A regretful situation


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Whats regrettable is when folks besmirch the good name of a well respected cuemaker over such a petty thing.

I'm thinking there just might be another side to this tragic saga.

If you think there is another side please feel free to call Bob and ask him and post it here for all of us to see.

I am not trying to besmirch anyone. Never once did i bad mouth him or get nasty in my threads regarding the situation and never once was I nasty with him over the phone.

Like I said i am not out for anything accept to warn people of a situation I currently went through.

You are more than welcomed to your opinion as I knew a post like this was coming. In truth I welcome it please call and get his side I would love to hear it.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
As a follow up I find it even more interesting that you are the only one to take that stance thus far. Again I mean no disrespect to Bob Frey I just wanted to let people know what happened so they could draw their own conclusions.


champagne - campaign
Silver Member
Like I said i am not out for anything accept to warn people of a situation I currently went through.


This doesnt go for just Bob but in situations like this in general. I always make it a point to send a cuemaker a detailed drawing of any cue that I have made and some have a work order form yo ufill out that covers everything like the joint, woods, rings, points ,wrap etc. This is a good post for people who are thinking about having a cue made.


champagne - campaign
Silver Member
$700+ for a sneaky with a wrap, steel joint, and ONE shaft?? Does it even have an ivory ferrule?

Wow...... sorry to hear about this.....

This is a lot, but it's a lot for what you see. The cue may play great and be worth the $$ to play with. When people think this is a lot of money it's because of who made it. Bob is a good cue maker and has made some very nice cues. Do you think you could get Barry Szamboti or Ernie to make this cue for $700? I sold a Tim Scruggs sneaky pete with a Hoppe ring ( not ivory ) at the DCC last year for $500 and the guy thought he was heisting me. Now its true Tim is not making them I guess but it's not like they are not around.


Really Old School
Silver Member
Whats regrettable is when folks besmirch the good name of a well respected cuemaker over such a petty thing.

I'm thinking there just might be another side to this tragic saga.

Well, I don't know if I'm besmirching Mr. Frey or not, but here's what happened to me, petty though it may be. After being away from pool for 25 years, I came back and started buying cues like a demon. I acquired 12 new cues in a year, most were bought on this forum. I did custom order a few, and one I dreamt of was a sneaky like my old buddy Martin's Scruggs. I ordered a fancy/smancy Frey at Tim Scruggs suggestion. It had a few extras and cost about $550. It was 59" cocobolo with an ivory ferrule and a wood to wood joint and a black phenolic ring at the joint. I originally didn't want that as I wanted a true sneaky but Bob Frey strongly advised me to get it to prevent the pin from popping out the side of the shaft. We never had that problem back in the day, but I digress. The cue arrived a few months later and I swear it was the most butt-heavy cue I've ever felt. The hit was fine and the cue was gorgeous but the dynamics of the cue were terrible. I was surprised Mr. Frey ever let it get out of the shop. Tim Scruggs would have trashed it on graduation day.

I called Bob Frey and calmly asked why a 19.4 oz cue made in cocobolo should be so back weighted. I forget the balance point but it was wayyyy back there. He just said that some blanks have that balance, and that it was normal ! He didn't offer to do anything for me. I sold the cue and of course I don't recommend Bob Frey. I have great sneakys from Paul Dayton and Darren Hill but I will never own another Frey. I'm sure other cues he has made are great but my experience was horrid. People rave about his sneakys but they need to try a Dayton or a Hill or a Josey or a Diviney. My Dayton plays so well I can't use anything else :thumbup:...Tom
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Never Has Been
Silver Member
......My awesome girlfriend for Christmas decided to get me a custom Bob Frey Sneaky....

Forget the cue problems, the real value of this thread is in the idea which this inspires.....an awesome girlfriend for Xmas.....a new eye-popping one for Easter?.....another spectacular replacement for Thanksgiving?.........:)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Forget the cue problems, the real value of this thread is in the idea which this inspires.....an awesome girlfriend for Xmas.....a new eye-popping one for Easter?.....another spectacular replacement for Thanksgiving?.........:)

I dont care who you are that is hilarious.


from way back when
Silver Member
there is more to being a great craftsman than being a great craftsman.

if you are going to market a product you have to be a good businessman. and that involves getting the order correct in both yours and the customers mind. and remembering the customer is always right up to the point of fairness.
and that to keep up your reputation you must keep your customers happy and not be petty with them over small issues. its a small world and a few bad marks follow you always. and your bad skeletons will come out of the closet when someone complains in public. as here.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
there is more to being a great craftsman than being a great craftsman.

if you are going to market a product you have to be a good businessman. and that involves getting the order correct in both yours and the customers mind. and remembering the customer is always right up to the point of fairness.
and that to keep up your reputation you must keep your customers happy and not be petty with them over small issues. its a small world and a few bad marks follow you always. and your bad skeletons will come out of the closet when someone complains in public. as here.

I agree with you completely and as I have stated multiple times now I would love to hear his side or even JP Nusbaum.

Kevin Lindstrom

14.1 Addict
Silver Member
My take on this subject.

Well I know Bob Frey and I know JP Nusbaum. I also know of some of ForumGhosts history here at AZ. All I know about Bob and JP have been good. Some of ForumGhosts history is questionable.



Based on ForumGhosts descriptions of his accounts with Bob things seem somewhat confusing and vague of (f)actual details. I would love to see a copy of the receipt for his (girlfriend / family members) purchase of said cue frm Bob. In additon copies of email documentation would go along way in building a case for himself (girlfriend / family member) until then I will continue to support both Bob Frey & JP Nusbaum.

Here are pictures of 3 of the 4 Bob Frey cues I currently own. I couldn't be happier with Bob's cues and or services he has provided to me over the years.





I hope you can get everything worked out with your situation to avoid posting badmouthing threads like this in the future.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
As previously stated Bob told my gf that he does not have email. however I am more than happy to post any and all documentation in this thread tomorrow after I scan it. In all honesty I am glad you brought up those posts. I have made mistakes here in the past and I have learned from them immensely. I have tried to do right on here since and have had several great transactions as well making some new friends as well.

Jon P. Nusbaum

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Regretful Situation

Wow! This does sound like things have gotton out of hand. First I would like to list ForumGhost's cues price as I would have given.
Ebony Cue with Rambo Butt $360.00
Stainless Steel Joint (includes 3/8" or 5/16" pin)no credit to change pin size. $65.00
Real Lizard Wrap $300.00 Imitation Lizard or Leather $150.00
Linen Wrap $70.00
Joint Colar Rings $20.00
Shaft diameter sizing No charge.
Shipping $30.00
Mori Medium Tip $40.00

Now, as I recall I think I also quoted this cue by phone ( I give out a lot of quotes)

My standard procedure is to immedialtly sent out a written Bill of Sale with all details of cue, and send out another copy for customers insurance with completed cue. I try to always keep the customer in the loop. When I pick up customer's cue from Bob, I always inspect for flaws. Sometimes you find them, but they are always corrected before customer gets his cue;that's my job. "Customer First".

Now enough of me.... They're was obviously a communication problem between your girlfriend and Bob. In hindsight, a written order should have been sent to you,then problems might have been avoided. Bob is a damm good cuemaker, and tries his best to always maintain a quality product,but admitably not the best record keeper. That's my responsibility,when involved.

I think in this matter Bob might have been confused by two people involved in the order, and a request to send money credit to two seperate addresses.

I can only assume that ForumGhost and Bob, let this frustrating situation get out of hand. I agree that this should'nt have happened,but as they say we're only human. I'am glad to hear that the cue plays good,now hopefully the rest of this situation will work out with ForumGhost and Bob.

Someone in this thread mentioned that Bob's cues were Butt heavy. That was true about 3 years ago, but currently all his cues are naturally balanced, no weight bolts.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Wow! This does sound like things have gotton out of hand. First I would like to list ForumGhost's cues price as I would have given.
Ebony Cue with Rambo Butt $360.00
Stainless Steel Joint (includes 3/8" or 5/16" pin)no credit to change pin size. $65.00
Imitation Lizard or Leather $150.00
Linen Wrap $70.00
Joint Colar Rings $20.00
Shaft diameter sizing No charge.
Shipping $30.00
Mori Medium Tip $40.00

Now, as I recall I think I also quoted this cue by phone ( I give out a lot of quotes)

Now enough of me.... They're was obviously a communication problem between your girlfriend and Bob. In hindsight, a written order should have been sent to you,then problems might have been avoided. Bob is a damm good cuemaker, and tries his best to always maintain a quality product,but admitably not the best record keeper.

I think in this matter Bob might have been confused by two people involved in the order, and a request to send money credit to two seperate addresses.

First I would like to thank JP for his input in this situation.

Secondly I would just like to point out the pricing difference which is substancial.
JP Nusbaum Price : $585.00 for the cue as it was sent out with linen wrap.
Bob Frey Price: $725.00 for the cue as it was shipped out with linen wrap.

Now obviously as stated 80 dollars was finally sent now and the price still doesnt add up. Jay Helfert said it best He totally saw her coming. In my honest opinion I honestly feel that Bob owes her a little more money.

Thirdly there are only two things that I find incorrect in this posting and i deleted the other parts and left them in in the quote above.

1. My gf ordered the cue how was this a miscommunication on her part in any way? When she said did you get all that and he said yes do you think perhaps it was the cuemaker's responsibility if he had a question or missed something to call to make sure ?

2. Money was never requested to my address only to my gf's so that in all honesty is a complete cop out for Bob.

I wish this didnt happen folks but it did. As I said I feel my gf was over charged and would love to know where he gets off charging 100 for the stainless steel joint and then another 20 for the pin and than another 40 for the butt.

If you guys can shed some more light on this would love to know.


Now we have gotten the check in the mail for 80 dollars and basically now would love to let this situation die. I would like to thank everyone who has come into this thread and put in their .02 cents. and their input whether good or bad. To finalize this whole situation later today I will be attaching two files one is the written order that Bob sent with the check and the other is the typed order with highlighted area (his highlighting not mine). As requested by Keven Lindstrom.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I try to always keep the customer in the loop. When I pick up customer's cue from Bob, I always inspect for flaws. Sometimes you find them, but they are always corrected before customer gets his cue;that's my job. "Customer First".

So what you are saying is that Bob is ok with this happening and commonly lets cues go out with flaws? Does he not check the cues before they go out?

In all honesty I wish that I had JP get involved as my cue would not be sitting here with two scratches as Bob obviously let this cue go out the door with them. Basically folks we called Bob multiple times with questions and to see the progress of the cue. We made sure to send payment way prior to completion.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Again thank you to JP Nusbaum for shedding a lot of light on a dark and regretful situation. In my honest opinion I will never order a cue from Bob again. Which is sad because once this was all said and done the cue really hits great however I will not deal with this bad business practice.