Shane beat:
F. Hernandez 11-7
John Morra 11-10
Thorsten Hohmann 11-6
Corey Deuel 11-4
Daryl Peach 11-7
Mike Dechaine 11-6
Brandon Shuff 11-4
Alex Pagulayan 11-9
Jeremy Jones 11-5
Dennis Orcullo 11-5
Jayson Shaw 11-9
J.L Chang 13-9
I prob would have had difficulty beating up on any 1 of these guys let alone all 12 of them. :grin::thumbup::grin:
For me the entire US Open stream was worth it in spades just to get to see the last couple of matches - the semi with Shane coming back from 6-0 and to see his emotion come out after snapping the final 9b to win and the classy embrace from opponent Jayson Shaw who, btw, they ran out of adjectives for during this tourney.
And JL Chang who made it through unscathed until the final - how could you not like this guy who, as Mark Wilson so accurately pointed out, thrives on his economy of motion with his shots and position play. Mark added that anyone trying to emulate Chang's fundamentals; their games will be sure to go up.
I don't think I saw Chang miss one shot with his jumper and one shot in particular was especially great where he did a long jump and ended up bumping his way into perfect shape for, I think, the 3 ball with what was probably the
best display ever of body english followed with a huge smile. The audience, and I, really loved that shot.
Accu-Stats started weak but finished really strong.
And Shane is a genuine Superhero!! :thumbup:
can't wait til next year. :smile:
brian kc