Update on the Des Moines pool scene


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
That's better.
Speaking of the A-team..loved the show and the movie was pretty good..only issue I had with the movie was the scene with the container ship...way to far fetched for me. The scene with the tank was more believable for me than that.

back on topic: what kind of local/semi-local action is gonna be going on in Octber. Any decent tourneys within a couple hour drive?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Olathe isn't going so well for the des moines guys. :cry:

Justin, why didn't you make it down there? Thought for sure you would go.


Justin Richardson
Silver Member
There are two reasons I didn't go to Olathe. Those tables play terrible for one pocket. The pockets are buckets. It changes the whole game. I also have a family get together this weekend.

If they had Diamond tables down there, I might be skipping Christmas in July.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
10 ball tourney

Anyone planning on coming out this Saturday to kick off the start of the 10 ball tourneys? Contact me if you have questions!


Socially Aware
Silver Member
Watchez and I made some pretty good moves this weekend. We got Tom M. in the first calcutta and Darren Everett in the second calcutta both for real cheap. They ended up finishing 3rd and 4th in the tourney. Nice score to cover the expenses for the weekend. Did pretty good sweat betting, booked exactly zero losers.Got in on some sweet games and had a nice weekend with my girl and friends.

ATM Andy does not have as much gamble as he claims or as you saw on those threads about Andy from Colorado. He had the chance to steal about $4k and after barking he ducked the game all weekend. I was disappointed but oh well.

Jesse won again and he is a beast. After Dustin stomped him 9-2 he played perfect the rest of the tournament. Made a couple dollars on the double dip too. Shout out to Fastereddy, Bobby Brown(owner of table steaks in Denver), Danny Hill, Joe, Tony, Red Jacket Man, and whomever else was sweat betting this weekend. That was the only real action going on as not much pool was being played at all.

There was a lot of action from normal players but the champs all stayed out of each others way as usual. Kind of sick if you ask me. ATM Andy and Lutman were playing 8 ahead for $300 on a Gold Crown and that struck me as pretty funny. There is a lot of one pocket action down there some guy Daniel was always in action, he beat Mike Henderson. Don Coats was playing the whole time and he's the man as usual. I played Pun, got 9-6 and broke even. I was also fouling twice a game otherwise I think I might be able to win that game.

If you didn't come you should come. Not a ton of action these days but it is what it is I guess. Still a great tourney.


Socially Aware
Silver Member
Mark Jarvis is back in town and looking for some one pocket action apparently. He said he would play anyone except his hero Don McCaughey. I am not playing him anymore cause I can't beat him. It's been fun trying to beat him though. I also drew him in the first round in Olathe and he promptly spanked my ass 9-1. Goodnight!


Socially Aware
Silver Member
Is anyone from Des Moines interested in making some games with Tom McCluskey? I think it would be good for action since this has been a relatively boring and actionless summer. Any challenger welcome to negotiate. I would just like to see something go down, it's been kinda boring.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Gidddy up Des Moines and get over to Omaha this weekend. I think they'll have mini tourneys on Fri night if anyone comes up Fri night. Hope to see you all there. Should be a fun weekend.


Socially Aware
Silver Member
Gidddy up Des Moines and get over to Omaha this weekend. I think they'll have mini tourneys on Fri night if anyone comes up Fri night. Hope to see you all there. Should be a fun weekend.

The drunkest man in pool posting on here. All I can tell you about Fastereddy is he plays so good he can't even remember winning the money and if he offers to buy you a shot that means 2 shots a piece. Oh and he can't sweat bet for shit, easy money!

I'm going to try hard to come on Saturday. It's a shorter drive and your crew is not nitty and I like that about you guys.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mikey, is was great meeting you and I hope you can make it down cause it your turn to buy(lol). And yes Mikey robbed me on a side bet( i even tipped him) which makes me a sucker, I guess I should be more of a nit. He moves to good for me.


Silver Member
One pocket question

I understand the general rules of one pocket but several times during this video I see them taking balls from up table and spotting them. There was no foul committed so why are they spotting balls?
One particular instance is at 5:20. Sylva banks the 6 and then Larry picks the 8-ball up and spots it. I don't have volume on this computer so maybe they explain it but I'm clueless.



Silver Member
I understand the general rules of one pocket but several times during this video I see them taking balls from up table and spotting them. There was no foul committed so why are they spotting balls?
One particular instance is at 5:20. Sylva banks the 6 and then Larry picks the 8-ball up and spots it. I don't have volume on this computer so maybe they explain it but I'm clueless.


Nevermind. I finally got on a computer that has volume. Apparently they are playing a speed-up (should that be hyphenated?) rule. Anytime there is a certain number of balls above the headstring they spot 3 of them. How does everyone feel about this rule? Do you think it is necessary to speed up the game or do you think that it takes away from a lot of the strategy that makes the game interesting?


Justin Richardson
Silver Member
I've played where you spot the closest ball if they are all in the kitchen and there are more than 4 left on the table. It never changed the game much for me because I play an agressive style. I'd rather the games just play out normally though. I've seen Cliff Joyner do some amazing things with 7 balls all sitting in one corner up table.


Silver Member
I really want to play in the one pocket tourney but it's either that or Brewfest. 375 beers for one low price! How can you pass that up. Maybe next week. I'm anxious. I don't play that well but you can only watch so many one pocket vids before you have to play.

How does everyone think a straight pool tourney or league would work out in this area?


O8 Specialist
Silver Member
Dear diary. I will no longer play in random birthday party poker $2 prop bets for picking a card to hit on the flop with 5 other people until you quit or the tournament is done. First time I have placed 3rd or won $40 (20 after the buy in) and owed either 38 or 42...I forget.....the end and have a good weekend.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Did anyone play in the new Sat night 10-ball at Styx this week? Just wondering how many players they got and how smoothly it went. I'm hoping to play in either the Friday night tourney at BD's or this new one at Styx this week. I think the wife owes me a tourney night after a weekend of her class reunion stuff!


O8 Specialist
Silver Member
Did anyone play in the new Sat night 10-ball at Styx this week? Just wondering how many players they got and how smoothly it went. I'm hoping to play in either the Friday night tourney at BD's or this new one at Styx this week. I think the wife owes me a tourney night after a weekend of her class reunion stuff!

I believe they got 18. I will tell Worm to post the feedback on here since she ran it.