Tell us about your AZ's User Name

Ed Simmons

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My parents (the Simmons) named me Edward. Then they named my little brother Edmund, because........

WAIT for it..............

2 Ed's are better than 1!


whatcha lookin' at???
Silver Member
well...when i used to play all the time i was in "dead-whack"..not so much now-a-days


Silver Member
deadwhak said:
well...when i used to play all the time i was in "dead-whack"..not so much now-a-days


From our avatars, you could say we're both "dogging it" these days. LOL



the chilli is back!
Silver Member
Mine is the name I've been using on the net for 10 years. It comes from my love of chili peppers, the hotter the better. 66 is the year I was born. And I went with the English spelling of chilli, just can't be bothered to change it now!:D


Silver Member
Tap Tap Tap

Jude Rosenstock said:
Actually, my name means bite me in German.

Tap Tap Tap
Good one Jude! You'd actually get a rep for that if I didn't have to pass it around first.

Mine came before the treats. "Little Debbie" was usually spoken in exasperation by many a player. It seems my voice drives em up a wall. But I have always said "I have sharked better players than you and I didn't pull the trigger on that shot (if your into blaming someone.)" Someone once blamed me for a loss at the Tahoe Ceasers tourny and I wasn't even in the tournament room. The player will remain annonymous. I'm older and wiser now.

If I wasn't talking and I didn't take the shot then go tell someone that cares.:) :) :) Later when I gained a few pounds the late Hal Mix used to call me Salem Slim.

little bubba

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My uncle's nickname was Bubba, I came along and he and I where close. So, he became known as Big Bubba and I was little bubba. I am 42 years old and I'm still little bubba. Real name is James Brown, and no I'm not joking!!!!


What time is it?
Silver Member
At the time I found myself first going to pool rooms, I was also selling knock off watches (rolex, movado, gucci, etc) that I would pickup in ChinaTown in New York & bring back to St Louis. I would go back home to NY about once a year & buy 100 or so of these watches to sell. One night I played a top player poker pool or keno (as bucktooth calls it), $25.00 a game versus one of my imitation watches. I wound up losing 6 watches to the player and he put them all on one arm, ribbing me. The next night, the owner of the pool room gave me my nickname that has stuck ever since. I put the Z on the end of the spelling to give it some pizazz. Most people in the 'pool world' know me by my nickname & have no idea what my real name is.

I like the way Danny Harriman pronounces my nickname - "watch - ezzz".


watchez said:
I wound up losing 6 watches to the player and he put them all on one arm, ribbing me.

I like the way Danny Harriman pronounces my nickname - "watch - ezzz".

OK, I get it now: "watch - Easy" :D


Certified Fish
Silver Member
Jay Helfert

jay helfert said:
I had to use Jay Helfert because Minnesota Fats was taken. Pretty soon you'll be able to call me LA Fats. :)

junksecret said:
Ooooooooooo, I *like* it....LA Fats.....I think you should grab it before someone steals your new moniker!

I got negative rep from 9ballpaul for this post:

"you're a moron. jay is the best poster on the forum. go back under your rock."

I didn't think or mean for this post to be derogatory to Jay, quite the reverse. I think Jay has achieved TRUE legendary status in the world of pool and love his posts which often remind me of my youth.

I'm a little confused by the neg, but Jay, if you viewed it as anything but praise, my apologies...*love ya man*



Skee Ball Monster Playa
Gold Member
I Don't Get It

junksecret said:
I got negative rep from 9ballpaul for this post:

"you're a moron. jay is the best poster on the forum. go back under your rock."

I didn't think or mean for this post to be derogatory to Jay, quite the reverse. I think Jay has achieved TRUE legendary status in the world of pool and love his posts which often remind me of my youth.

I'm a little confused by the neg, but Jay, if you viewed it as anything but praise, my apologies...*love ya man*


I think Paul's got some 'splaining to do here. Jay's post was funny, yours was appreciative, what's the neg rep about?
