C.J. Wiley VS Keith McCready - What's The Line?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Tranforming the pool world> transforming your liver to stone... Glad to see you are spending too much time on the forums... Less harm you can do in the real world... Danny says hi... Well actually he didn't... He said you couldn't play.... =D

I know I can't play, and my liver is already solid granite...but which Danny are you talking about ? :confused: (I shudder to think, we may have a mutual acquaintance :eek:)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Tranforming the pool world> transforming your liver to stone... Glad to see you are spending too much time on the forums... Less harm you can do in the real world... Danny says hi... Well actually he didn't... He said you couldn't play.... =D

SJD is in the One Pocket HOF. Is Danny?

Lou Figueroa


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I created this thread in the hopes of seeing two of the GREATEST money players EVER to match up for old times sake, playing old-time rules. It seems to have gotten personal between some on here, but that was not the intent of my thread.

Everybody talks about what is bad in pool and what WON'T work to revive it, but they keep playing the same game, using the same formats, with the same players and they wonder why nothing ever changes. I propose changing things up. Pool needs PERSONALITIES, not just more pool players playing the same stuff that NEVER gets media attention.

You could have 100 SVBs and Ralf Soquets playing in one pool hall and Keith playing Minnesota Fats in another across the street and I'd GUARANTEE that 99% of the watchers wouldn't be in the one with SVB and Ralf. They'd be knocking the doors down to see the one across the street.

Lots of people on here also worry too much about player apparel and BS like that. In order to appeal to the masses, you have to have something in common with the masses, or you have to have something so totally the OPPOSITE that you cause people to point and stimulate interest. Maybe CJ should wear that pink cowboy hat that PinkLady posted. Not only would it show his feminine side, it would keep the light out of his eyes and he could use it to stash his money in.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Tranforming the pool world> transforming your liver to stone... Glad to see you are spending too much time on the forums... Less harm you can do in the real world... Danny says hi... Well actually he didn't... He said you couldn't play.... =D

If we're talking about Danny DiLiberto:

• One Pocket Hall of Fame, 2004
• BCA Hall of Fame, 2011

I don't believe Danny D. would admit to even 'knowing' Chris (Renfro) ! :eek:..Its probably some close buddy of Chris',
named "Danny, the Dumpster Diver"...:grin:

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
Pool needs, pure, unadulterated shot-making (combined with a safety element).

Pink Lady wins the "Best Hat in the West" contest, that's coming straight out of TEXAS (after all we invented the cowboy hat, or was that "the outlaw Josey Wales" in MO).......I know PINK looks great on you, but couldn't see Clint Eastwood sporting it in a "Spaghetti Western". ;)

You're right, the game must change to be successful again. Players that grew up playing "one foul" have been robbed of experiencing the deeper essence of the game. Keith McCready knows what I'm talking about, he's a monster at "coming off the end rail"......and that's what it takes, pure, unadulterated shot-making (combined with a safety element).....the important thing is to NOT be able to win on a safety, you must win on a great shot or your opponent unsuccessfully attempting one.

The pool game is like a fire, dying in the fireplace. At first glance you'd think it needs to be re-kindled, on closer examination we see it just needed to be stirred up. This "stirring" requires rule changes and a focus on the true assets of the game (for entertainment) while eliminating the liabilities.

We look forward to introducing the world to this type of pool game. It's not "better" than the other games, it's simply designed differently, to re-establish the strategic elements that make pool the "Master Game". A book could be written on this particular subject, I'll elaborate on the specific differences as the time draws closer.

Happy Holidays.....

'The Game is the Teacher'

I created this thread in the hopes of seeing two of the GREATEST money players EVER to match up for old times sake, playing old-time rules. It seems to have gotten personal between some on here, but that was not the intent of my thread.

Everybody talks about what is bad in pool and what WON'T work to revive it, but they keep playing the same game, using the same formats, with the same players and they wonder why nothing ever changes. I propose changing things up. Pool needs PERSONALITIES, not just more pool players playing the same stuff that NEVER gets media attention.

You could have 100 SVBs and Ralf Soquets playing in one pool hall and Keith playing Minnesota Fats in another across the street and I'd GUARANTEE that 99% of the watchers wouldn't be in the one with SVB and Ralf. They'd be knocking the doors down to see the one across the street.

Lots of people on here also worry too much about player apparel and BS like that. In order to appeal to the masses, you have to have something in common with the masses, or you have to have something so totally the OPPOSITE that you cause people to point and stimulate interest. Maybe CJ should wear that pink cowboy hat that PinkLady posted. Not only would it show his feminine side, it would keep the light out of his eyes and he could use it to stash his money in.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
...and that's what it takes, pure, unadulterated shot-making (combined with a safety element).....the important thing is to NOT be able to win on a safety, you must win on a great shot or your opponent unsuccessfully attempting one.

That is EXACTLY what I miss and what made the games exciting to watch. In the "old days" players would shoot a ball at Mach 3 and then send the cue ball 3 or 4 rails to break out a cluster to continue the run. If they missed position and got hooked, they could "push out" to a shot that required the incoming player to shoot or give back. In TODAY'S pool, you couldn't get a player to shoot that EXCITING shot with a gun to his head. They would "plink, plink" the balls that were 99% unmissable and then play "hide" because the shot had a higher percentage of error than they were willing to take.

In poker terms, it was a game with a lot of "all ins"...that is what made for excitement.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
We look forward to introducing the world to this type of pool game. It's not "better" than the other games, it's simply designed differently, to re-establish the strategic elements that make pool the "Master Game". A book could be written on this particular subject, I'll elaborate on the specific differences as the time draws closer.

Happy Holidays.....

'The Game is the Teacher'

Please tell me it's not going to be called Bonus Balls.
You're right, the game must change to be successful again. Players that grew up playing "one foul" have been robbed of experiencing the deeper essence of the game. Keith McCready knows what I'm talking about, he's a monster at "coming off the end rail"......and that's what it takes, pure, unadulterated shot-making (combined with a safety element).....the important thing is to NOT be able to win on a safety, you must win on a great shot or your opponent unsuccessfully attempting one.

It's not often that you make a point AND it's correct. Good job. There's not much worse than the 3-foul rule in 9 ball. It encourages safety play over ball running.

How do you find the time to coordinate all of the projects? You are amazing. By the way, I didn't see your 2014 projects come to fruition yet. I guess you forgot them, eh?

CJ Wiley said:
It's very entertaining to see, I'm in the process of matching up some 'Two Shot Shoot Out' games in the future, I'd like to play Rodney, Earl, Johnny, Corey, Dennis Hatch, and Shannon Dalton at some point......we may be able to get these matches televised, and we can definitely get them streamed here in Ft. Worth Texas.
CJ Wiley said:
Right now I'm talking to Rodney about doing a 'Two Shot Shoot Out' match in December after the Mosconi Cup. He'a going to the "All Japan Open" next week to tune up for the MC. Shot for shot, Rodney is still one of the five best players in the world in my opinion.

There's a lot of interest right now in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and the Omega Tour has set their entire 2014 Schedule which is exciting. They run first class tournaments and I may start playing in some next year - this year my plate was too full earlier in the year and I my game stayed at 85%. It's up around 90% now though, so we're making progress.

Rodney is also working on some projects that are interesting and I'm sure he'll share the insight of his vision as it nears fruition..

Earl is another one that played 'Two Shot Shoot Out' as good as anyone, and it would great to play him and see what shots he comes up with. They just announced when the SKY SPORTS documentary was coming out, December 1 at 9 PM.....I think that's what it was, I'll correct it later if I'm off on the time or day.

Dennis Hatch and I played 'Two Shot Shoot Out' on several occasions for money through the years. We all know he's one of the most dangerous, offensive players in the biz....it's a matter of time before he wins another major tournament.

Johnny always wanted to play "One Foul" with me, but I'm sure he would like to play "Two Shot" under the right conditions. He will do great as this year's Team Captain, he was my "right hand player" last year and knows the Mosconi Cup better than any living human....he's been there and done that......a LOT of times.

2014 is going to be the "break away year" for Pro Pocket Billiards, there's a huge amount of changes fixing to happen and they will be the "difference that makes the difference".....one things for sure, we'll never get where we want to go by doing the "same ole thing".....'The Game is the Teacher'

Maybe 2015 will be the break away year, you think? Or maybe 2016? Or maybe never.


CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
rules committees that guarantee the integrity of their game will not be jeopardised

Yes, you obviously are a seasoned player and have the luxury of seeing that game played at it's finest. Comparing the "Two Foul Rule" to the "One Foul Rule" is like talking "Ferraris," to Fiats. :groucho:

You are one of the few that recognize how significantly rule changes can alter a game....and even ruin it.

The players aren't at fault, they could rise to the top playing a variety of rules.....champion level players would rather have a test to showcase their more advanced talents.....not simply break, make the corner ball/one ball and run out simple patterns, or have to "kick" / "duck" when there's a chance to clear the table.

We will never see "jump cues" in snooker or "ball in hand" in golf......they have rules committees that guarantee the integrity of their game will not be jeopardised.

How many times do you hear how well a player "comes off the end rail"?

Playing "one foul," you're right, it's usually better to try to "duck/play safe" than break balls out.....and this shot is one of the best the game has to offer.....and it was eliminated, along with many of the other "best shots" of the game.

"Bonus Ball" was a new game, however it didn't capture all the qualities we mentioned in a comprehensible way......it was complicated and differed too much from the other pool games. We intend on restoring the integrity of the game, not re-invent it.

'The Game is our Teacher'

That is EXACTLY what I miss and what made the games exciting to watch. In the "old days" players would shoot a ball at Mach 3 and then send the cue ball 3 or 4 rails to break out a cluster to continue the run. If they missed position and got hooked, they could "push out" to a shot that required the incoming player to shoot or give back. In TODAY'S pool, you couldn't get a player to shoot that EXCITING shot with a gun to his head. They would "plink, plink" the balls that were 99% unmissable and then play "hide" because the shot had a higher percentage of error than they were willing to take.

In poker terms, it was a game with a lot of "all ins"...that is what made for excitement.



It's not often that you make a point AND it's correct. Good job. There's not much worse than the 3-foul rule in 9 ball. It encourages safety play over ball running.

How do you find the time to coordinate all of the projects? You are amazing. By the way, I didn't see your 2014 projects come to fruition yet. I guess you forgot them, eh?

Maybe 2015 will be the break away year, you think? Or maybe 2016? Or maybe never.


I'd offer a small wager, but first I'd have to find somebody that disagrees. :(

He's been on the cutting edge of talking for a long time now.

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
a particular industry, branding it in a particular, cross-linguistic way.

Names are vitally important, especially to potential sponsors ....we matched our name to a particular industry, branding it in a particular, cross-linguistic way.

Please tell me it's not going to be called Bonus Balls.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Today's 9- and 10-ball reminds me of the way they played one-pocket many years ago when I worked in the pool hall as a kid. It was too safety oriented and not enough "excitement". It was make a ball, play safes for 30 minutes, make another ball, and keep it up until you die of old age or finish the game...whichever came first.

The people like Ronnie Allen who changed the strategy paved the way for newer players like Scott Frost to bring more excitement to the game. Scott plays aggressive and goes for the "Hail Marys" throughout the game...he doesn't wait until the end of the game when it is done as a last resort.

That is why I quit watching football teams with only "one" style of play (i.e, the wishbone offense). I got tired of seeing "run 3 yards, fall on the ball"...do this three times and then we only need one yard to get a first down and then continue this strategy for the entire game.

That was the equivalent of the old style of playing one pocket. NOBODY watched it and the only people interested was the players and the backers.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If we're talking about Danny DiLiberto:

• One Pocket Hall of Fame, Elected 2004
• BCA Hall of Fame, Inducted 2011

We don't know who the Danny is that Renfro was referring to. I kinda doubt Danny D would say that about another HOF player, but I've been wrong before...

Lou Figueroa

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
it's not enough....it's never enough to satisfy this demanding game.

You're right, compared to yourself and "others," I've been a low achiever this year.

I apologize, since being active on this forum I've only made the 'Touch of Inside' video, 'Billiards Inside Secrets', 'TIP Banking Secrets' - also YouTube videos of 'Running 29 Balls in One Pocket' 'Beating the Ghost Playing Rotation, etc (click here to see any of these free videos) - this year I"ve made several other videos further explaining my systems and techniques but it's not enough....it's never enough to satisfy this demanding game. ;)

Another part of the "research and development" (in 2014) was participating in over 100 tournaments this year.....this proved to be an essential part of our game's epiphany.

Maybe taking time to be the Captain of the Mosconi Cup was what slowed me down. After all we lost by one match on the final day.....that would discourage many from trudging forward (Mike D and Brandon S. hasn't played in the MC since).....hopefully in 2015 they will attempt another appearance.

We have now created a pool game that showcases the best qualities (strategic battling/sparring and high-level shotmaking) of the game and look forward to selected players experiencing the differences, it will give commenters some interesting things to discuss and talk about.. 'The Game is the Teacher'

I'd offer a small wager, but first I'd have to find somebody that disagrees. :(

He's been on the cutting edge of talking for a long time now.

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
t you'll only see these shots consistently playing "Two Foul Rules"

The key to playing "one foul" is to break/rack well, and play safe in unsure situations. It's really about not making any mistakes, rather than aggressively taking the victory in a plethora of tough end rail shots, banks, cuts, and "2 Way Shots".

Pool has several great qualities, and the "2 Way Shot" is by far the most entertaining. Playing "one foul" rules - you may see these occasionally, (playing one foul) - these shots and situations come up consistently playing "Two Foul Rules".... the reasons & rules are simple and easy to learn.

Today's 9- and 10-ball reminds me of the way they played one-pocket many years ago when I worked in the pool hall as a kid. It was too safety oriented and not enough "excitement". It was make a ball, play safes for 30 minutes, make another ball, and keep it up until you die of old age or finish the game...whichever came first.

The people like Ronnie Allen who changed the strategy paved the way for newer players like Scott Frost to bring more excitement to the game. Scott plays aggressive and goes for the "Hail Marys" throughout the game...he doesn't wait until the end of the game when it is done as a last resort.

That is why I quit watching football teams with only "one" style of play (i.e, the wishbone offense). I got tired of seeing "run 3 yards, fall on the ball"...do this three times and then we only need one yard to get a first down and then continue this strategy for the entire game.

That was the equivalent of the old style of playing one pocket. NOBODY watched it and the only people interested was the players and the backers.