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  • PM me when you are in Chesapeake, I am always around now days. Have pretty much retired. We'll go to peninsula billiards and hit a few..........
    Tried to rep your post on Maxine..... couldn't do it, so here is your greenie Brother.... Hope you are well.
    Hello brother, sorry for the delay. Just finished up school for this semester, finals had me busy, 15 year hiatus from school. Still down for a game? Know algebraic or descriptive notation? Prefer trying a game in a thread or online?
    Likewise on reading your posts, and on a one pocket match. One pocket is not my best game, although last time I played in a tournament, I managed to win a game against Rob Saez, running 8 and out. Rob didn't let me see much after that. :)
    Respect is a two way street, and you have mine. I'm currently working in New Jersey..... 346 miles from home.
    Thanks for the rep and kind words. All is well for my and my family. Hope the same can be said for you and yours!
    Be well,
    Andy is putting the finishing touches on the cue now,will send photo's when he sends me the cue.
    Hey Bob,Art here,gonna have a new Gilbert to show you real soon,you'll love it,he only made 14 and each one is numbered,I got #13,got my new South West also.take care.
    Always good to hear from you. Yes, I poke a little fun now and then, and am glad you don't take it seriously. I'm up in New York State on an assignment now, good to be working again.
    I tried to rep you but I guess I have to spread it around first. Weird. I've rep'd a lot of people since I last gave you rep. Oh well. :)
    Donovan has had to concentrate on his career and family....He once was a real good pool player he no longer plays now...He is very busy at work and with his family...He is doing great in life................
    Thanks for the compliment on my pool room. Any time you're in KC, you're welcome to drop by and hit a few.
    Just got my BHQ with ivory ferrule,joint and butt cap,great playing cue,Brent is a great cue maker and a great guy!
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