skins said:not sure about the best but Kyle Van den Bosch of Mariposa Cues makes one hell of a butterfly cue......
Jimmyrayk said:All the names above do great work, but I would have to go along with Dave Barrenbrugge. Americans have not been exposed to much of his stuff, because of his relationship with Lucky. But the cues that I have seen in person are absolutely incredible!!
Just my opinion,
Simple said:Cues in this topic are terribly overloaded. And in my opinion, "standard" points combined with butterfly splices look horrible.
First of all, my opinion has nothing to do with my and cuemakers nationality. This is a question of taste. And I don't knock anybody, don't get me wrong. They do very good job, but I don't like their butterfly splice cues, that's all.pharaoh68 said:In my opinion, your opinion is not only biased but a little off.
I understand a sense of nationalistic pride but you have to open your eyes to the fact that these guys (mostly American cuemakers) are taking an age-old splicing technique and putting modern twists on them. They are pushing the design envelope. They are NOT just taking butterflies and adding more butterflies and throwing a few extra butterflies in until the onlooker goes into seizures from looking at a cue!!!
They may not be your taste but do not knock them.
manwon said:Here are some from Billy Webb!! These are sick man!!!!! His technique can only be matched and exceeded by Paul fennelli!!!!!!
These are hard to beat!!!!
johnf_34 said:You are definitely right! I never was much of a butterfly fan....but not too long ago, I started taking a closer look at some fancier butterfly cues and really noticed the amount of work in them. I then started liking them. All of the cues you posted are completely outstanding!
Thanks for posting those pictures Manwon!
Hunter said:Hi Craig,
Look at the link on my post in this thread for pics of Dave Barenbrugge's work.