Best Natural Stay Up Player of All Time?


Silver Member
Everyone here has heard the stories of players staying up for days in money matches. For the most part those matches were chemically fueled. The question I have is who was the best at playing multiple days on the natural? Grady Matthews maintained that this title belonged to him. He said he was the best after playing 18 straight hours and was only assisted by coffee and cigarettes (no pills). Any nominations or stories to impart?

George the Greek

Well-known member
The impossible part about long sets and indeed almost anything, is staying interested. :D
I had a couple 10 hour sessions playing snooker ( full rack and 6 reds) for small money years ago. We played 51 full rack games then 110 six red games. It was back n forth both sessions but fatigue did set in for both of us by the end. Back then I could do without sleep for 2-3 days at a time either driving or just doing nothing. The one thing I did do was eat, shower and change clothes and get the socks off that were stuck to the bottom of the feet lol


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I had a couple 10 hour sessions playing snooker ( full rack and 6 reds) for small money years ago. We played 51 full rack games then 110 six red games. It was back n forth both sessions but fatigue did set in for both of us by the end. Back then I could do without sleep for 2-3 days at a time either driving or just doing nothing. The one thing I did do was eat, shower and change clothes and get the socks off that were stuck to the bottom of the feet lol

Played 11 hours of 8 ball once. We were like zombies. Musta been euthanized :D
Best natural player I can think of was Al Romero. He played great to begin with and few could even stay with him. Never went to the pharmaceuticals I heard.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've known more than a few so-called 'chemical free' players that weren't if it was late enough and the gambling was good. In the 80's you were kinda in the minority if you gambled late and didn't engage in chem. warfare of some kind. Even caffeine is a chemical stimulant.


Silver Member
I was hoping for more nominations. CJ has made claims of playing extended lengths of time only relying on his commitment to fitness, meditation and martial arts to sustain him. Earl makes claims of chemical free endurance but mostly in the context of tournament play.


I used to play ring games for days at a time. In fact as I write this in have been up more the 24 hours. I had a 24 hour pool room and often was days at a time with out sleep. It is a habit I still have.

Weenie Beenie could play for days and often did. There was a guy in Miami named Bob S*****s who could ware out anyone.

I saw him play Mike Carella for three days. I came back in the pool room and asked Sharkey who had won. Sharkey said they haven't quit. Mike looked like death warmed over, Bob looked fresh as a daisy

Bob almost killed Daddy Warbucks who was old at the time. Warbucks actually took a fall after about 24 hours and had to quit. Bob by the way was not really a great player but bet high and often got weight from those chasing his bankroll.
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Older and Wiser
Silver Member
Back in the 1990s, Parica could play all through the night in those "ahead races" he liked to play.

When I was young, I was told that Johnny Irish had the reputation for a) being able to play for very long sessions, and b) for being able to get out of bed in the middle of the night and make his way for an action match when the right game came along.
I once played a guy for 38 consecutive hours. We were playing 8 aheads for 100 lol. It was at my friend's place, he had 4 pool tables and just let people play as long as they wanted just tip him if you ever made a score, no pool time. He just loved having folks around and being close to the action. This was in the early 2000s and I was maybe 22-23 at the time. I was so broke I really needed it bad. My friend was staking me. I had the guy 4 sets down and was on the hill to go up 5 sets and just couldn't finish it off. He was doing something to keep him going(never saw it but yeah) but I only ate dry cereal the whole time. So at the 35 hour or so mark I started getting kinda delirious, soon after that I was throwing up in the bathroom a little, soon after that I couldn't keep anything down not even water. I told the guy I would play him another time but he insisted we keep going. So after 2 more hours of this I just couldn't hardly stand anymore much less run a rack and I offered to give him a set back for free if he'd just quit. Hardest 300 I ever won.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
adderal is a miracle drug for long periods of intense focus
Yrs ago my local spot was having a Sun. nite deal and they talked me into playing. One of the waitresses had ADHD and gave me one of these. Didn't blink for about 4hrs. Came in second. She told me they slowed her down. Wow. Couldn't imagine that scenario.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
They'd all have the title if you disregard the things that keep them from having the title.

Cigarettes and coffee are certainly 'fraugjt with physical influence'...Sorry, professor.
After reading his book, I'd say women had more influence on his pool game than coffee and cigarettes! 🤢