Bert Kinister

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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There is a Bert Kinister listed on the AZB money list. Not recently, though. Might be Bert's son.


Well-known member
Yes! I own and used a ton of Burt's material back in the late 90s - early 2000s on VHS. I think Burt Kinister was one of the best and most enthusiastic instructors out there. I learned a lot from a lot from other guys, like: Bugs Rucker, Buddy Hall, Jim Rempe, Jimmy Reid; but, Bert was THE GUY who would motivate you to get down in the basement and 'hit that shot 100 times' and 'do the work'. Burt Kinister is certainly a champion teacher/coach/instructor. Burt would train you the way boxers are trained in the gym. I can't say enough good things about him!


Sea Player
Silver Member
I never got to see prime Bert. When I did see him play in Dallas, he seemed to jump up on every other shot and not really stay down. Maybe more of a "hustler" type of thing. I know a lot of people who have found his instructional videos great though.
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Boot Party Coordinator
Silver Member
I took lessons from him in the 90s. I'd say his 9ball game (possibly his weakest game at the time) was around 650 Fargo.
However, when he was hitting thousands of balls a day creating the 60 minute workout, I'll bet he was 100 points higher.
He was a great instructor and charged accordingly, sold thousands of tapes, sold his own line of cues (Widowmaker by Greg Hearns), custom cases, and he was paid to endorse a few products. There was not much of a tour for pros to make money then anyway, so there was more money in instruction I'm sure.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Silver Member
Bert gave an entire set of his DVD's to support AZB or a cause on here, I forget which. It was decided to split this into two or three awards and I won one. Bert could have just given an entire set as first planned but he went still further, All winners got to pick out I think any 22 of his DVD's, their choice!

Overall the DVDs were very good. Bert's character did take a bit of getting used to, a bit too amped up all the time for my taste. He grows on you though.

Talking about content, a few DVD's I wasn't too impressed with. The vast majority ranked from very good to great or fantastic! I passed most of them on to a poker playing friend trying to sharpen up his pool game years later. I think everyone who has seen it endorses "The Mighty X" but I would say a dozen or more other of his DVD's are just as good. I confuse which is which now so I can't recommend individual DVD's.

The weaker DVD's are rare and of course in my opinion. If I paid for access to all of his training material I would consider it money well spent. Some of his stuff is worth it's weight in gold!



Sea Player
Silver Member
I definitely feel Bert contributed a lot to the pool community. I just don't know if he played at a "pro" level or not.
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Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Silver Member
I definitely feel Bert contributed a lot to the pool community. I just don't know if he played at a "pro" level or not.

If he was around 750 I would say so. In what should have been a his peak years as a player "pro player" was a tough term to define. One reason I could take on and sometimes beat pro players is that I didn't consider such a thing as a pro pool player to exist back then. I would say Bert had as much claim to being a pro as most.

I see very good players today put a glass ceiling on themselves considering themselves amateur players and not as good as pro's. Without the mental barrier they would beat pro's.


Chili Palmer

Give or take an 1"
Silver Member
He was associated with Niels Feijen way back, for a little while too. Recently, Niels had a stroke video up using one of Bert's old drills. "The Mighty X".
I had forgotten I had it on VHS!....once upon a time lol.
As with all his drills, it is the real deal.
Helped me big time!

If you want to get your stroke straightened out - practice the Mighty X. It is by far one of the most important routines I practiced when playing a lot.

book collector

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Bert is a pool fan and was always doing what he could to promote it , He certainly helped me tremendously and it was always a pleasure to see him. I hope he is still with us and doing well.


Cannonball comin’!
Gold Member
I’m still just a hack, but after doing that 60 minute workout I did get a ball better. I still use it as a basis for my practice on many days even if the shots aren’t the same…

… one thing beat into my brain was -playing to or through the center of the table. I can hear him saying, “It’s a no scratch line.”


Cannonball comin’!
Gold Member
The Neils Feijen thing is really cool too. There’s a vid of him trying to shoot out of a box that’s totally cool.

If you watch Neils vids they ooze Bert’s influence. In the last year he made a little three ball vid, which was Bert’s- Building the 6 Pointed Star. I do believe he also recently made a full 6 pointed star video.