hero's
Silver Member
When I was a kid growing up in Florida, and Southern Californian I always want to be a Cowboy like many of the TV Cowboys I grew up watching on TV in the 1950?s. Roy & Dale, Hoppy, Cisco & Poncho, The Rifleman, Cheyenne, The Lawman, Paladin, Nick Adams in The
Rebel, Steve McQueen in Wanted Ded or Alive, etc. My favorite wood is Cocobolo:)

Cowboy + Cocobolo= CocoboloCowboy


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recreational banger
Silver Member
Williebetmore said:
When I first started taking lessons from a champion player; he told me that a player knows he is a champion when he can walk into any pool hall, and the only question or concern he has about a potential opponent is, "Will he bet more?"

He also said that you don't want to be the type of player about whom everyone asks, "Will he bet more?"

I feel that I may be tending more towards the second example....but heck...I guess I should go practice.

Did I see your case pictured on a well known case maker's website? :)

My user name? Use it thoughout the's my initials and a car I used to own. I owned the car for 3 decades plus...then got tired of the car club scene.
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<< 2 all-time greats
Silver Member
a9ballbr8k said:
Had to read Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five for an English Lit class at college last semester. I procrastinated till the last minute but ended up reading it in 3 hours. I couldn't put it down!! I enjoyed it very much so maybe I should check out some of this other work......and by the way

a9ballbr8k......pretty self explanitory.....a nine ball break. Been using this as a username and email for about 14 years.
Try some of his older stuff, Cat's Cradle, Sirens of Titan, even The Monkey House which is a collection of short stories. I think his older stuff is better or at least appeals to me more.

Another good read I thought was Eden Express, it was writen by his son Mark Vonnegut and is an autobiography of his trip into insanity and out again. Mark Vonnegut is now a doctor.


Auto rep for belly laughs
Silver Member
Travis Bickle was Robert DeNiro's name in TAXI DRIVER.

Thought that might be it.Thanks.
Something about not being able to sleep at night during the Reagan admin just strikes my funny bone.Must be one devote democrat lol.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
T (my first name TERRY) J (My middle name JAMES) L M B -K L R (LAMB KILLER(Any real pool fans know what that means)
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Certified Fish
Silver Member
jay helfert said:
I had to use Jay Helfert because Minnesota Fats was taken. Pretty soon you'll be able to call me LA Fats. :)

Ooooooooooo, I *like* it....LA Fats.....I think you should grab it before someone steals your new moniker!

Travis Bickle

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thunderball said:
Thought that might be it.Thanks.
Something about not being able to sleep at night during the Reagan admin just strikes my funny bone.Must be one devote democrat lol.

Just a coincidence! In truth, it wasn't that I couldn't sleep nights, like the De Niro character, it was that I couldn't wake up mornings. And I didn't care to get along with the rest of the human race at the time. Now I fake it.:D


"Rack Um"/ Rusty Lock
Silver Member
AZ users name & nickname

Well my AZ users name is from my other nickname that all my friends have known me by for 35 years.

When I was old enough to go to one of the poolhalls that allowed 14 come in, with written consent from your legal gaurdian, I was 14 of course, the name of that hall was Rod's, "pretty laid back place" very cool!( there were 3 PoolHalls, 1 poolroom eatery, 1 poolroom with bar tables only, at the time back in "73", thats 5 in all, now there are none!...what a shame)

"Rods" poolhall, you had to be 14 yrs. with written consent to enter
"Waynes" poolhall, you had to be 16 yrs. to enter
"Barney's" poolhall you had to be 18 yrs. to enter
"Chat-n-Chew" poolroom burger joint, allowed any age

These 4 were all up town,......and then there was...>>>

"Mosely's" poolroom , located outside of town a little ways, with only bar tables, card tables, domino tables.....probally should have been 35 yrs. to enter that "Rough Ass" place!...and I do mean scuff your Ass up, get cut , something knocked out rough!

Well the owner ( he was a good fellow I guess) of Mosley's called everyone "Goodman" and gave back 5 quarters when you changed a dollar bill, he owned his tables , so he figured you was going to spend it anyway on the bartables......... there was the guy that came to Rod's Poolhall some, and he kinda brought alone the saying "Goodman" with him from Mosely's poolroom.

Well the owner of Rod's like me and he started calling me "Cat"......said you LQQK like your older brother "like a cat on the table".......well this other guy from Moseley's was saying Goodman this, and Goodman that...........
......and one day soon after Rod called me "CatMan".......and that nickname along with the nickname "Cat" has stuck!

When I joined AZBilliards I wanted a pool lingo name, as to say.
So I thought, my nickname was Cat, I played pool, and my game is 9-Ball...

......thus another AZ user name "Catpool9" :) was born!

......and that's the WHOLE Story!:D

David Harcrow
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm not sure I want to know how "Bumpy Pickle" got his name, but I do like his posts. :)

And yes its true Jay is gonna be "LA Fats" with in 6 months at the rate he is growing. :eek:


Ima Gangsta Bunny!
Silver Member

Scaramouche said:

Thanks - Scaramouche for linking me to the old thread..., hum only 3 months ago? Well maybe, I'm suffering from loss of short term memory and don't remember anything over 3 months:p , lol I thought I try. Or maybe, I was on a remote island with no internet access? Whatever the reason, I didn't see it before, honest!

Sorry - for those who are "Upset" for this thread resurfasing over and over and ...but maybe there are new members who didn't see the old thread back then and might still appreciate it. It still is funny, though. If it bugs you that much, just click on the next thread:rolleyes: There are many threads with annoying topics, but I politely stay out of them.

Thanks - for those who shared your story, even if you answered it for the third time:D . And don't be surprised if this thread comes back to hunt you in THREE months, lol.

Sweet Marissa
sunnyday said:
Thanks - Scaramouche for linking me to the old thread..., hum only 3 months ago? Well maybe, I'm suffering from loss of short term memory and don't remember anything over 3 months:p , lol I thought I try. Or maybe, I was on a remote island with no internet access? Whatever the reason, I didn't see it before, honest!

Sorry - for those who are "Upset" for this thread resurfasing over and over and ...but maybe there are new members who didn't see the old thread back then and might still appreciate it. It still is funny, though. If it bugs you that much, just click on the next thread:rolleyes: There are many threads with annoying topics, but I politely stay out of them.

Thanks - for those who shared your story, even if you answered it for the third time:D . And don't be surprised if this thread comes back to hunt you in THREE months, lol.
Don't worry about it, Sunny. Not everyone has the time to dig through three months of threads. I think the "golf vs pool" argument (among others) comes up every two days so this pales in comparison.

Ed Simmons

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Dave this joke is for you.

12squared said:
It's my last name: Gross=144=12 dozen=12squared

Q: Why doesn't the number 288 come up in polite conversation?

A: Because it's two gross!