Who is liable for the deaths and illnesses? Businesses point to people. People point to businesses. Disclosure should absolutely be an obligation.
We had a little situation at the competing pool hall. They had a big statewide APA tournament in early March. A player was later found to have Covid. The APA made an effort to email APA players. The pool hall opted to cover their ass and did not inform heir non APA regulars.
We had a few tournament players come to our place from the APA event. I have all the old timers and guys who play on 9 foot tables. They all have health issues. When I found out about this I outed the other owner after he refused to post a notification to the public. All of a sudden he's acting like he just found out about the Covid case they had 10 days earlier. For some it's all about the money... Nothing to do with the game.
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