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  • i am selling all three AdamCueCo. Balabushka ltd ed cues. gb1 - gb2 - gb3. bob farr suggested you might be interested. i just added pics of the cues. i posted the blog yesterday afternoon. ron
    Back from the gold mine, old man. Had the time of my life. Later..................Greg
    please call me
    i think what i have is a chas
    i have 2 of them,i can sell you one

    there is not enough difference in the mason and the chas to care
    which one i buy
    in fact i think i prefer the chas

    dean 214 477 7323
    Hi ,

    i am searching for a mason case and got an advice from thediamond you could have one . If , are you willing to sell it ?

    Regards , Markus
    Hi Dean,
    Thanks for you nice comment on my Non Pareliel Novelty. It is pristine, and was meticulously restored by Ed O"Connell of Time After Time in CT. It is 4 piece slate. Right now I want to keep it, but if I decide to ever sell it, I will give you first crack.
    Best regards,
    my contact is pdade@lizshoes.com 904-612-5258 cell, home 904-273-2531
    The owner of sportsmens (Jerry Conkel) has one he is selling for a friend. Made in 1970.
    Just wanted to pop in and say hello! I love all the cues you have been offering up...Wish I wasn't so "cue broke" ...Have a good one Dean!
    Dean, I have a prewitt thats loaded I traded a Barry for it, its a ivory not a MOP cue but is beatiful, brand new never seen chalk, i'd like to sell it to off set the $$$ I spent on a BIG MoNSTER cue, i will get you pics of later, were making a book of it.
    What are all the Mottey collectors going to say when (They see the decal machine or hear of Decal Paul.
    Dean your right about that cue, my neighbor owns it. I spoke to him today, I will let you know what happens after I visit him, I will jelly you up if it happens.
    Hey Dean....... In your Album of 3/26/2009 the first cue there is ALMOST EXACTLY what I've been dreaming of having made (with a few differences). Would you happen to still have it? I'm very interested to find out what you have in your inventory :). Do you happen to have any cases in the 3x6 size by chance?

    Thanks for discussing cues with me earlier tonite...very enlightening.

    I'm seriously considering that Mottey box cue...
    please let me know the specs on it if you get a chance?

    weight, length, condition, etc.

    also, what form of payment is good for you?

    Thanks_Steve 917-696-2424
    the palmer is on ebay now under palmer cues hope you check it out palmer made a line of high end cues for brunswick in the 70s brunswick jacked up the price and didnt do well it was a 1 shot deal i think they made less than 40 im not sure
    that sounds like a good price. the last cue you had listed looked amazing! still though i'm more in to plane janes these days
    Hay who was it that made those Deano cues you offered a while back. that last one you offered with the flame veneers was a great looking cue!!!!!! did you end up selling it? if you don't mine me asking why was the shaft 13.25mm?
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