Wifes leaving me,Should I let her take Her cue?

Allen Brown

Pool Whale
Silver Member
This one is simple. Give her the house and keep the cue for yourself. It's a pretty even trade.
All you have to do is make enough money with the cue and buy yourself another house.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Well said!

I can't believe this thread is still going.

1. Give her the cue and STFU.
2. Find a better "forum" to seek solutions to marital and/or divorce problems.
3. I am not shocked that the end of your marriage has devolved into what to do with the cue you had made for her.
4. Good luck in moving forward.
5. Just sayin'

I could not agree more. Makes me wonder if anyone can decide what to do without asking the folks on this forum. I could care less about what happens with her cue. By the time this divorce is over the cue will seem insignificant..

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
I accidentally left behind a rare Corsair Cue (a Black Beauty, only about ten ever made) when I left my second wife. When I realized what I had done, she refused to let me have it and there wasn't a damn thing I could do. She didn't even play pool, she just wanted to get back at me. You win some, you lose some!

Meanwhile I was glad to get out of that one alive. She continued to maintain a $500,000 life insurance policy on me long after I was gone. Try getting out of a life insurance policy that someone else is paying for. You can't!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You can't get it back....if you gave it to her as a gift, it is hers.......legal & outright.
In a divorce settlement, it would have to be listed as an asset but so would your cues.
Just like you can insist for 1/2 the value of the cue or compel a sale, she can do likewise with you.
So if you have any cues you like, she can insist you give her 1/2 the value of those cues or else sell 'em.

Be careful what you wish for because all is not what you otherwise imagine the situation to be.

Matt B.

p.s. I had to relinquish my 1946 Brunswick table 9' table to my ex my but in return, I got to keep my custom cues.


AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
Meanwhile I was glad to get out of that one alive. She continued to maintain a $500,000 life insurance policy on me long after I was gone. Try getting out of a life insurance policy that someone else is paying for. You can't!

It was probably a jointly owned policy. This is why if you have a life insurance policy on yourself, you need to be named sole legal owner of the policy, even if she is the beneficiary. The owner of the policy can cancel it or change the beneficiary at any time.


Where'd my stroke go?
Silver Member
An ex-wife keeping a half-million dollar insurance policy on your life... that is scary stuff!


Silver Member
There are kids involved, barring some extraordinary circumstances, your wife is going to win, period.

You realistically have two options here, and anyone telling you different is probably a divorce attorney hoping to get even more money out of you after you mess up:

1) Turn into Spock NOW.. no emotion, no vindictive intent, no hatred, just an almost clinical approach to a legal proceeding that (as much as you want to think different) is essentially already decided.

2) Be petty, be vindictive, get back at her for every wrong, make her share your pain.

Option 1 will be PAINFUL on the wallet.. It'll cost you ~1/2 + attorney fees + child support. Only real positive is hopefully the two of you will be able to move on from the experience and be good parents to your kid(s).

Option 2 will be CATASTROPHIC, period. She WILL take you to the cleaners, she WILL teach you what vindictive is, she WILL make you pay (financially and emotionally) for every wrong. Only real positive is your kid(s) will hopefully one day stop hating the two of you.. Of course that'll be long after you've ruined any chance they had at a healthy relationship with their parents.

BTW, if you go with option 2 (or maybe even if you don't), her attorney will find this thread.. You'll pay him several thousand dollars for his trouble, but he'll find the thread where you discussed something so petty as a pool cue and will explain to the judge that someone who was being as vindictive as you seem to be MUST not have the best interest of his wife of however many years and your wonderful kid(s) in mind.

So yeah.. keep worrying about the cue, and keep talking about your divorce on the internet.

Allen Brown

Pool Whale
Silver Member
There are kids involved, barring some extraordinary circumstances, your wife is going to win, period.

You realistically have two options here, and anyone telling you different is probably a divorce attorney hoping to get even more money out of you after you mess up:

1) Turn into Spock NOW.. no emotion, no vindictive intent, no hatred, just an almost clinical approach to a legal proceeding that (as much as you want to think different) is essentially already decided.

2) Be petty, be vindictive, get back at her for every wrong, make her share your pain.

Option 1 will be PAINFUL on the wallet.. It'll cost you ~1/2 + attorney fees + child support. Only real positive is hopefully the two of you will be able to move on from the experience and be good parents to your kid(s).

Option 2 will be CATASTROPHIC, period. She WILL take you to the cleaners, she WILL teach you what vindictive is, she WILL make you pay (financially and emotionally) for every wrong. Only real positive is your kid(s) will hopefully one day stop hating the two of you.. Of course that'll be long after you've ruined any chance they had at a healthy relationship with their parents.

BTW, if you go with option 2 (or maybe even if you don't), her attorney will find this thread.. You'll pay him several thousand dollars for his trouble, but he'll find the thread where you discussed something so petty as a pool cue and will explain to the judge that someone who was being as vindictive as you seem to be MUST not have the best interest of his wife of however many years and your wonderful kid(s) in mind.

So yeah.. keep worrying about the cue, and keep talking about your divorce on the internet.

Dang.......keeping it real aren't we? How about a little wake up call.


off the rail
Silver Member
Oh hell nooooo

Stumped on this one:confused:.I made my soon to be x wife of 9 years a very nice custom cue 8 years back and now shes leaving me.Should I let her have it?Suggestions ..thoughts.


Oh hell no....get it out of your house....pm me and I'll give you my address do it doesn't cause any issues with you two.