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  • Jeff, do you still have your milk dud cue tips for sale? I would like to purchase a few if any available. Thank you!
    Hello! Are you still selling your milk dud tips? I have one remaining. I've tried making my own but not getting as good as a hit that yours produce so I'd love some more.
    Good day

    Would you be willing to ship the Olney Bacote Merry Widow to Singapore?
    If so, let me know on the total cost cue+shipping.

    Pooldawg8, Howdy;

    Left + feedback let me know if it's a NO show and will re submit.
    Thanks for super quick service. You B da man!!!

    pooldawg8, Howdy;

    Been a while since I last ordered, what is the price for end of Aug. 2019? Forgot the last price I paid, but worth it. Will also need paypal address ect. .

    Thanks hank
    Hello I'm Mark. Definitely will pick up 3 of them! 928 821 2505 or markemaynard@yahoo.com and since it's a sweet deal. I'll PayPal you friends!
    Hey man, just to follow up on your milk dud tips. You do an amazing job. These tips I truly feel are world class and I hope you will keep up doing what you are doing. I do have a question and feel free to shut it down and say no but I was wondering if you would ever consider making milk duds for snooker cues. Elkmaster makes a pro series 10mm tip for snooker cues and I feel like your demand would blow up if you ever started making them. If you ever wanted to make a trial batch of elkmaster pro snooker milk duds I would pay you for the lot. You could order an entire pack of them and you can pretty much just name your price on those and Ill pay you.
    Would like some of your tips. Please send me info and I will get some ordered. Thank you very much
    Hi Jeff I'm interested in buying some tips could you email me.

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