Why do only women use chin on cue stick method?


CPPA Founder
Silver Member
Besides the size of a woman player (usually smaller than a man). Why don’t men(especially shorter ones) use the chin on the cue method?

tom mcgonagle

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I use it or at least I try to get that low on every shot. It's the only way to play as far as I'm concerned.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
??? I used to play that way all the time when I was much younger and much thinner. I do a lot of things different now.


Beefcake. BEEFCAKE!!
Silver Member
You mean like this?


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RIP Kelly
Silver Member

I have to totally agree with the long hair and make-up statement.

Yeah, but take a GOOD look at Alex. Longer hair and a little make-up, and he'd be a darn purty women :eek:. Look at those abs, very lady-like ;)!!!



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Prof. Billiard Instructor
Silver Member
Speaking from personal experience, I know I don't bend the same way a woman can. (There have been a few I have met who could AMAZE you). Their physical make up is different from men, and I think it's great!

But it may just be a little bit easier, and therefore more comfortable for females to shoot that way than it is for men. I seem to remember years ago something about standing behind a chair, bending over and trying to lift the chair. Men couldn't do it, but women could. Something to do with weight distribution I think.

Anyway, that's my theory, and I'm sticking to it!

(until someone comes up with a better theory)



Silver Member
I do too. (keep my chin against the cue) Im 5'11" and I have a 77" wingspan...


with that wingspan at times when you have a long(er) bridge during the "back swing" of a fairly common pendulum stroke your back hand goes upward... bringing ur cue upward slightly... if your chin is very close or on the cue... it can restrict or change the dynamic of a fluid stroke... Id imagine for taller people or people with long wings spans/ strokes... this could be a reason for hovering above the shaft slightly... on many occations attempting to keep my body absolutely stationary and stoking the ball (usually a hard stroke) I have hit my cue into my chin hard enough that I noticed it....
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Silver Member
Last time I checked my junk is functional and I shoot with my chin near the cue. I would say the majority of snooker players shoot like this. I know of allot of dudes that shoot like this. Personal preference is suppose.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
And, here I though it had to do with the two chest weights that help pull the whole upper body down under the force of gravity. This is coupled to the natural ability to bend the legs farther forward than men, and one thing leads to another....


Silver Member
I think that alot of the women players you may be reffering to are from a snooker background. Kearen, A. Fisher, K. Fisher among other Euro players. Maybe the others sawthe success that Allison washaving and figured they wouldtry it. However thats my opinin,