Apps that report to Fargo


Silver Member
I apologize in advance if this topic has been done to death already. I have been away from the game for a couple of years and fell out of touch with current events. I heard that there are apps now where you can arrange matches that report back to Fargo. On the surface this sounds like a good thing for the game and a vehicle for inspiring competition and improvement. However like many other things it's being misused and a means to downwardly adjust Fargo ratings to get in to capped tournaments. I am posting to see if this is indeed a widely practiced thing. Just going by what I am told.


i like turtles
Gold Member
Silver Member
I hope that’s not a thing. It would lead to crazy amounts of rating manipulation. Could just make up opponents and scores.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mike Page has posted about some attempts people have made, they were busted. It’s almost impossible to get away with. I’m sure someone has managed it, to some extent.


i like turtles
Gold Member
Silver Member
You have to pay for it, but yes you can try to manipulate your fargo.
Pay for the app, or pay for each new player added? How much? Or does app require players to already have a Fargo ID?

What’s the name(s) of the app(s)?

This seems crazy.

Edit: looked up Salottto, here is the app description. This looks like a cheap way to manipulate ratings:



i like turtles
Gold Member
Silver Member
top review. “Now the power of competing and scoring games in FargoRate is truly in our hands.”




Texas Carom Club

9ball did to billiards what hiphop did to america
Silver Member
its quite rampant in houston even without the app, players that dont play better than 430 do it in the name of vegas which always kills me because i never see them posting photos wtih big ass checks won in vegas

vegas is the only real winner, and its all setup to get you there thinking its free and get every bit out of you they can


i like turtles
Gold Member
Silver Member
What makes it so hard to get away with it?
I want to know the answer to this as well. I assume the answer will be “each player has to have the app.”

If so, what’s stopping someone from entering dozens of fake matches with long races against 10 of his non-pool playing friends after getting their cooperation to download the app?

In this age of high-dollar 600-and-under tournaments, the incentive for a good player to stay just under that is massive.

For FR to maintain dominance, I think there needs to be absolute trust in the data collected.


Active member
Mike Page has posted about some attempts people have made, they were busted. It’s almost impossible to get away with. I’m sure someone has managed it, to some extent.
Completely false.

It’s extremely easy to get away with. I know numerous people who maintain certain FargoRates for the purpose of getting into these crazy big tournaments.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If you're willing to lose games intentionally, then any handicap system can be gamed.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's been beaten to death. Posts here, also podcasts from Salotto themselves.

The short answer is the juice is not worth the squeeze.

You'd have to blow a lot of money entering tournaments, being on the stall the whole time, to get your rating low with enough robustness to be let into the big events. By the time that's over, you would have spent more money on the tournaments you dumped compared to the big one you "may" win.

With the Salotto app, the app itself is free. But to get a match entered into it, it cost about $3 for race to 5 or 7 (I forget exactly). The results from the app are also weighted less than tournament results, so you'd have to play a lot more app matches to have the same effect as a tournament match. Additionally, you'd have to find someone to "catch the dump" with you when playing the app. Because if you guys put in the wrong score on purpose (and don't even hit a ball), or, you purposely dump bad without your opponent in on it with you, your opponent's fargo will go up, while your's goes down. If two players are cheating the system, they'd BOTH want their scores to go down. That's simply not possible.

Also, pool players are cheap as dirt. How many players are actually going to pay $3 to have a race? I actually am looking for people to add the salotto app to our gambling sets, and no one wants anything to do with paying extra. Its like being charged $10 an hour instead of $7 an hour for the table time.

Also, salotto matches are all public. If someone was a 607 before a 599 event that had a 20k first prize, and then lost 20 salotto matches in a row to weaker players by scores of 7-1 to get to 599, the TD could see that and disqualify the player.

Disclaimer, I have yet to play a salotto match. I've been trying for a while, no one around me wants to.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What I stated is not completely false. What you said borders on completely FOS. There is an increasing incentive now, and I’m sure more people are trying to work it. Are you claiming there are 730 level players out there with 595 Fargo? Should have quoted 🤨


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Cheaters will always cheat I guess, but I'm going to say one thing and that is not all people will use it to cheat. In my wife's case the other year, she started shooting some team tournaments with some of her friends and there was a tournament coming up that her friends wanted to play with her on their team, but she only had like 37 or so fargo scores in and all players needed at least 50 games in. The other girls lived for pool and had hundreds of scores in but not my wife. So, what they did was get together one afternoon with her and took turns shooting against her nonstop till she got her 50 plus games in. There absolutely was no cheating involved. The app accomplished exactly what it was supposed to be for.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What I stated is not completely false. What you said borders on completely FOS. There is an increasing incentive now, and I’m sure more people are trying to work it. Are you claiming there are 730 level players out there with 595 Fargo?
The winners of last few 600 and under tournaments shot almost 100 points higher than their fargo suggested....for the whole tournament. Not say it's not possible for someone to have a good few matches, but it does seem to be the current trend each event.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The winners of last few 600 and under tournaments shot almost 100 points higher than their fargo suggested....for the whole tournament. Not say it's not possible for someone to have a good few matches, but it does seem to be the current trend each event.
When you look at Open events, the winners usually do the same, shooting much higher than their fargo. You have to play jam up, get good rolls, and have a good draw, to win any event.