how would ya hit it?


Tellin' it like it is...
Silver Member
With a level cue, you are probably more correct than not but, add some elevation to the rear of the cue I would bet money most competent players could swerve that in. It's also how you can hit it softer.
Like I told Jeff, try it and see. Remember, you have to hit it hard enough to make it. Short of jacking way up for a masse trick shot of sorts which nobody is ever going to do in real life for this shot, I don't think you are going to make that shot and see significant swerve.

Chili Palmer

Give or take an 1"
Silver Member
Like I told Jeff, try it and see. Remember, you have to hit it hard enough to make it. Short of jacking way up for a masse trick shot of sorts which nobody is ever going to do in real life for this shot, I don't think you are going to make that shot and see significant swerve.

Significant is relative to the distance ;)


Tellin' it like it is...
Silver Member
Significant is relative to the distance ;)
I don't know that that applies here really. It is pretty binary in that the amount of swerve either was or wasn't a big factor in this particular shot which is what we have been talking about.

I think that in order to pocket that ball using realistic types of hits you are going to have to hit it too hard for that short amount of distance for the swerve to prove to be a big factor. You feel that swerve can be a big factor with this shot with realistic type hits even at the shot speeds that are necessary to pocket the ball. Perhaps I am just misjudging things in my mind as I try to imagine the shot. Clearly one of us is.

As I recall you have a table at home. Why don't you shoot the shot in a realistic manner the way you would in an important game and report back on whether you found swerve to be a big factor on the ones you pocketed or not. I would say that if you aren't clearly seeing the cue ball start to swerve back a significant amount then it can't be said that it was an amount that was a big factor. An alternative would be to video tape your attempts from directly above at the highest frame rate possible and do some measuring to calculate how much swerve occurred.
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Chili Palmer

Give or take an 1"
Silver Member
I don't know that that applies here really. It is pretty binary in that the amount of swerve either was or wasn't a big factor in this particular shot which is what we have been talking about.

I think that in order to pocket that ball using realistic types of hits you are going to have to hit it too hard for that short amount of distance for the swerve to prove to be a big factor. You feel that swerve can be a big factor with this shot with realistic type hits even at the shot speeds that are necessary to pocket the ball. Perhaps I am just misjudging things in my mind as I try to imagine the shot. Clearly one of us is.

As I recall you have a table at home. Why don't you shoot the shot in a realistic manner the way you would in an important game and report back on whether you found swerve to be a big factor on the ones you pocketed or not. I would say that if you aren't clearly seeing the cue ball start to swerve back a significant amount then it can't be said that it was an amount that was a big factor. An alternative would be to video tape your attempts from directly above at the highest frame rate possible and do some measuring to calculate how much swerve occurred.

I've shot this shot a few 1000 times in my life, I know you can't visually see swerve when using straight left, only deflection (and you really can't see that, you just know it's there so you adjust) but, unless you're within a few inches of the ball you can slightly jack up and implement a little swerve. The amount of swerve is relative to the distance from the CB to the OB.

I know this, because I just did it. I had an 8B near the corner (3/4 diamond away I'm guessing, so technically not the same shot, but the CB was lined up very similar) and the CB was about a foot away, the 9B was on other end of table near the diamond on the same side of the table (think near mirror image). I was having some fun and decided to play the short side so I jacked up to add a little swerve which allowed for more transfer of energy to the 8B (so I could hit it softer) and the CB came off the rail and floated straight down table and I was dead nuts straight on the 9B.

If the CB is traveling 5' and you induce a curve that takes the CB 6" that's a 10% "swerve rate" (? making up random words) and if the CB is traveling 10" and you only swerve it 1" that is also a 10% swerve rate. So, to me, it's relative as I'm still swerving it 10% but on the shorter shot I'm only swerving it an 1".

Not sure if that will make any sense or not?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My post #60 referring to the shot in post #49, is really a shot known to very few players. The diagram shows the cue ball SITTING ON TOP OF THE RAIL. When you shoot the cue ball with low outside English while shooting upward at the cue ball the masse effect reverses. Think of kneeling on the floor and aiming your cue upward at a 45 degree angle and using low outside English. The outside (right) English will masse the cue ball to the left and with a very precise hit will move the object ball to the left.

As I originally stated, theoretically this shot could be made but not with my limited ability. Originally, this shot was considered on the old web style pockets where the cue ball could sit in the jaws of the pocket and a player could shoot upwards through the webs of the pocket. Try it.


Tellin' it like it is...
Silver Member
I've shot this shot a few 1000 times in my life, I know you can't visually see swerve when using straight left, only deflection (and you really can't see that, you just know it's there so you adjust) but, unless you're within a few inches of the ball you can slightly jack up and implement a little swerve.
So you can't see any significant swerve on the short shot we are discussing and yet you believe it is there because...well, you haven't offered any evidence for why you believe it is there in an amount that makes a significant practical difference for this particular shot.
The amount of swerve is relative to the distance from the CB to the OB.
Exactly, and in that short of a distance, at that speed of hit you need to make the ball, there isn't time/distance enough for there to be any significant swerve. If you were 4 feet away from the shot then yeah you might have some significant swerve.

The other thing you have to keep in mind about swerve is that it is also relative to the speed of the cue ball given the same rate of spin (although the rate of spin ratio can change over time/distance as well). With a fast moving cue ball swerve is just not able to happen much, but as the cue ball slows the swerve is able to happen more but it isn't happening much in the first foot of travel on more briskly hit shots such as this one when hit in the typical (not highly elevated which wouldn't at all be typical here) manner.
I know this, because I just did it. I had an 8B near the corner (3/4 diamond away I'm guessing, so technically not the same shot, but the CB was lined up very similar) and the CB was about a foot away, the 9B was on other end of table near the diamond on the same side of the table (think near mirror image). I was having some fun and decided to play the short side so I jacked up to add a little swerve which allowed for more transfer of energy to the 8B (so I could hit it softer) and the CB came off the rail and floated straight down table and I was dead nuts straight on the 9B.

If the CB is traveling 5' and you induce a curve that takes the CB 6" that's a 10% "swerve rate" (? making up random words)...
I am almost certain a good portion if not all of what you thought was swerve over that 5' of travel after rebounding from the rail was not swerve and in fact the cue ball was tracking on a fairly straight line. I talk about one of the things that could change the rebound angle (that someone could easily misinterpret as being "swerve" when it is not) in the last paragraph of post #36 which I will link to at the very bottom of this post.
...and if the CB is traveling 10" and you only swerve it 1" that is also a 10% swerve rate. So, to me, it's relative as I'm still swerving it 10% but on the shorter shot I'm only swerving it an 1".
First off, you aren't getting any 1" of swerve on this shot if you are shooting it in any typical way that would happen in important games. Closer to .1" than 1" and fairly inconsequential to this particular shot in any case. Which brings up a point. The percentage doesn't matter for the purposes of whether it is significant or not on this shot (significant meaning that it is an objectively large amount that must be adjusted for or you are guaranteed to miss the shot). It doesn't matter if it is even 50% if that 50% only equates to one millionth of an inch over that shot distance at that shot speed as that is still totally insignificant and is making no material difference to the shot.

I believe that to be the case here. With 10" of shot distance, at the speed with which you must hit it to pocket the ball (which isn't super slow), if you are hitting it in any realistic way that would typically be played in a game that matters there just isn't enough time/distance for swerve to start happening in any amount that is significant to this particular shot, as in making any big practical difference that would otherwise guarantee a miss if not adjusted for (regardless of what the "percentage" is, although I happen to believe the percentage is also pretty small on this shot too because the swerve hasn't been able to start working much yet).


Chili Palmer

Give or take an 1"
Silver Member
So you can't see any significant swerve on the short shot we are discussing and yet you believe it is there because...well, you haven't offered any evidence for why you believe it is there in an amount that makes a significant practical difference for this particular shot.

Exactly, and in that short of a distance, at that speed of hit you need to make the ball, there isn't time/distance enough for there to be any significant swerve. If you were 4 feet away from the shot then yeah you might have some significant swerve.

The other thing you have to keep in mind about swerve is that it is also relative to the speed of the cue ball given the same rate of spin (although the rate of spin ratio can change over time/distance as well). With a fast moving cue ball swerve is just not able to happen much, but as the cue ball slows the swerve is able to happen more but it isn't happening much in the first foot of travel on more briskly hit shots such as this one when hit in the typical (not highly elevated which wouldn't at all be typical here) manner.

I am almost certain a good portion if not all of what you thought was swerve over that 5' of travel after rebounding from the rail was not swerve and in fact the cue ball was tracking on a fairly straight line. I talk about one of the things that could change the rebound angle (that someone could easily misinterpret as being "swerve" when it is not) in the last paragraph of post #36 which I will link to at the very bottom of this post.

First off, you aren't getting any 1" of swerve on this shot if you are shooting it in any typical way that would happen in important games. Closer to .1" than 1" and fairly inconsequential to this particular shot in any case. Which brings up a point. The percentage doesn't matter for the purposes of whether it is significant or not on this shot (significant meaning that it is an objectively large amount that must be adjusted for or you are guaranteed to miss the shot). It doesn't matter if it is even 50% if that 50% only equates to one millionth of an inch over that shot distance at that shot speed as that is still totally insignificant and is making no material difference to the shot.

I believe that to be the case here. With 10" of shot distance, at the speed with which you must hit it to pocket the ball (which isn't super slow), if you are hitting it in any realistic way that would typically be played in a game that matters there just isn't enough time/distance for swerve to start happening in any amount that is significant to this particular shot, as in making any big practical difference that would otherwise guarantee a miss if not adjusted for (regardless of what the "percentage" is, although I happen to believe the percentage is also pretty small on this shot too because the swerve hasn't been able to start working much yet).

Now you're just being obtuse...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You need to go back and read that portion of the thread again. Tennesseejoe asks for the trick to shooting it with OUTSIDE english. You respond that it is a masse. I keep reminding you that we are only talking about how it would be shot if using OUTSIDE english. You keep insisting it would it would be a masse with outside english. Rinse and repeat several more times.

I think I have finally figured out what you were thinking, but it sure isn't what you were saying. What you should have just said was "I am not talking about shooting it with outside because I would never shoot it with outside, so I am talking about shooting it with inside instead". For that matter, since shooting it with outside was the topic, you shouldn't have said anything at all in response to the outside english discussion when you were never even talking about outside english. What a cluster.

What color is your roof? Purple. No, no, your roof, not some other part of your house, what color is your roof? Purple. Your roof isn't purple, can't be, so what color is your roof? I told you, it's purple. No it is not purple, so what color is it actually? No it really, really, is purple. Your roof, the thing over your head that keeps the rain out, that is purple? No, my front door is purple, not my roof.--you should have known I was talking about my front door when I said purple. Now how the hell would I know that when you were answering about your roof?

Back to talking about inside again now. You don't need a curve, you just need english. Start trying that shot with a closer to level cue, Once you get more practiced with it your success will probably go up.

I don't know this hustle but I would like to. I watched a champion make 2 out of 25.
I can make the shot, not near enough consistency to try a hustle, which I wouldn't do anyway.
My signature,,,You don't know, what you don't know, until you know it. I don't know

View attachment 638736
THIS is the shot in question. Pay attention.


Tellin' it like it is...
Silver Member
Now you're just being obtuse...
I just explained why contrary to your belief you are not going to have significant swerve on that shot. Obtuse is believing in things without evidence, and ignoring evidence, both of which you are doing here. If there is a part that you are still not getting then let me know and I will try to clarify some more but honestly the fact that you don't have swerve right away on shots that aren't hit extremely soft is not rocket science and is something that just about any C player knows so I'm not sure why you are struggling so much with the obvious.


Tellin' it like it is...
Silver Member
THIS is the shot in question. Pay attention.
No, that shot with OUTSIDE english is what everybody was talking about that you joined in about. Except that unfortunately you couldn't pay attention or had a major reading comprehension problem or whatever was the case and so you apparently started talking about some other completely different shot than everybody else was talking about, and the problem with that was that you never did realize it (and still don't seem to) and in any case you certainly never bothered to let everybody else know that you were talking about something else entirely and you kept responding as if you were talking about the same thing they were when you weren't which caused a ton of confusion. Pay attention so you don't get so lost.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
No, that shot with OUTSIDE english is what everybody was talking about that you joined it about. Except that unfortunately you couldn't pay attention or had a major reading comprehension problem or whatever was the case and so you apparently started talking about some other completely different shot than everybody else, and the problem was that you didn't realize it and in any case you certainly never bothered to let everybody else who was talking about one shot know that you were in fact talking about some other completely different shot than what they were talking about. Pay attention.
Blah blah. I quoted it because IMO it is always a masse. My prerogative.


Tellin' it like it is...
Silver Member
Blah blah. I quoted it because IMO it is always a masse. My prerogative.
We were talking about the version of that shot with outside english. You quoted saying the outside english version of the shot which we were discussing was a masse (it's not nor would that be at all desirable, although the inside english version could be). When repeatedly reminded that we were discussing the the outside english version of the shot you still kept insisting that the outside english version was and should be a masse.

This wasn't about perogative. You didn't pay attention, or had a reading comprehension failure, and didn't have a clue what was being talked about when you joined in. And it isn't like most people haven't done that before, but instead of admitting it you either still don't realize it, which is scary, or you are just choosing to try to blame everybody else, which is sh!tty.

You were the one who clearly got lost and had the poor communication and caused all the confusion, not anybody else. That was all you. Holy crap, how hard is it to just say "yeah I misunderstood what was being talked about and ended up causing a bunch of confusion, sorry about that". Most have done it, just own it dude.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
We were talking about the version of that shot with outside english. You quoted saying the outside english version of the shot which we were discussing was a masse (it's not nor would that be at all desirable, although the inside english version could be). When repeatedly reminded that we were discussing the the outside english version of the shot you still kept insisting that the outside english version was and should be a masse.

This wasn't about perogative. You didn't pay attention, or had a reading comprehension failure, and didn't have a clue what was being talked about when you joined in. And it isn't like most people haven't done that before, but instead of admitting it you either still don't realize it, which is scary, or you are just choosing to try to blame everybody else, which is sh!tty.

You were the one who clearly got lost and had the poor communication and caused all the confusion, not anybody else. That was all you. Holy crap, how hard is it to just say "yeah I misunderstood what was being talked about and ended up causing a bunch of confusion, sorry about that". Most have done it, just own it dude.
I quoted the pic of the off the rail shot or the initial comments. I have no Fks to give about any discussion about it. Any merit to outside english you care to extrapolate upon?


Tellin' it like it is...
Silver Member
For somebody that supposedly had no Fks to give about the conversation you sure got all in the middle of it not knowing what the hell you were talking about and not having a clue what anybody else was talking about either. That sir was quite the unique accomplishment lol. You've got to do a better job paying attention, comprehending, and using your head. Everybody has a brain fart here and there but its like you went 50 IQ and stumbling drunk for days on end and lost all ability to even understand basic english. A whole bunch of extreme comprehension laziness had to have been involved because it can't all have been due to sheer stupidity and there is just no excuse for it.

There is no merit to outside english on that shot, but the outside english version of that shot was what was being discussed and was what you were discussing as you repeatedly confirmed over and over and over and over.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
For somebody that supposedly had no Fks to give about the conversation you sure got all in the middle of it not knowing what the hell you were talking about and not having a clue what anybody else was talking about either. That sir was quite the unique accomplishment lol. You've got to do a better job paying attention, comprehending, and using your head. Everybody has a brain fart here and there but its like you went 50 IQ and stumbling drunk for days on end and lost all ability to even understand basic english. A whole bunch of extreme comprehension laziness had to have been involved because it can't all have been due to sheer stupidity and there is just no excuse for it.

There is no merit to outside english on that shot, but the outside english version of that shot was what was being discussed and was what you were discussing as you repeatedly confirmed over and over and over and over.
You started the interchange from left field. You must be a total nit in action.


Tellin' it like it is...
Silver Member
You started the interchange from left field.
I started the interchange? Paraphrasing here but Tennesseejoe said he thought the shot could be made with outside english but didn't know the secret to doing it that way and asked for the secret to making it with outside. You responded that the secret was masse and since you didn't specify otherwise you were clearly saying the secret to making it with outside was to use masse. Because that obviously was a dumb fck answer I made sure you knew that he was asking for the outside english secret, and did you really mean to say that it was to masse. You said yes, that the secret to making it with outside english was masse. I reclarified with you many, many more times making sure you understood that it was shooting it with outside that was being discussed and were you sure that you intended your masse response to apply to the outside english shot he was asking about and over and over and over you affirmed that it was. Then later on you say "no, I wasn't talking about the outside english version, I was talking about shooting it some other way, you should have known even though I kept saying I was talking about shooting it with outside english".
You must be a total nit in action.
I don't like willfully intellectually lazy or stupid people so I wouldn't be good action? Lol, there goes another leap in logic. Let me say it again, if you are going to get involved in a conversation, know what the hell you are talking about, and know what the hell is being discussed, and when you screw up like you did here, big time and over and over, just own it. Most of us are going to end up doing it at some point. The sad part is that you may be so clueless that you still to this moment don't know what you did and how stupid it was so perhaps the issue isn't a failure to admit, but rather a failure to realize because you are so slow that you just still aren't getting it. I didn't think that option was even a possibility so I had ruled it out but now I'm starting to reconsider.


If not now...
Silver Member
Any psychologists here who can explain how aiming techniques and directions create such discourse amongst players?

It's almost like politics in how it increases tensions and emotions. Weird.

Jeff Livingston