Update on the Des Moines pool scene


If not now...
Silver Member
Well, it was either a renovation of the current building or a new building. It sounds like (according to JR) that they are going to a new building. Randy has signed something to move forward on this as my gf works for the engineers firm that is handling that aspect of it. No news on what all is entailed yet though which is why I said stay tuned. A lot depends on how long the architects take as I believe it is now in that step.

I would not be surprised, what with the commercial real estate market still having a long ride down to go, that we'll see several smaller venues for pool. With low rents, it is much easier to make a buck, fur sure. It'd be nice to have about 10 nice small pool halls in town.

Jeff Livingston


If not now...
Silver Member

I started a thread in the mechanics' section:


...where I speak of the side pocket problems in town. Almost every Valley table now wraps the side pocket rails so tightly that the side pockets have become snooker pockets and spit balls out whenever. That sucks and changes the game completely.

Also, did you guys notice that the side pockets are cut out into the playing area on the new tables? They stick out about 1/2" or more! This doesn't effect a shot down the rail as the bottom of the ball is still on solid ground, but what about shooting into the side?...it has to have an effect one way or the other, doesn't it?

Anyway, I'd appreciate any input in that thread that maybe you noticed when playing on those new Valleys, upstairs at state.

Jeff Livingston


O8 Specialist
Silver Member
It'd be nice to have about 10 nice small pool halls in town.

Jeff Livingston

It would be real nice to have that many pool halls especially in West Des Moines where I live, but I don't see it happening. Don't get me wrong I like Stix as it is my Cheers, but 1 or 2 more in this area that are pool halls and not just bars would be nice. Big Shots tanked...maybe the next pool hall or sports bar/pool hall will buy their own Plasma TVs this time instead of stealing them! Oops...


If not now...
Silver Member
It would be real nice to have that many pool halls especially in West Des Moines where I live, but I don't see it happening. Don't get me wrong I like Stix as it is my Cheers, but 1 or 2 more in this area that are pool halls and not just bars would be nice. Big Shots tanked...maybe the next pool hall or sports bar/pool hall will buy their own Plasma TVs this time instead of stealing them! Oops...

Notice, when driving around out there, the empty strip mall businesses. Those had better be filled with someone soon or else!

The real estate market hasn't gone down yet...when it does, there'll be a lot of bargains to be had. Imagine having half the rent or mortgage on a pool room....that'd be a great competitive advantage.

Here's to hope and change!:thumbup:

Jeff Livingston


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I don't know why, but it seems the league players don't like BD's. I've heard more than one comment about not wanting to play or practice there. I've tried to encourage going there, but it's a hard sell for some reason.

I don't know if it's the persons there or the place that is not satisfying to these guys And now without the famous Frosty man there anymore, golly, what's a Des Moines pool player to do?

Jeff Livingston

I don't understand why league player don't like it. Unless they don't like playing on diamond tables.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I started a thread in the mechanics' section:


...where I speak of the side pocket problems in town. Almost every Valley table now wraps the side pocket rails so tightly that the side pockets have become snooker pockets and spit balls out whenever. That sucks and changes the game completely.

Jeff Livingston

More reason to play on Diamonds.

I hope the new Big Dog move will open up the meal selection. As for atmosphere, I wouldn't think it's any different than anyplace else. Here's to a new start and getting it done right.

Can't wait for next week... I think I will sit in the hotel room and watch movies... better than playing pool. :(


O8 Specialist
Silver Member
Can't wait for next week... I think I will sit in the hotel room and watch movies... better than playing pool. :(

Cough cough BS! You need to get into the action, live it up brotha! Hopefully my scotch doubles partner and I will make a good run in the J&J tournament Friday night. Should be a good time. I would like to play cards this time too...didn't really get to play in Waterloo.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The casino will be dry by the time you get there... early bird gets the worm.

i'm all kinds of funky about pool lately. i need something to get me excited again.

Winning... that would help.

Not hitting 3 diamonds away from my aim.... that would help.

Another CTE thread... that would help.

I may sell all my cues.... that would help.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
big dogs

So if they get a true kitchen who will run the thing. they can't get a consistent manager that knows what they're doing now. Since they opened they've had at least 8 managers.

Hopefully they get 2 managers. One to run the "kitchen", one to run the pool hall. It'd be nice if they were dedicated to managing, instead of trying to play pool all the time while managing.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
So if they get a true kitchen who will run the thing. they can't get a consistent manager that knows what they're doing now. Since they opened they've had at least 8 managers.

Hopefully they get 2 managers. One to run the "kitchen", one to run the pool hall. It'd be nice if they were dedicated to managing, instead of trying to play pool all the time while managing.

I can see your point but I would think one good manager is all they need. That being said running a place is a little harder then it may look from the outside. Kind of like watching someone try to run a rack. It may look easy to the guys watching but the guy at the table may have a totally differant view.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I can see your point but I would think one good manager is all they need. That being said running a place is a little harder then it may look from the outside. Kind of like watching someone try to run a rack. It may look easy to the guys watching but the guy at the table may have a totally differant view.

I think it is easy to run a rack, I will manage the place. Free Munchies for everyone....... :)


O8 Specialist
Silver Member
I got a business degree, I can run it at night :). Not sure about free munchies, but I will see if I can get 1,000 pieces of Kamui chalk for the place...it will only cost about $26K.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I got a business degree, I can run it at night :). Not sure about free munchies, but I will see if I can get 1,000 pieces of Kamui chalk for the place...it will only cost about $26K.

Not sure which school will endorse that plan.. .25 or 25.00 it all gets left under the rails.:grin:


Socially Aware
Silver Member
Unrelated I was doing some work for a tournament and verifying some player statuses and don't you know I started laughing hysterically.

Your Intermediate state champion Phil is on the BCA Master's List NATIONALLY. I thought that was funny http://www.playbca.com/Leagues/AdvancedandMasterList.aspx

Oh and you only need one good manager, more important thing is to find competent waitresses and bartenders who don't get drunk during their shift. Oh and maybe make more money if the snack bar/table time man charged people more accurately.



UnRegistered Abuser
Silver Member
League players like to play on valleys because they are easier to play on(accept more balls, makes you feel like you are better than you really are). Once they would be forced to play on diamonds, they would consistently improve their game(or give it up in frustration!!!)

Phil is a master in BCA which has nothing to do with Valley. Him and Theo got their freebie in, now they gotta play with the big boys next year. Once again, it is a lack of player placement in proper divisions by the LO.

Big Dogs has catered more to other leagues than VNEA or BCA(ISPA now) sanctioned leagues. If Melodee Music and the other VNEA League could get some sort of agreement, there would be alot more leagues playing out of Big Dogs. Big Dogs wasn't ready to expand and they had enough casual players that they didn't want to tie up all of the tables most nights of the week and that they didn't really push for that to happen.

One manager that knows the whole realm of the business is all you need. But they have to be loyal to the owners and thats really tough to do when the owners are 7 hours away......

The waitresses/bartenders should do a shot every now and then with the patrons. It keeps things, uh fun? And if you don't nickle and dime your patrons every time they are there, they will be more likely to return because they feel special.

DISCLAIMER>>>> Of course 90% of this is speculation and based from my own opinion. the other 10% is just plain facts!!! your duty to decide which is which.....:shrug:


Always lookin......
Silver Member

I don't know if dogs moving would be a good thing or not. I do agree that a little compition wouldn't hurt but BD has been there and set up so long I don't know if another pool hall could pry away enough business to make it worth while.

I would like to see a place like stix upgrade to better tables but getting it done is a whole diffrent deal.

just my 2 cents


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't know if dogs moving would be a good thing or not. I do agree that a little compition wouldn't hurt but BD has been there and set up so long I don't know if another pool hall could pry away enough business to make it worth while.

I would like to see a place like stix upgrade to better tables but getting it done is a whole diffrent deal.

just my 2 cents

it's not if it's moving they have to move the building has been sold.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Might pass around a flyer at the ISPA, Jeff. I would imagine it would be a good place to dump some 'nice cues' for CASH.

Crazy -- good thing I wouldn't buy a Schon anyway.


If not now...
Silver Member
Might pass around a flyer at the ISPA, Jeff. I would imagine it would be a good place to dump some 'nice cues' for CASH.

Crazy -- good thing I wouldn't buy a Schon anyway.

Good idea.

I've never had a schon of my own.

Jeff Livingston