Bonus ball professional league announced


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Larry Chiborak has finally announced the World Professional Billiard League launch dates!!! Go to to see a preview of the video of Johnny Archer and Jason Klatt. This is a preview with more to come tomorrow! I hope you enjoy!


Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
The very best of luck to you. Any chance you can post the names of the players on each team or will that be on your site later? Johnnyt


Unprofessional everything
Silver Member
I like it! I liked the commentating, the presentation, and most importantly how the game is played.

When I see Rodney and Stevie being interviewed, I always think back to the announcement of the ABP. During that interview, both didn't speak much and didn't smile much either.

Joe did a super job in commenting. Rodney looked like he was really nervous in the booth at first, but I thought Stevie Moore had a strong presence. Stevie had a big smile on his face, which was nice to see. My suggestion to Rodney (and whoever is in the booth) smile and have a little enthusiasm. Sell this product of Bonus Ball. I know they are pool players and not professional broadcasters, but people will expect, follow and support a colorful personalities in the booth.

I totally get the game concept now after getting to watch the first match.
I think this has the potential to be the next big thing. I think owning and controlling the venue is important in the long run for this endeavor to succeed as well.

Well done gentlemen and good luck!

Edit: This thread should become an immediate sticky!
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Fast Lenny

Faster Than You...
Silver Member
I like it! I liked the commentating, the presentation, and most importantly how the game is played.

When I see Rodney and Stevie being interviewed, I always think back to the announcement of the ABP. During that interview, both didn't speak much and didn't smile much either.

Joe did a super job in commenting. Rodney looked like he was really nervous in the booth at first, but I thought Stevie Moore had a strong presence. Stevie had a big smile on his face, which was nice to see. My suggestion to Rodney (and whoever is in the booth) smile and have a little enthusiasm. Sell this product of Bonus Ball. I know they are pool players and not professional broadcasters, but people will expect, follow and support a colorful personalities in the booth.

I totally get the game concept now after getting to watch the first match.
I think this has the potential to be the next big thing. I think owning and controlling the venue is important in the long run for this endeavor to succeed as well.

Well done gentlemen and good luck!

Edit: This thread should become an immediate sticky!

I think the full length version will be out later today, I believe its about an hour and a half of USA vs Canada, doubles, team and singles. Glad you liked it, it really is a good game, people just need to see it to appreciate it and understand it.


I am the storm
Silver Member
Larry Chiborak has finally announced the World Professional Billiard League launch dates!!! Go to to see a preview of the video of Johnny Archer and Jason Klatt. This is a preview with more to come tomorrow! I hope you enjoy!

The video quality is excellent, and I think that will help this new innovation excel. Without good quality video, it doesn't have a chance. So that is really cool! I enjoyed that.

I like the teams wearing their colors. It gives a little team spirit.

The rules for me are hard to follow, and I know pool. Maybe it will become clearer down the road, but each team has three pockets? Orange balls, purple balls, black ball.

I'm not sure about the players as commentators. I like Rodney and Stevie, but I prefer the Joe guy on the video. I liked his ability to keep the conversation loose and free.

But I don't think some pool players make good commentators unless they're seasoned, like Grady. I would rather hear Jerry Forsyth or Billy Incardona or Jim Wych. In fact, Jim Wych from Canada would be great to commentate on Klatt's Blue Sharks from Canada, as would Jerry and Billy on the American teams. JoeyA and Jay Helfert also deserve honorable mention in this regard. Each one of them has a calming voice, easy to listen to. I don't care for the pool players who sometimes commentate and stutter, uh, um, ugh, to fill in the dead time.

Just because somebody shoots pool good doesn't mean they make a good commentator, IMHO! :embarrassed2:

Just a few observations, FWIW! I wish them all the luck in the world. Good job! :cool:


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
I have had the opportunity to play some bonus ball... Very interesting game.

Probably most appealing is that it is fun at any skill level but has a lot going on when played by higher level players.

Pre-Flag Master

Cue Ball Man
Silver Member
The rules for me are hard to follow, and I know pool. Maybe it will become clearer down the road, but each team has three pockets? Orange balls, purple balls, black ball.

I find the rules a bit confusing as well. Check out the links below. I hope the game itself does not hamper the overall endeavor. Pool needs something like this. I like the basic idea of the game though, just can't follow some of the details yet. I like that you shoot at one color, then another, then the black ball. You have options, then fewer options, then more options again, then fewer still, and so on. It gets progressively tougher even though the table has fewer balls on it. Notice how they started playing defensively at the END of the rack? And I like the three pockets per team concept. Limiting pockets makes for a very challenging game, without being so difficult as one-pocket. (I've often thought one-pocket would be a cool game for someone at my skill level with three pockets per side. I would just call it "three-pocket".) It's also cool because you can play this as an equalizer where a stronger player gets three pockets and a weaker player get all six - that is assuming this takes off and starts getting played by the masses, which I hope it does. But I think the rules might still need to be tweaked a little.


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
Rodney looks so excited.


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Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
What's the line on the Toronto Blue Sharks vs. the Atlanta Scorpions?

Does the East Carolina lasagna Pans play the winner?

Pre-Flag Master

Cue Ball Man
Silver Member
Love the quality of the video.

Commentary is OK. Were the pool players doing this as an introduction to the game, or will all matches be "commentatered" :grin-square: by players? I can see where some will be better than others at this. I applaud them for doing the best they can. They're not Jim Wyches, but they're not bad either.

As for the spotters, I can appreciate a good spotter as much as the next guy. But isn't this a blatant attempt to get my attention using non-pool related resources? Half of me wants to cry "foul" and half of me wants to keep watching.

Seriously, here's what I don't like. I think these things come under the heading of changes just for the sake of change, things that don't need to be changed. Not changing these things would be better because it's good to leave some familiar things for people to be drawn to...

1. The color of the cloth; just have it be tournament blue.

2. The balls; just use four stripes, four solids and the 8 from a normal rack. I know this is viewed as an opportunity to sell a product, but I believe it won't sell well anyway, because of the price point. This new endeavor needs to reel in the masses right? Just sell the package without the balls at the appropriate price point.

3. The 10 foot table; Again change for the sake of change. In general there is all this talk that pro pool needs to go to 10 footers. I'm not sure that I agree with that in the first place (Just have the pros play on 4.25 inch pockets while the rest of us play on 4.5 inch pockets). So until it has been established, why go in that direction? Besides Bonus Ball being played with three pockets is already difficult enough to cause the pros to not be allowed to make it look too easy.

Just some thoughts. TIFWIW (take it for what it's worth)


Fast Lenny

Faster Than You...
Silver Member
Love the quality of the video.

Commentary is OK. Were the pool players doing this as an introduction to the game, or will all matches be "commentatered" :grin-square: by players? I can see where some will be better than others at this. I applaud them for doing the best they can. They're not Jim Wyches, but they're not bad either.

As for the spotters, I can appreciate a good spotter as much as the next guy. But isn't this a blatant attempt to get my attention using non-pool related resources? Half of me wants to cry "foul" and half of me wants to keep watching.

Seriously, here's what I don't like. I think these things come under the heading of changes just for the sake of change, things that don't need to be changed. Not changing these things would be better because it's good to leave some familiar things for people to be drawn to...

1. The color of the cloth; just have it be tournament blue.

2. The balls; just use four stripes, four solids and the 8 from a normal rack. I know this is viewed as an opportunity to sell a product, but I believe it won't sell well anyway, because of the price point. This new endeavor needs to reel in the masses right? Just sell the package without the balls at the appropriate price point.

3. The 10 foot table; Again change for the sake of change. In general there is all this talk that pro pool needs to go to 10 footers. I'm not sure that I agree with that in the first place (Just have the pros play on 4.25 inch pockets while the rest of us play on 4.5 inch pockets). So until it has been established, why go in that direction? Besides Bonus Ball being played with three pockets is already difficult enough to cause the pros to not be allowed to make it look too easy.

Just some thoughts. TIFWIW (take it for what it's worth)


The video quality is actually a lower res, I think the full version that will be shown later today will be higher quality. I got to watch the higher quality recently in my living room on a flat screen and it was very nice to watch.

I think the gray cloth goes well with the ball colors and the light blue would just clash with them too much, it would not look right. I got to play on the gray cloth and to be honest I could see the balls better on it then the blue which was surprising to me. If someone would have said gray cloth before I saw it I would have said no way, but I was stunned how easy on the eyes it was.

Another thing easy on the eyes are the ladies, they are dressed classy I feel and add to the overall atmosphere, not like that bikini billiards trash which non pool players will just watch because the ladies are near nude.

I think the ball set is very well made along with the software. Lots of people have laptops and its no big deal to bring one with you to the poolroom or have it set up at home, adding a technology aspect to the game in the computer age is pretty cool. Maybe eventually they will have a share tab on it for Facebook or something so you can let people know you are kicking your buddies butt in some Bonus Ball.

My favorite game is one pocket, but I like all games and feel the best player in the world is the best all around player. BB is certainly great for those guys who are solid all the way around with all the aspects of the game, moving, banking, shot making, strategy and even the 14.1 break, the sequence like snooker, it really has it all.

I know some people know nothing about it or very little and give it little to no chance but if you sit and watch the 90 minute video later with US vs Canada, odds are you are sure to enjoy it and figure out the game after that. Any new game has rules and you have to learn them, we did not know how how to play one pocket the first time we did or 14.1, there are some rules that you just have to play, watch and learn them, read a rule book even.

I think BB will be bigger than I think most people expect, this forum is big but pool is much bigger then many of us know. It would take more than all the thousands of members on AZ together to make it successful even though we have a strong group here who has supported smaller endeavors. We cannot forget that there are tens of millions of players out there that need to be reached who play pool regularly. I just think people in the past have not really marketed it right and also to the right people. I also think what they try to market is overlooked because its the same old stuff and has no appeal.

This is a breath of fresh air for pocket billiards and the people behind it love the game and have vision, plus those players who have all that talent are going to earn a paycheck which is great. Everything about the game is positive and hopefully people will be supportive of it who love pool and seeing the players make it. I am proud and glad to be a part of it as are most of us involved because it might be the best chance pool has had in a long time.

Fast Lenny

Faster Than You...
Silver Member
The video quality is excellent, and I think that will help this new innovation excel. Without good quality video, it doesn't have a chance. So that is really cool! I enjoyed that.

I like the teams wearing their colors. It gives a little team spirit.

The rules for me are hard to follow, and I know pool. Maybe it will become clearer down the road, but each team has three pockets? Orange balls, purple balls, black ball.

I'm not sure about the players as commentators. I like Rodney and Stevie, but I prefer the Joe guy on the video. I liked his ability to keep the conversation loose and free.

But I don't think some pool players make good commentators unless they're seasoned, like Grady. I would rather hear Jerry Forsyth or Billy Incardona or Jim Wych. In fact, Jim Wych from Canada would be great to commentate on Klatt's Blue Sharks from Canada, as would Jerry and Billy on the American teams. JoeyA and Jay Helfert also deserve honorable mention in this regard. Each one of them has a calming voice, easy to listen to. I don't care for the pool players who sometimes commentate and stutter, uh, um, ugh, to fill in the dead time.

Just because somebody shoots pool good doesn't mean they make a good commentator, IMHO! :embarrassed2:

Just a few observations, FWIW! I wish them all the luck in the world. Good job! :cool:
I hope they cycle in the players from other teams to do commentary along with a color guy or someone like Joe who is enthusiastic and well spoken. You are right, not all good player make good commentators or teachers for that matter. I personally stink at commentating, people say I am good but its more brutal to commentate then play pool I feel. One thing I do know is dead air is better then stuttering and blabbering drivel. :grin:

P.S. What is your opinion on the Bonus Ball ladies?


The Dream Operator
Silver Member
I think the game set is priced way too high, especially when you can play the game with a standard set of balls. I don't care about the software; pen and paper still work perfectly well (and as a software developer could whip up my own scoring program in an hour or two.)

In the video it would be nice if they could highlight which pockets each player can shoot at; not all the time but maybe when a player starts his turn. I jumped in at the middle and was confused for a while. This is exasperated because the players don't just shoot one side or the other but shoot the side pocket and opposite-side corners.

The commentary was pretty good in terms of keeping it going, explaining the game, etc.

The women were dressed classily but still -- for the small time I was watching -- seemed gratuitous. I assume the one guy there was a referee, shouldn't he be the one spotting balls?


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
Another thing easy on the eyes are the ladies, they are dressed classy I feel and add to the overall atmosphere, not like that bikini billiards trash which non pool players will just watch because the ladies are near nude.

It was hard for me to figure out what was more awkward. Rodney on camera or the random hookers sprinkled about.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It was hard for me to figure out what was more awkward. Rodney on camera or the random hookers sprinkled about.

I didn't see the electronic scoreboard, with the time clock, did they nix that idea?

Fast Lenny

Faster Than You...
Silver Member
I think the game set is priced way too high, especially when you can play the game with a standard set of balls. I don't care about the software; pen and paper still work perfectly well (and as a software developer could whip up my own scoring program in an hour or two.)

In the video it would be nice if they could highlight which pockets each player can shoot at; not all the time but maybe when a player starts his turn. I jumped in at the middle and was confused for a while. This is exasperated because the players don't just shoot one side or the other but shoot the side pocket and opposite-side corners.

The commentary was pretty good in terms of keeping it going, explaining the game, etc.

The women were dressed classily but still -- for the small time I was watching -- seemed gratuitous. I assume the one guy there was a referee, shouldn't he be the one spotting balls?
You can use a standard set of balls if you want and a pen and paper if you like, the ball set makes it easier. Most quality sets are from 150-250 I think and have no software at all. The pockets are marked with different colored stars but I believe the pocket marking will be different for the season, I like your idea of maybe an overlay appearing on the screen showing the pockets and who they are for in advance and maybe at different times in the match. One thing though is the team on the left has the left side corners and the the team on the right has the right, fairly simple way to know (Thanks Nathan).

Fast Lenny

Faster Than You...
Silver Member
I didn't see the electronic scoreboard, with the time clock, did they nix that idea?

Its still there for the players and the crowd to see, all the info on that is on your screen as you watch such as the shot clock, scoreboard, match time, and the ball color they are shooting. I am sure in other videos you will see glimpses of it like in most sports which you see on TV, but for the most part it is all graphics on your screen.

labatt ice rod

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
To all the pople knocking this game i have one question for you. What have YOU done to help this game grow. We know how bad the state of the game is right now and if you dont then you need to take your blinders off. I hope this goes well and after talking to most of the Toronto team they too feel this will work.

If you havent played Bonus ball i sugguest you try it before knocking it.