Wifes leaving me,Should I let her take Her cue?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Art of War

I'm going thru divorce too. The way I figure it - somewhere down the road you may get it thrown (literally and/or figuratively) back in your face if you press the issue now.

Fight not only the battles that are worth fighting, where you have something to gain but those that you can win.

Do you think she'd willingly give it back or would it be a battle?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Dude, do yourself a favor. If there are kids involved suck it up and don't make waves. If she wants your new toothbrush give it to her. You will save a ton of dough, stress and out of control emotions. Trust me on this one you will be outnumbered and outgunned in court. It will be you against the judge, her attorney and the poor, poor woman. I wish you luck. It's hard to put it aside but it truly is better to let go of the past and start your new future. And see those kids as often as you can.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I was 25 and fresh out of law school and working. My gf was living in another city and we had drifted apart. I ended it and it started to get ugly because most of my stuff was back at her place. I spoke with my Mom that week and she gave me the best advice. "Just let it go". I remembered I was very upset but when I just decided to tell the ex ok thats fine, you can have all of that" that the ex lost all power over me in terms of controlling my emotions. Thats really the thing I guess, whether you decide to let her actions control you in a negative fashion emotionally. Best of days to you in the future, im sure there will be happier moments just around the corner.

Your happiness, emotionally, should mean WAY more than a pool cue.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Give her the shaft!!

If all she wants is the cue, you're getting off cheap. Unless, of course, it was one of those priceless Szambuska's!!! :grin:


Dave Manasseri
Silver Member
Stumped on this one:confused:.I made my soon to be x wife of 9 years a very nice custom cue a 8 years back and now shes leaving me.Should I let her have it?Suggestions ..thoughts.

You were never really stumped, only tempted. Good thing people were here to talk you down off the cliff.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Stumped on this one:confused:.I made my soon to be x wife of 9 years a very nice custom cue a 8 years back and now shes leaving me.Should I let her have it?Suggestions ..thoughts.

It depends on whether or not you acknowledged over the years that she is the owner of the cue. All you had to do is say it once in 8 years. Then it's legally hers and she has the right to take it with her.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sorry to hear man. Hope it's at least a half way civil one with kids involved. Guess that leaves more time for pool. :)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
"You were never really stumped, only tempted. Good thing people were here to talk you down off the cliff"

Agreed,I like to play but don't need to cheat the rules to win.She can have it.


Call me Grace
Silver Member
If she's still playing maybe address it with her specifically, if she'd not and she has no use or need of the cue maybe you can keep it without much of a problem. It's her's, but if it's meaningful to you, I would think you might at least ask.


Call me Grace
Silver Member
It depends on whether or not you acknowledged over the years that she is the owner of the cue. All you had to do is say it once in 8 years. Then it's legally hers and she has the right to take it with her.

Maybe. If it's a community property state, then isn't it only half her's?

Mickey Qualls

You study the watch......
Silver Member
A couple of questions:

1) What's the realistic monetary value of the cue ?

2) Has anyone moved out ? And if so, who ?

If she's moving out, let her have the cue if it gets her out the door.


Silver Member
let it go isn't very good advice since you have kids, so look at it like you gave a gift to a friend and for whatever reason the friendship went south would you ask for the cue back? i dont believe you would, but if you would then go ahead and stir the crap storm. in the end it is really up to you isn't it and what kind of person you want to be and how you want to be remembered by your friends and such; especially your klds. good luck.