6'5" and am in the same boat
I posted the last thread on this subject. I decided to get a 30" shaft for my predator. I toyed with a custom, but I needed a break cue and a case so I felt like a shaft was a compomise over dropping 400-600 on a custom. I feel your pain on losing accuracy by reaching for the ball. My suggestions would be this:
- Get a 30" shaft for your cue. Tremendous difference for me. My back hand is on the back edge of the wrap, as opposed to being behind it while still being in a good position to make a stroke.
- If you like your cue, try the extension option.
- If you feel like you want to keep your equipment the same, or the 30" shaft isn't enough, try bending your bridge hand's elbow and bring that hand closer to your back hand. You'll be able to put your grip hand on the wrap where it belongs (even before I got the 30" shaft I decided the cue seemed to stay so much straighter because the balance point was closer to my grip).
- Buy a Schmelke. The one I tried a long time ago, was a stock cue. Don't do that. They offer their M-series cue for less than that Elite cue, but you can customize it. Here is a good hypothetical build.
Schmelke M020 Bocote
- Cue Length 61"=30" Butt & 31" Shaft
- Extra Shaft No Extra Shaft
- Joint Style Joint #4 Wood to Wood (Standard)
- Shaft Diameter 12.5mm
- Shaft Taper Pro Taper 10-12" (Standard)
- Shaft Type Laminated (Stiff Less Deflection) 13mm
- Tip Type Schmelke Standard (Soft)
- Weight 20OZ.
- Wrap No Wrap
Grand total $130. You can actually get it for 110 if you get the standard shaft (but +20 is a nice lower deflection option) . You can't build a cue to you spec's for anything close to that. They don't make a butt bigger than 30", but you could go up to 62" if you want. If I were to do it, Id pony up for the uniloc joint($45) so I could play a 60" with a 30" ld shaft, or 61" at full length. The point wouldnt be to buy the last cue you ever need, but to somewhat cheaply find what you want in a cue and see if you can improve your game by getting something the right size. Get a custom after you know what you want.