Billy Incardona - Short Rant

Terry Ardeno

I still love my wife
Silver Member
Good grief. Nothing on this whole forum is going to revive pool in this country. We're just talking here, passing the time. Get a grip.

Lou Figueroa

That was awesome! Funniest post in this whole thread!

Railbirds, bantering away, changing pooldom.....:D If only it were so.
Good grief. Nothing on this whole forum is going to revive pool in this country. We're just talking here, passing the time. Get a grip.

Lou Figueroa

It's quite a bit more than just, talking or discussing the issue. You're one of the posters that mentioned what unfortunately happened is NOT helping pool! Well ALL this here, can surely NOT bring anything positive to the game!

I think the guy with ONLY 3 (and last) post in this, has definitely, "Got a Grip!"


Let me just say this, this thread is showing the problems that not just pool has in this country, but what is wrong with this country!

This country is has totally become wussified! This country is full of little *****es! And it's not the women anymore,,, it's the men! Men like Billy I. are few and far between! Billy is a man's man! All those that are agreeing with the op in my opinion are a sad part of this society! We used to be a strong nation, full of MEN and WOMEN that had courage and honor! What happened to us, where did we go astray? Have the liberals taken over this country and turned it into a a great big "*****es r us" society?

Liberalism is a mental disorder!!!

P.S. you want to know what's wrong with pool??? This is what's wrong, and ladies and gentlemen,,,, it's not just pool!!!
Let me just say this, this thread is showing the problems that not just pool has in this country, but what is wrong with this country!

This country is has totally become wussified! This country is full of little *****es! And it's not the women anymore,,, it's the men! Men like Billy I. are few and far between! Billy is a man's man! All those that are agreeing with the op in my opinion are a sad part of this society! We used to be a strong nation, full of MEN and WOMEN that had courage and honor! What happened to us, where did we go astray? Have the liberals taken over this country and turned it into a a great big "*****es r us" society?

Liberalism is a mental disorder!!!

P.S. you want to know what's wrong with pool??? This is what's wrong, and ladies and gentlemen,,,, it's not just pool!!!

AMEN to that Sir!



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
How Danny D and I became close friends

About 10 years ago Danny Diliberto was commentating on a match. He was talking about secret codes. He said something like "Thats how we beat the JAPS you know. We broke their codes.". Since I had been regularly purchasing DVDs from Pat ( I have all the one pocket tapes including some that have never been seen) I called Pat up and said I didnt appreciate it.
Since my mom was Japanese American and her family had been called that in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Her brother (my uncle) was a lieutenant colonel in the National Guard.
We didnt appreciate it. If you recall Senator Daniel Inouye from Hawaii lost an arm in the European theater and when he returned to the states a barber refused to cut his hair because he was a JAP.
I get a call a couple weeks later and it is Diliberto. Right away he says, "Listen I got your number from Pat. I am really sorry if I offended you. It was terminology we used during that time and Im old. I am really really sorry. I dont have any excuses. Im sorry.". I was speechless. Here was an idol of mine. A Champion and top road player. I sat many nights watching him play 14.1 for up to $5K a game.
Usually I get the "look kid youre too sensitive. After all they bombed Pearl Harbor. And besides this is a nation of FREE SPEECH. You ever hear that. Probably not as your a furriner anyway", BS.
But Danny was contrite and promised he would never use it again.
We talked and I told him that I had spent nites on the rail watching him run 100's. In short we became good friends. Meeting up when we can. I got to meet his daughter Amber and we are nothing but old friends. I really love that guy.
I think theirs a difference between Racism and Prejudice. Racism is evil with the power to dominate one race over the other. Prejudice we are all guilty of because of ignorance. Once we rid ourselves from that ignorance we become more humane.
Racism is keeping me from working on a job. Prejudice is you might not like my kind working next to you but you might get to know me and like me if I get that chance.
Particularly if I do a good job. It seems to have worked and we have all become less ignorant of each other.
I think in general people change for the better. And those who refuse to are doomed to live in a solitary world.


Taught 'em all I know
Silver Member
About 10 years ago Danny Diliberto was commentating on a match. He was talking about secret codes. He said something like "Thats how we beat the JAPS you know. We broke their codes.". Since I had been regularly purchasing DVDs from Pat ( I have all the one pocket tapes including some that have never been seen) I called Pat up and said I didnt appreciate it.
Since my mom was Japanese American and her family had been called that in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Her brother (my uncle) was a lieutenant colonel in the National Guard.
We didnt appreciate it. If you recall Senator Daniel Inouye from Hawaii lost an arm in the European theater and when he returned to the states a barber refused to cut his hair because he was a JAP.
I get a call a couple weeks later and it is Diliberto. Right away he says, "Listen I got your number from Pat. I am really sorry if I offended you. It was terminology we used during that time and Im old. I am really really sorry. I dont have any excuses. Im sorry.". I was speechless. Here was an idol of mine. A Champion and top road player. I sat many nights watching him play 14.1 for up to $5K a game.
Usually I get the "look kid youre too sensitive. After all they bombed Pearl Harbor. And besides this is a nation of FREE SPEECH. You ever hear that. Probably not as your a furriner anyway", BS.
But Danny was contrite and promised he would never use it again.
We talked and I told him that I had spent nites on the rail watching him run 100's. In short we became good friends. Meeting up when we can. I got to meet his daughter Amber and we are nothing but old friends. I really love that guy.
I think theirs a difference between Racism and Prejudice. Racism is evil with the power to dominate one race over the other. Prejudice we are all guilty of because of ignorance. Once we rid ourselves from that ignorance we become more humane.
Racism is keeping me from working on a job. Prejudice is you might not like my kind working next to you but you might get to know me and like me if I get that chance.
Particularly if I do a good job. It seems to have worked and we have all become less ignorant of each other.
I think in general people change for the better. And those who refuse to are doomed to live in a solitary world.

I can't spread rep to Chewbacca (or whatever your username is) again. ;)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
None of those posts are in any way kind to Billy, and while it's only a small sample, there was definitely a group of people that didn't think he should be in the booth (at least temporarily). To think otherwise is just being naive, whether or not you agree.

As far as the actual comment of calling an Asian person, "Ping Pong," I sort of compare it to the college basketball commentator who called an all black female team, "Nappy headed hoes."

While some may find it sad, pool is obviously not as popular as women's basketball. However, even in the unpopular game of pool, commentators should still be held to certain standards.
Imus intentionally implied that these black females are a bunch of "Nappy headed hoes" There is no mistaking on how he was thinking..none at all. His comment was extremely demeaning and personal, whereas my comment was a mistake in remembering Pin's name. I couldn't remember if his name was Pin or Ping, his younger brother's name is Ping and I was confused and called him Ping. I was actually feeling stupid because I said Ping without knowing what his name really was and followed that up with Pong for some inexplicable reason. I actually "dogged it" I would never intentionally imply any thing that could be mistook for a demeaning statement to any one, regardless of their race, haven't done it in over 30 years of doing commentary and had many chances.:banghead: However, I was guilty of saying something stupid, even if it was unintentional, and for that I apologized.

I have many Asian and European friends that I respect and would never say any thing intentional to threaten my relationship with them..never. I mentioned that if any one truly knows me they would know that I would never say anything to degrade any one intentionally..never have and never will. I believe the people that have supported me through this thread are the people that know me best, and the rest of the people that feel differently about me are concerned about being politically correct and it's hard to argue with them..kinda like playing the "nutz"

I probably only have a few more good years left in me to do commentary, if we're lucky, maybe more.:wink2:

Bill Incardona


Silver Member
About 10 years ago Danny Diliberto was commentating on a match. He was talking about secret codes. He said something like "Thats how we beat the JAPS you know. We broke their codes.". Since I had been regularly purchasing DVDs from Pat ( I have all the one pocket tapes including some that have never been seen) I called Pat up and said I didnt appreciate it.
Since my mom was Japanese American and her family had been called that in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Her brother (my uncle) was a lieutenant colonel in the National Guard.
We didnt appreciate it. If you recall Senator Daniel Inouye from Hawaii lost an arm in the European theater and when he returned to the states a barber refused to cut his hair because he was a JAP.
I get a call a couple weeks later and it is Diliberto. Right away he says, "Listen I got your number from Pat. I am really sorry if I offended you. It was terminology we used during that time and Im old. I am really really sorry. I dont have any excuses. Im sorry.". I was speechless. Here was an idol of mine. A Champion and top road player. I sat many nights watching him play 14.1 for up to $5K a game.
Usually I get the "look kid youre too sensitive. After all they bombed Pearl Harbor. And besides this is a nation of FREE SPEECH. You ever hear that. Probably not as your a furriner anyway", BS.
But Danny was contrite and promised he would never use it again.
We talked and I told him that I had spent nites on the rail watching him run 100's. In short we became good friends. Meeting up when we can. I got to meet his daughter Amber and we are nothing but old friends. I really love that guy.
I think theirs a difference between Racism and Prejudice. Racism is evil with the power to dominate one race over the other. Prejudice we are all guilty of because of ignorance. Once we rid ourselves from that ignorance we become more humane.
Racism is keeping me from working on a job. Prejudice is you might not like my kind working next to you but you might get to know me and like me if I get that chance.
Particularly if I do a good job. It seems to have worked and we have all become less ignorant of each other.
I think in general people change for the better. And those who refuse to are doomed to live in a solitary world.
First of all I want to say that was a very well written post and a cool interesting story. Thanks for posting.

Now that that is out of the way I want to clarify something. You have literally ALL the one pocket matches Accu-Stats has produced including even some that haven't been seen? I'm not a huge one pocket fan but damn that's awesome.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
Imus intentionally implied that these black females are a bunch of "Nappy headed hoes" There is no mistaking on how he was thinking..none at all. His comment was extremely demeaning and personal, whereas my comment was a mistake in remembering Pin's name. I couldn't remember if his name was Pin or Ping, his younger brother's name is Ping and I was confused and called him Ping. I was actually feeling stupid because I said Ping without knowing what his name really was and followed that up with Pong for some inexplicable reason. I actually "dogged it" I would never intentionally imply any thing that could be mistook for a demeaning statement to any one, regardless of their race, haven't done it in over 30 years of doing commentary and had many chances.:banghead: However, I was guilty of saying something stupid, even if it was unintentional, and for that I apologized.

I have many Asian and European friends that I respect and would never say any thing intentional to threaten my relationship with them..never. I mentioned that if any one truly knows me they would know that I would never say anything to degrade any one intentionally..never have and never will. I believe the people that have supported me through this thread are the people that know me best, and the rest of the people that feel differently about me are concerned about being politically correct and it's hard to argue with them..kinda like playing the "nutz"

I probably only have a few more good years left in me to do commentary, if we're lucky, maybe more.:wink2:

Bill Incardona

Stop apologizing. You have apologized, that is enough.

Stuff happens, it happened to you. You have nothing more to "make right". Virtually all of us here (and to those listening) know that you weren't intentionally disparaging in your remarks. Virtually all of us "get it". You are a national treasure in the pool world. That doesn't give you a pass, it gives you consideration. And after consideration, and after your apology, virtually all of us are done here.

Thank you for what you do, and for the consideration with which you do it.

We have fewer and fewer "national treasures" in the pool world. We need you to stick around, thank you very much.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
"Now that that is out of the way I want to clarify something. You have literally ALL the one pocket matches Accu-Stats has produced including even some that haven't been seen? I'm not a huge one pocket fan but damn that's awesome"

There are one or two recent ones that I might not have but its because of personal choice. I either didnt like the competitors in a match or the match was not really interesting. I can tell you there is a Nordic guy who is a great player but I never buy his DVDs as I just dont like him personally.
But I have some when Pat was alone doing the stats thing and just had one camera without commentary. Strawberry Brooks, Bob Ogborn, Jersey Red, come to mind.
Pat and his guys have become good friends and I continue to support his Make It Happen series. .

Oh and since your moniker is StraightPoolU I got some great old 14.1 matches with one camera no commentary from Pat.
Jack Colavito for one. I think he plays Danny D and Danny is on like a 80 ball run and a ball skids on him. Great match.
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WO double hemlock
Silver Member
About 10 years ago Danny Diliberto was commentating on a match. He was talking about secret codes. He said something like "Thats how we beat the JAPS you know. We broke their codes.". Since I had been regularly purchasing DVDs from Pat ( I have all the one pocket tapes including some that have never been seen) I called Pat up and said I didnt appreciate it.
Since my mom was Japanese American and her family had been called that in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Her brother (my uncle) was a lieutenant colonel in the National Guard.
We didnt appreciate it. If you recall Senator Daniel Inouye from Hawaii lost an arm in the European theater and when he returned to the states a barber refused to cut his hair because he was a JAP.
I get a call a couple weeks later and it is Diliberto. Right away he says, "Listen I got your number from Pat. I am really sorry if I offended you. It was terminology we used during that time and Im old. I am really really sorry. I dont have any excuses. Im sorry.". I was speechless. Here was an idol of mine. A Champion and top road player. I sat many nights watching him play 14.1 for up to $5K a game.
Usually I get the "look kid youre too sensitive. After all they bombed Pearl Harbor. And besides this is a nation of FREE SPEECH. You ever hear that. Probably not as your a furriner anyway", BS.
But Danny was contrite and promised he would never use it again.
We talked and I told him that I had spent nites on the rail watching him run 100's. In short we became good friends. Meeting up when we can. I got to meet his daughter Amber and we are nothing but old friends. I really love that guy.
I think theirs a difference between Racism and Prejudice. Racism is evil with the power to dominate one race over the other. Prejudice we are all guilty of because of ignorance. Once we rid ourselves from that ignorance we become more humane.
Racism is keeping me from working on a job. Prejudice is you might not like my kind working next to you but you might get to know me and like me if I get that chance.
Particularly if I do a good job. It seems to have worked and we have all become less ignorant of each other.
I think in general people change for the better. And those who refuse to are doomed to live in a solitary world.
A fine post, sir....I never thought about the difference between racism
and prejudice before.

...and for a couple posters who aren't thrilled with Danny D....
DANNY Ali for boxing, Danny can make a speech...,d.aWw

The other Hall of Famer in this video did a great job at the world 9-ball.

And I'm still a bit upset about Billy's ping pong's table tennis!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
And I'm still a bit upset about Billy's ping pong's table tennis!
Reminds me of the time I accidentally called Terry Bell "table" and then without thinking clearly, I added "tennis" behind it. It was like "Hey, Table tennis. I mean Terry Bell."

God I hope he wasn't offended and I hope there are not any idiots that think I was being racist because I wasn't... nor prejudice.
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Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
A fine post, sir....I never thought about the difference between racism
and prejudice before.

...and for a couple posters who aren't thrilled with Danny D....
DANNY Ali for boxing, Danny can make a speech...,d.aWw

The other Hall of Famer in this video did a great job at the world 9-ball.

And I'm still a bit upset about Billy's ping pong's table tennis!

And 'Tennis Orcullo' wasn't playing in this match. :wink:

brian kc


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
A fine post, sir....I never thought about the difference between racism
and prejudice before.

...and for a couple posters who aren't thrilled with Danny D....
DANNY Ali for boxing, Danny can make a speech...,d.aWw

The other Hall of Famer in this video did a great job at the world 9-ball.

And I'm still a bit upset about Billy's ping pong's table tennis!

Thanks for posting the Hall Of Fame video of Danny, it was enjoyable. THANKS !!!
Hahah did you get paid or someone said they got paid? I know the info first hand.. Not 2nd hand....

I won't say he didn't pay someone $100 2 years ago as a guest but I know the budget doesn't pay commentators $100 each for each match like you are stating... SO it would have been the exception not the rule....

Well, if you wouldn't say he didn't pay someone $100 two years ago then why go on with it? It was a "guest" commentator as you call it and I know what he received because I paid it (unknown to him).

This commentator had commentated many times before for AccuStats but this time he was a guest. I was not aware there was a difference, now I know there is. We were both right and we were both wrong:).

I suspect the problem is a lot of people on this forum aren't really pool playersAnd I guess you are? and would crap their pants if they walked into some of the pool halls Incardona, Diliberto or any real pool player has been in.I have.

Pool ain't tennis.

Pool ain't Tennis? No, it's not. When very strange betting patterns are noticed on Tennis matches the "powers that be" investigate. Sometimes players are called to testify before the "powers that be" and explain why they lost when they were overwhelming favorites to win.

As you so eloquently stated "pool ain't tennis". More's the pity.



daydreaming about pool
Silver Member
Danny D is such an interesting guy. For a long while he was down here in South Florida and was always in the pool room. A friend of mine we call Coach is good friends with Danny and he told me something about Diliberto that was fascinating. Danny has an incredible amount of road stories and yet whenever he is with a group but Coach is there, Danny will start telling a story but if hes told Coach it before...he always says...Well this one time ...<aside to Coach...ive told you this one before, but im gonna tell it again> <then the road story>. Coach always said it was amazing because he was constantly telling him new war stories all the time but always knew if he had told him one before. At least when he was down here, he may be up there in years but his mind was very sharp.

In a Danny D manner im gonna preface this to AZ by saying ive told this to yall before..but what the hell. One time Danny was in hollywood billiards and he was telling his war stories. A crowd was around him and he was talking about boxing. I think someone in the group asked him about his current ability and he immediately put up his fists and proceeded to fire off 3 or 4 air punches, really close to this guys face I might add. It was like one of those asian kung fu movies where you hear woosh and phooom with each punch. I can only imagine how quick he could have been when he was 28.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
duh. Different opinions make the world go round. So whats your point? That we shouldn't talk about our different points of view and just agree 100% on everything?

Lou Figueroa

The point is very simple, not difficult to comprehend. People like yourself think turning Incardona into an robotic English professor with perfect grammar would be an improvement. For me, speaking only for myself, I do not believe that would be an improvement.