Here is my Pro 10-ball 7-6 win.
Little bit info: I had no music and place was closed but one other guy can come practice Snooker too and he turned on some Faith No More so I take audio out.. :sorry:
I also Edited racking out and some longest thinking or measurement are speeded or shortened.
Also I was on slump 2 weeks before that match and I tuned my stroke a lot day before I shoot this match.
Also outside was -30 Celsius and that my practice table is so near emergency exit it was really cold .. maybe 16-18 Celsius and table was playing really slow.
Anyways I was happy about this match because I could pull it home after hard 2 weeks and Tomorrow we have Finnish 10-ball Champs with whopping 144 players. I think it is record how many players we have so far.
My table is tough 9 footer(modified) Sam. Quite similar pockets as Orcollo vs Ko match. Maybe tad easier but not sure.