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  • sk8ordie... it's been a LONG time.
    How are the waves in your part of town? Believe it or not, I am still skateboarding, but not as strong as I once did. ALSO, still playing billiards, off and on. Dude, let me know how u are doing!
    Doing great. Still skateboarding. Got to be hard on the knees.
    Is this your new handle, now??
    Today is your day. Wishing you all the best!

    Can't blame you on the job. It's life - what can I say. lol
    Yea, I fractured my leg and dislocated my ankle at Mike Crum's (and Oliver B.'s) skatepark "Overground Skatepark" in Dallas. So no more sk8boarding, for now. Yea, Austin's quite a place (especially 6th st, hello!). Haven't been there, but I look forward to it. More school, more billiards to look forward to. Have a blast in the most weirdest place in Texas! Hah!
    I am new to buying stuff off the net I just wonder do you think it is safe to do a deal with smoking aces
    LOL, the waves are just only concrete here in Dallas. I tried the Eisenberg Skatepark's revived "Clown Vert Ramp" a little over a month and a half ago and I was stoked. That was the last time I also skateboarded... period. I have a job now as a Water Safety Instructor, getting an apartment, and just start new. Waves for me is going to be either: a) snowboarding in Colorado, b) surfing in the California (dreamin') Coastline, and c) Skateboarding in Dallas, Denver, or the westside of Cali! Just got to pull off the mighty dollar and work hard these next few years. :D
    wat's up, sk8ordie (since I don't remember or forgot your name, sorry)! How's the surf, sk8, billiard scene for ya? I am in the Big D now and I have merely done any skateboardin'. Let me know what 'cha been up to, bro.
    Yes, there is truth to the rumors, in fact, I'm building an entire library of DVDs which will cover the whole industry to the point that a person could be completely self trained to work on pool tables at the highest level.

    Hey JR good to hear from you,The dog house pulled out on the pool tournaments .We are having them at the pour house in little river about 500yds from the scotchman on your right coming down 17.Will be there monday and wednesday stop by and see us Take Care Petey
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