Wifes leaving me,Should I let her take Her cue?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Stumped on this one:confused:.I made my soon to be x wife of 9 years a very nice custom cue a 8 years back and now shes leaving me.Should I let her have it?Suggestions ..thoughts.

Question - How did you convince your wife to leave you? Mine has been here for 40 years and refuses to leave. :smile:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Do whatever you need to do, within reason, to keep it civil as possible. Don't get caught up in petty things, with kids involved, there'll be gar more important matters down the road. If you want to battle over everything, the attorneys will end up owning the pool cue.

Ak Guy

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I am very sorry you are going through a divorce. At some point in your life you loved her and made her a cue to express that love. Let her have the cue with your blessing, just ask her to give you first chance at it if she decides to sell it. I hope the two of you can reconcile your differences and save your marriage. Best wishes.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm sorry, but really?? Nobody's come up with the obvious solution here? Play her a race to 11, 9-ball, for everything....


Silver Member
Judge Judy says,"You can't take back a gift because it isn't yours to take back" " It's legally the wifes property once you give it to her".. And Judge Judy knows...LOL


slower than snails
Silver Member
No matter what pain you feel, or what wrongs she has done, it's no excuse for you to be a lesser man.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Stumped on this one:confused:.I made my soon to be x wife of 9 years a very nice custom cue a 8 years back and now shes leaving me.Should I let her have it?Suggestions ..thoughts.

Try to be as nice as you can thru this whole process; and let her know that you are. So just tell her as nicely and as calmly as you can - So you want a divorice : Fine. So ya want half of everything : Fine. Then just take that cue and screw it together, then promptly snap it right in HALF ( or snap it in HALF over whatever you feel appropriate at that particular time lol ) and then tell her that you are SUCH a nice guy SHE can even pick which HALF she'd like! PROBLEM SOLVED - even if it were given as a gift aren't you still entitled to HALF because it was obtained during the marriage???? Anyhow brother sorry and good luck to you my friend AND BE SURE THAT YOU HAVE A GREAT LAWYER!!!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Stumped on this one:confused:.I made my soon to be x wife of 9 years a very nice custom cue a 8 years back and now shes leaving me.Should I let her have it?Suggestions ..thoughts.

Let her keep it and hope she don't try to get yours in the settlement.


14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member
No matter what pain you feel, or what wrongs she has done, it's no excuse for you to be a lesser man.

Post of the thread.

To the OP (str8shooter): no matter what hurt you feel, and no matter the feelings you may have that she doesn't deserve the cue / violated the spirit in which the cue was given to her / how you can give that cue a better home... let her have it. It's not worth the pain you'll experience if you push this. Take that cue back, and watch what happens -- she'll make this an even more miserable experience that what it is now. She has the power, not you.

I went through one of these (a divorce) myself several years ago. Without getting into details, let's just say that I had the power related to the irresponsible actions of my ex, and should I have pushed it, I would've won in court. But my atty at the time gave me sage advice: don't do it. Let it go. While you may win the battle, you'll lose the war -- my life would've been made a living hell. And I look back on this and acknowledge it was the best decision I could've made.

Let it go. Trust those of us who've been there.

Happiness awaits you in other ways that you can't see right now, because tears and short-term frustrations are clouding your vision.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Str8shooter: I'm sorry to hear about your marriage. I'd just let the cue go with her if that's what things have come to. If I wanted a cue that I made, I'd just start making another, kind of a symbolic way of moving on maybe. 9 years is still a long time to be tied to someone, so I hope the transition stays amicable/civil/respectful for you both.


TS Billiards
Gold Member
Silver Member
Man, I'm sorry to hear about your divorce. Try to settle the divorce her way, it's not worth asking for the cue back, she might make u pay for more if u make it hard for her. After the divorce, you've got plenty of time, freedom and a brighter future ahead.


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
Let her have the cue made specially for her ---- it's the right thing to do. Maybe it will remind her of better times, which can't be a bad thing.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This is going to get ugly. All divorces get ugly. If you think this cue is the worst part of the screwing over that's going to happen to you take off the rose colored glasses. Why do all woman want to get married? Because once they do they get to screw you over in the divorce. After she gets your car this cue is going to be the last thing you worry about.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I love the idea of a Race to 9,for all material items we have acquired in the past 14 years,and spot 2 on the wire.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

i did not know kids were involved. they are the ones that usually get hurt.

my best advice, try to work out things with her as far as to who gets what, so only one attorney is involved.

if you both fight the lawyers are the only ones that win.

best of luck

and btw let her keep the cue.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
We met playing a game of pool,might as well finish playing one.Kids are my #1 interest,not topic of this post.


Cue Author...Sometimes
Gold Member
Silver Member
Stumped on this one:confused:.I made my soon to be x wife of 9 years a very nice custom cue a 8 years back and now shes leaving me.Should I let her have it?Suggestions ..thoughts.

You made it for her. It's hers to make that decision, not yours.