Tin Man

AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
There was a player I always admired that had a will to win like no other I've ever met. Sometimes if he needed three in a row to win a set, after winning a game to go down say 8-7 in a race to 9 would say "All I want to do is make it to hill-hill. After that I don't really care what happens..."

It was funny because anyone that knew him knew how ridiculous that was.

Of course, then when he got it to 8-8 he'd announce "OK, I changed my mind. Now I want to win."

Bank it

Uh Huh, Sounds Legit
Silver Member
You've got a better chance at throwing a snowball & hitting the facking sun than you do of getting out of this trap


Fargo: 457...play some?
Silver Member
"Heads I win, tails you lose."

It's amazing how many people don't catch this, not nice to pull on your friends or anyplace you want to frequent more than once.



Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
After being asked for weight, when they don't really need any weight, I reply, "BELLY UP TO THE TABLE LIKE A MAN!".



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
HIM: I need some weight...ME: "Weight?? No you look perfectly healthy to me. Matter fact you could stand to lose a few lbs"...LOL


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
HIM: I need some weight...ME: "Weight?? No you look perfectly healthy to me. Matter fact you could stand to lose a few lbs"...LOL
You just make that up? Reason i ask is i've been going to poolrooms since the fall of '79 and have never heard ANYBODY say that.