Gold Crown 3 Rail Metal Trim removal


Well-known member
Silver Member
I explained how they are attached. Anyone with a little Yankee ingenuity can probably figure out a way to remove them.

RKC has a lot of said ingenuity and no doubt he already has a system for it. But I am starting to get the feeling he's not going to share.:smile:


Already did buddy, post 13:thumbup:


Coast to Coast
Silver Member
Because I'm sick of the critics on AZ, like you, who would rather run you mouth than help someone out for free....yet have no problem with expecting me to provide help for free like it's my job to do so.

dont worry Glenn....its typical. When i purchased all my video equipment, and all my really nice machinists levels an such.......

for running the billiards program at that school right....which i havent gotten donation or help number one with lol......

2 "friends" hey man can i borrow those cameras, can i borrow your levels....



Island Drive

Otto/Dads College Roommate/Cleveland Browns
Silver Member
I've spent years building up the "Talk to a mechanic forum"....and you've been on AZB for 5 years or so and never seen the forum?

This response is the originating venom' in this thread. When one assumes another is this or that or stupid because they didn't know this or sad :frown:. I don't get it, how does responding to someone you don't know in this manner make life better?



Well-known member
Silver Member
This response is the originating venom' in this thread. When one assumes another is this or that or stupid because they didn't know this or sad :frown:. I don't get it, how does responding to someone you don't know in this manner make life better?


What's funny Einstein, is that neither YOU or anyone else offered an answer to the OP's, question....not here in the MAIN forum, OR the Talk to a mechanic's forum. My point in my answer to the OP was that if we don't used the sub forums, what is the point of listing them AS sub forums? I at least ANSWERED his questions....what did you do to offer help....jump on ME like the troll you are!!


Silver Member
Like sands through the hourglass.....


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Silver Member
All i can say is that this is a great place for those in the billiard industry to network and make their living. If this were my living, and thank god it is not, my customer service face would be on at all times. It not only works great to keep your customers happy, but works great on prospective customers too. If my instructor, mechanic, cuemaker, poolroom owner, etc was rude to me, I'd find a new one at the drop of a hat. They need me (and all of us) more than I (we) need them. Someone is always watching...


Well-known member
Silver Member
All i can say is that this is a great place for those in the billiard industry to network and make their living. If this were my living, and thank god it is not, my customer service face would be on at all times. It not only works great to keep your customers happy, but works great on prospective customers too. If my instructor, mechanic, cuemaker, poolroom owner, etc was rude to me, I'd find a new one at the drop of a hat. They need me (and all of us) more than I (we) need them. Someone is always watching...

You must not own a pool table, because if you did and every mechanic you called who was so politely nice to you....did a bang up job on your pool table....then YOU would realize why you NEED someone like myself to come fix your which you'd then learn.....there's a LOT of customers like YOU, so you'll have to excuse me when I tell you to politely kiss my ass I don't need your work because I don't like your attitude!!!


Silver Member
You must not own a pool table, because if you did and every mechanic you called who was so politely nice to you....did a bang up job on your pool table....then YOU would realize why you NEt ED someone like myself to come fix your which you'd then learn.....there's a LOT of customers like YOU, so you'll have to excuse me when I tell you to politely kiss my ass I don't need your work because I don't like your attitude!!!

I rest my case. Keep taking the bait.

I have a mechanic. And he does a great job. Best of all, he doesnt tell everyone how great he is, he simply let's his work do so. And to top it off, hes a good dude. No drama, no arrogance, no ego. So no, i dont need you or your egotistics.


Coos Cues
What's funny Einstein, is that neither YOU or anyone else offered an answer to the OP's, question....not here in the MAIN forum, OR the Talk to a mechanic's forum. My point in my answer to the OP was that if we don't used the sub forums, what is the point of listing them AS sub forums? I at least ANSWERED his questions....what did you do to offer help....jump on ME like the troll you are!!

How do you reattach them afterwards?




Well-known member
Silver Member
I rest my case. Keep taking the bait.

I have a mechanic. And he does a great job. Best of all, he doesnt tell everyone how great he is, he simply let's his work do so. And to top it off, hes a good dude. No drama, no arrogance, no ego. So no, i dont need you or your egotistics.

What's you talking shit about NOT hiring you actually had that option:rotflmao1:


Silver Member
You must not own a pool table, because if you did and every mechanic you called who was so politely nice to you....did a bang up job on your pool table....then YOU would realize why you NEED someone like myself to come fix your which you'd then learn.....there's a LOT of customers like YOU, so you'll have to excuse me when I tell you to politely kiss my ass I don't need your work because I don't like your attitude!!!

Furthermore, i never once made a comment about hiring YOU. I made it crystal f'ing clear that i would NEVER hire you, nor should anyone else for that matter. When i need one, ill need a mechanic. But that in no way, shape, or form means that i need someone "like you." There are alot of customers like me, and plenty of mechanics. Youre no rocket scientist, dont kid yourself that you are something that you are not. There are plenty of customers who do not ask for their ass to be kissed, but do not expect to watch people treat others like shit for no reason. You do it all the time. ALL THE TIME. You may be a great mechanic, but your also great big asshole. I wish youd just get the **** off here and quit calling everyone that disagrees with you a troll. Better yet, since youre so impressed with yourself for being the only mechanic to answer questions for free, why not just STFU until somebody pays for your advice and insults; save you and us the trouble.


Silver Member
Because I'm sick of the critics on AZ, like you, who would rather run you mouth than help someone out for free....yet have no problem with expecting me to provide help for free like it's my job to do so.

Believe me. Nobody is expecting your help. NOBODY


Well-known member
Silver Member
Furthermore, i never once made a comment about hiring YOU. I made it crystal f'ing clear that i would NEVER hire you, nor should anyone else for that matter. When i need one, ill need a mechanic. But that in no way, shape, or form means that i need someone "like you." There are alot of customers like me, and plenty of mechanics. Youre no rocket scientist, dont kid yourself that you are something that you are not. There are plenty of customers who do not ask for their ass to be kissed, but do not expect to watch people treat others like shit for no reason. You do it all the time. ALL THE TIME. You may be a great mechanic, but your also great big asshole. I wish youd just get the **** off here and quit calling everyone that disagrees with you a troll. Better yet, since youre so impressed with yourself for being the only mechanic to answer questions for free, why not just STFU until somebody pays for your advice and insults; save you and us the trouble.

Funny thing is, I still think you actually believe you have 5 he ability to hire me if you wanted just don't want to, and that's the confusing part....because like I already mentioned....YOU are just one of those people that could NEVER hire me....even if you WANTED' to.....I can't stand Immature, stupid.....examples of a$$holes like you, never could, funny thing to wouldn't have ANY idea as to what good work is in the FIRST place:rotflmao1::rotflmao1: and just so you know, customers like you.....are a dime a dozen.....stupid, with money in hand willing to pay anyone for dumb to even know if the work is done right or not
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Believe me. Nobody is expecting your help. NOBODY

What a load of garbage.

Professionals like RKC are taking time out of their day to help people by providing actual answers to questions. Not guesses, not opinion...answers that actually save people time, money and aggravation.

You're all bent out of shape because he can be a little curt at times?

What are you.....12?


Silver Member
What a load of garbage.

Professionals like RKC are taking time out of their day to help people by providing actual answers to questions. Not guesses, not opinion...answers that actually save people time, money and aggravation.

You're all bent out of shape because he can be a little curt at times?

What are you.....12?

He sure saved shitloads worrying more about the ask the mechanic forum he spent building than actually helping. As far as im concerned, you and all his followers have your head up his ass because you want something from him. That shot runs rampant around here. Whats right is right. You get what you give, Im just the only asshole that doesnt need anything from him with a big enough pair to say it. Show some class.

Thanks for all the greens!


King of the Meadow
Silver Member
What a load of garbage.

Professionals like RKC are taking time out of their day to help people by providing actual answers to questions. Not guesses, not opinion...answers that actually save people time, money and aggravation.

You're all bent out of shape because he can be a little curt at times?

What are you.....12?
I agree with that. RKC would be on my list to contact for my table. Plus, he worked on it when the previous owner had it. And he had nothing but great things to say about his work. And ultimately, THAT is all I care about.