US Open 10 ball & 8 ball is Back!


Raised by Wolves in a Pool Hall
Silver Member
I'll take no events over a bunch of bar table events..

The reason is simple... If you really think that having top players play on bar boxes shows the elite level of pool, then there doesn't need to be an elite level of pool.

**** we start going the right direction with the big foot challenge and we see who the best really is even under tougher conditions and then we go BACKWARDS????

I just don't get it and I'm positive that there are a lot more people out there scratching their heads or saying WTF???? that just aren't speaking up.


+1 with a bullet, not interested in the Fisher Price tables


SP 219
Silver Member


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Silver Member
Watching rotation games on bar tables doesn't do it for me. Personally I prefer 9ft or 10ft tables whether it's playing or watching, but maybe I'm the minority. Probably am. If it makes the events more successful I guess I'm for it, but I won't enjoy them as much.


Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
More money has been won and lost on Bar Box tables in the last 60 years than 9' tables by a landslide.

As for playing for MC points on a 7' table makes no sense. Plus all the rest of the world plays on 9' tables. Johnnyt


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Very unlikely will I pay or dedicate time for this stream on a barbox. With that said, I've
paid to watch plenty of streams on barbox as well (white diamonds and USBBC)

If it was on a 9ft, I'll surely make time and pay for the stream.

Has the U.S open ever even been played on a BB ?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You're right I've won more money on bar box's than on 9 footers, that
doesn't mean, I want to or will watch, the pro's play these two tournaments
now being played on bar box's. I want to see a showcase for their skills
not the equivalent of miniature Golf. Sorry. :wink: ;)

Except 7' pool table is not the equivalent of mini golf in any way. That's a terrible analogy.


Silver Member
7 footers is BULLSHIT!!!!!

That's just usbtc redux...

If it's not on 9 footers it's ****ing gay


I've been a huge supporter of CSI but if this is what they come up with...**** THEM...

- but tell me how you REALLY feel?!?!

hey, what's the minimum age for entry? cause i'm pretty sure my son can take you on a 7ft! not that he's ever shot on one. ;)

i'm sure that CSI has their reasons for doing this. and all kidding aside, i will say two things:

1) AmRot League - KK9 did 3 sessions of this. if he'd played 9 weeks & qualified & found out at the last minute that it was switched from 9ft to 7ft, he'd be pissed.

2) UPA League - KK9 did 3 sessions of this, too. i called Frank Alvarez to find out the details of his non-existent tourney in Vegas, and discovered accidentally, that it was to be held on 7ft tbls (not that it will happen this JUN/JUL). when i passed this info on to everyone in our league, they were pissed.

at least everyone's had notice.


Raised by Wolves in a Pool Hall
Silver Member
I appreciate that MG & CSI are trying to do all they are for this game but there has to be a line that shouldn't be crossed and this is it. Bar box pool isn't pool & I don't give a sh*t how many APA league bangers chime in on this thread to say it is, don't care what your team did in regionals or Vegas, it sounds like so much "one time in band camp" stories. World class pool isn't played on bar boxes anywhere is in the world & it shouldn't be here either. Given no other choice but pool on Fisher Price tables I would place my case in the closet & never play again. There's always golf & poker. There has to be standards for world class play & this should not be considered an option. It cheapens the game.
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Silver Member
Follow the money. It's always about the money. The money is in the amateur leagues. It's odd that the two, money & amateur, should be in the same sentence.

Amateurs don't play for money. They play for the Love of The Game. Yet much money is made off of their Love for The Game.

Taverns/Bars pay their leases by square footage. Hence the smaller 7' tables are for bar owners to make money from space that would normally be empty seats.

IMHO, Any bar box championship should be for Amateurs only.

Elite players should be playing on 10' tables, but 9 footers should be the minimum size for any 'Professional' Championship or even any Elite Amateur Championship.

The people that had the Game in their hands have prostituted it for financial gain in one way or another.

You don't see Major Snooker Championships being played on small tables with bigger pockets. The Brits are respecting & honoring the game.

When one stands up for principles there is usually a sacrifice that comes along with it. Many times sacrifice is rewarded.

A boycott is how one expresses their dissatisfaction in many cases. Yet some are not willing to sacrifice in order to make the point known & to stand up for the principle & honor of things.

Just my nickle's worth & all easy for me to say while standing on the outside looking in.

Best 2 All & Best Wishes for a worthy resolution for All concerned but mostly for a worthy Game that deserves much Honor & Respect that seems so lacking as of late.

PS I know The Game is seeing hard & difficult times & money is tight but some things are worth doing right or to be honest they should not be done at all. But yet there it is again, we're back to money.
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Kid Dynomite

Dennis (Michael) Wilson
Silver Member
I am very confused by all of this???

Every year BCA pool league "RENTS" pool tables???


As long as they have been in business they have never "INVESTED" in buying infrastructure. Such as, tables/lights/balls/etc. and prefer to rent! It just does not make much sense in my opinion.

Seems owning your tables/lights/balls/etc would be cheaper then their current rental agreement???

Anyone else think it strange not to have their "own" equipment given the number of events they hold each year and plan to hold in the years to come???



Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
I am very confused by all of this???

Every year BCA pool league "RENTS" pool tables???


As long as they have been in business they have never "INVESTED" in buying infrastructure. Such as, tables/lights/balls/etc. and prefer to rent! It just does not make much sense in my opinion.

Seems owning your tables/lights/balls/etc would be cheaper then their current rental agreement???

Anyone else think it strange not to have their "own" equipment given the number of events they hold each year and plan to hold in the years to come???


Probably would cost more to store them over the course of a year than what they pay in rental fees.

There could be tax benefits as well.

I'm quite certain if it made more sense owning them, MG would own them


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
I am very confused by all of this???

Every year BCA pool league "RENTS" pool tables???


As long as they have been in business they have never "INVESTED" in buying infrastructure. Such as, tables/lights/balls/etc. and prefer to rent! It just does not make much sense in my opinion.

Seems owning your tables/lights/balls/etc would be cheaper then their current rental agreement???

Anyone else think it strange not to have their "own" equipment given the number of events they hold each year and plan to hold in the years to come???


I also find it strange that MG rents Diamond tables each year especially considering he (to my understanding) owns a piece of the company. I guess the storage and setup would be too tough? I'm not really sure but it seems like something they should have invested in.


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
Couple thoughts...

I actually don't mind the table sizes, as now more then 4 people have a chance to win.

"US Open" is just a name. Stolen from tennis and golf, but there are 4 different "us opens" in pool so it definitely takes away any sort of special-ness from the name in pool.

It's just a tournament. Not a "pro" or "amateur" tournament, just a tournament with a prize fund. No need to get all huffy puffy over it.

I don't think I'm going to Vegas this year for bacpl but if I do I'll play in these events and ruin their silly dress code.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'll take no events over a bunch of bar table events..

The reason is simple... If you really think that having top players play on bar boxes shows the elite level of pool, then there doesn't need to be an elite level of pool.

**** we start going the right direction with the big foot challenge and we see who the best really is even under tougher conditions and then we go BACKWARDS????

I just don't get it and I'm positive that there are a lot more people out there scratching their heads or saying WTF???? that just aren't speaking up.


Agreed. I drive 40 minutes each way to get to a hall that has 9 foot tables (really nice Diamonds and tight GCIV's). I will abandon this sport when 9 footers are no longer made available in public pool halls. Given the type of 9 foot tables the Chinese have made their tournament standard, American pool is amputating the last bits of its credibility and self-respect.