Terry Ardeno
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  • I know you don't visit AzBilliards much, Terry, so I wished you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY on FB. That said, I hope it was a good one.
    Wishing you and yours all the very best in the coming years, Mr. Ardeno!
    Dear friend!
    Please go here http://wh.gov/5Jmn to sign a petition to the White House, calling for them to investigate and condemn forced organ harvesting in China. Although the 25,000 signatures have been reached, but some signatures on the petition may come from CCP agents. We just have 3 days more, so your sign is extremely important for us right now.
    Thank you very much!

    Video The Messenger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUt3A55e_pA
    Terry, thanks for the rep, and I appreciate you more than yoou know. Hope you are well. I'm back in New Jersey on another Siemens project. Life is acceptable........
    Well buddy, I had to go back to work. Can't stay retired in this econommy. Hope you are well. Rick
    thanks for asking, I have been doing very well for myself , I'm lucky to have wonderful friends like YOU!!!!!

    Happy Holidays!

    your friend,:)

    David Harcrow
    Hi Terry i tried to pm you but it is full............Happy Thanksgiving day to you............I hope all is well in your life.....Enjoy retirement......
    Terry, I am in good health, thanks for asking. I enjoy your friendship greatly and hope you are tracking on the good side as well. I have pretty much retired, don't plan on doing much more than going to the gun range, fishing and enjoying my family.
    i'm a decent gay man. If john posted it on his own facebook page he wanted people to know. Get it out and get it over. Everyone here knows I'm gay...You know who your friends are.
    Hey Terry!! I always appreciate hearing from you with the occasional gift of rep. I owe you but was told to spread some around first so you are on my to-do list. Driving the son up to college next week - YIKES, I'm getting old!!! Not sure if he is prepared to be living on his own, but were any of us?:grin: Hopefully he won't use bubble bath to do his laundry. He's a good kid though and we have open lines of communication so we have every confidence he will be fine. Hope you are well and my best to you and your loved ones. Regards, Mitchell.
    Very sorry to hear of your friend... I hope a miracle can be received by him.................The very best to you Terry.....Stay in touch.......
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of AzBilliards' golden members. Your contributions to the forum are appreciated by all. You are truly an asset to the readers of AzBilliards.

    I hope today and every birthday in the future brings you much happiness, peace of mind, and love in your heart.

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