Who is coming to Denver?


Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
I was there today and it was packed. I had to stand all day and these old legs gave out at around 4PM.
I think there should be a rule at these events that are packed. Here it is.
If you are in a chair and an older person then you wants it,you have to give it up.

It was nice meeting you measureman. I like the way you think. Lol.

24 pros and 128 amateurs. Best turnout on the amateur side I've ever seen. They have to play the last third of the first round this morning at 8AM !

You highlanders have all the moves you learned from the swampers.

There, I fixed that for you Joey. :grin-square:

Joking aside, it's was so crowded last night I looked for you and couldn't find you. Hopefully I'll run into you today.

It was great seeing you. It's been a while since we last saw each other. Sorry we didn't have a chance to talk more.

I'll be there at about 12n today and plan to stay through about 5:30pm; although, I might be in and out. Tom Ross and I plan to have lunch and we might play a little pool (elsewhere).

I'll look for you guys to say hello. Keep an eye out for me also. I'll tall (6'3"), skinny and look like my profile photo, with glasses (and short hair). I'll also be with Tom Ross (my co-author and main shooter on VEPS), for people who know him.

Please say hi to both me and Tom if you spot us.

Catch you later,

It was nice seeing you again and nice to meet Tom Ross. Maybe you can provide me with a link about the subject matter we discussed about cue shafts. Thanks.

The parking lot was full, but everyone seemed to park just across the side street in the Wells Fargo lot.
Maybe I missed you, if not my bad. I can't place your face. My buddy heard the original announcment on the PA system that a crew of tow trucks had pulled into the parking lot to tow away illegally parked cars in the Wells Fargo parking lot. He flew out the door to move his car before the second announcement came that the tow truck operators were there to sweat the pool tournament. :D

There I fixed it for you!:eek:
Nice seeing you again Cuebuddy. Come visit us in NOLA again, soon. We'll play some one pocket.

I am in the area, and will try to make it down Saturday evening..

I am also entertaining all match ups with AZers.. Keep in mind I am a C player, so looking for a spot accordingly...

-Short Bus Russ

I sent you a fair game but it didn't seem like you wanted to play him. :grin:

Coming from Conifer.

Sorry but I guess I missed you too. Either that or I just can't place the screen name. Met so many AZBers this trip, it's hard to remember them all. Colorado sure has a lot of AZBers. :cool:

The days and nights went so fast I didn't even have time to visit with my nephew who lives there in Denver.

I will probably do a separate thread to thank STR8-shots for a job well done. Stay tuned.



Instructional Author
Gold Member
Silver Member
Maybe you can provide me with a link about the subject matter we discussed about cue shafts.
Sorry, but I don't have a link on this topic, but the term I mentioned is "mass moment of inertia." If you want to learn more about it, I'm sure you can find info with a Google or Wikipedia search. If a significant portion of a cue's weight is in the joint or in a weight bolt, the "moment of inertia" is less than with a heavy shaft like you showed me. The heavy shaft has a large "moment of inertia" since the weight is distributed over a greater length. This could provide some "scientific justification" for why the cue might tend to stay straighter during a stroke (if the stroke starts off straight). It takes more effort to turn a moving object if it has a greater "moment of inertia."

I hope that helps,

PS: It was nice seeing you (and other AZB'ers) again also. I'll be sure to get in touch with you the next time I visit New Orleans for an extended stay. Catch you later.