C.J. Wiley VS Keith McCready - What's The Line?

Glad to see that at least you can admit that you (and CJ) don't play as good as you used too.

For the record, no one (including myself) ever said that you still couldn't hold your own. Only that there would definitely be a difference from how you once played when you were in your prime.

It happens with every player. It happened with Sigel when he came out of retirement. It's happened to Johnny and Earl.

Despite what one person thinks, I have seen a fair amount of footage of you playing, and it's always a treat. I do sincerely look forward to seeing you play again, because regardless of how well you perform, it will still be entertaining.

Everyone knows the clock is ticking.

Everyone knows the clock is ticking but some are living in the past and refuse to admit it.


CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
Pool is the "master game," once it's properly tuned up.

We have created a game that packages the best aspects of pool games, and eliminates the ones that are detrimental. This was no easy task and took several years and countless hours of research and development. Look for it's release in early 2015 - the appeal is not only in the game it's been tailor made to attract a specific type of sponsor.

For Pro Pool to be successful it must be an "advertising vehicle," just like NASCAR, UFC, Texas Holdem, however, the game must have similar strategic elements that it currently does not possess. Pool is the "master game," once it's properly tuned up.

I couldn't agree with you more CJ! There are only a few true fans of the sport. The rest think it's boring to watch! I want to watch something exciting, not the same old players running balls 1-10 in order! I want to see both players at the table each game.

Don't get me wrong, I love watching a 4-pack put together, but that's not exciting to the average spectator! They want to see drama, excitement, and the tides shift unexpectedly!

I love Efren, SVB, and JA as much as the next person, but to get more fans into this great sort of ours, we need the likes of Earl and Keith to make the sport appealing! Right now, it's absolutely boring:(

I've spent many hrs watching so many pro matches, I feel like I can say I've probably seen 80% of them all(not kidding)! There are very few matches that I truly enjoyed for the character, Keith and Earl! Especially Earl at the mosconi! Earl made the mosconi as far as I'm concerned, he brought pool what it needs today, pure drama!!! This gets people to watch! I know many will disagree but, Earl did make you want to watch;)

This sport is too great for the dullards, this is why we need to change it,,, make it exciting! We need characters that have an impact on is that will make us come back for more! SVB, one of the GREATEST players on earth, no doubt! He will attract about 22-25 people! Earl,,,, he can attract millions given the "RIGHT" opportunity!

Pool as is,,,,,way too boring for most! I love the sport and I'm always watching, but I'm in a very small minority as many of you are! Not too many people are going to nuts for (EXAMPLE) SVB playing JA a race to 15 in 10-ball this Sunday at 11am on NBC! But, I cansee people getting ready to watch Keith and Earl go at it! I would definitely change my schedule around to watch that!!!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm sorry, but I cannot help myself: nobody here gives enough of a s**t to put up a dime. It's just an interesting prop, something to kibitz about.

If one player, the other, or both think it's a game, get your money/backer/partner(s) together, post and make the bet. Stop begging for the hand out.

Lou Figueroa
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CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
a racehorse that's been forced to pull a wagon, when it's true calling is to race

The hand/eye coordination is probably what starts to go first in "older" players. We all wish we could turn back time, and we can't, not even for an instant.

Pool is going to get huge again in the next 3-5 years....quite honestly it hasn't had much of a chance this millennium, like a racehorse that's been forced to pull a wagon, when it's true calling is to race. We really don't have to re-invent anything, it's just a matter of re-arranging the pieces into a solid, money making vehicle.

A lot of "older" players could have competed all the way up through their 50's. Pool is about the least physical sport there is next to Poker?
Reality is they had to devote time to making an actual living at some point, or forget about a family life and die poor.
There aren't a ton of exceptions to this obviously.


Silver Member
I'm sorry, but I cannot help myself: nobody here gives enough of a s**t to put up a dime. It's just an interesting prop, something to kibitz about.

If one player, the other, or both think it's a game, get your money/backer/partner(s) together, post and make the bet. Stop begging for the hand out.

Lou Figueroa

I'm sorry, but I cannot help myself, either: nobody here gives enough of a s**t to put up a dime. It's just an interesting prop, something to kibitz about.

If one player, the other, or both think it's a game, get your money/backer/partner(s) together, post and make the bet. Stop begging for the hand out.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
....Two Foul Rules on the other hand are very, very complex, I could write an entire book on the subject. Someone mentioned Keith and I making a video about the 2 Foul game and showcase how it's really played (few really know) ....at some point I'd like to introduce players to a modified version of "2 Foul," ideal for TV, especially for players like us that enjoy matching wits and skills on the "green felt"[/B].

.....For the game of pool to ever have a chance the rules need to conform to increase the entertainment value......watching "one foul" is like watching "flag football" - it's simply a much diluted version of the original game.

'The Game is the Teacher'

CJ, Why would you bother writing a book on the subject ?.. You are engaged in yet another unlikely hypothetical situation...Regarding your evaluation of 2shot foul, vs Texas Express !...I am also a strong supporter, of 2shot foul rules, as being the best way to play 9/10 ball, among pro level player's, and yes, they are a little bit more complex, but, if you think the difference in which set of rules are followed will make ANY difference at all in the interest, or viewership that may be generated... IMO, you are sadly mistaken !

John Q. Public or Joe 6-Pack, (ie; several million league player's) do not care a hill of beans about the rules !..They will not be flocking to watch ANY production regardless, as pool is inherently boring to any novice watching !...All they see when pro's play is... after an occasional safety battle, (if there is one) is perfect position, and all those easy "straight in" shots, to run out...Most new rules are designed to remove the 'luck' factor, which was one of the few unknown, and exciting things to watch... Why do you think people flock to NASCAR, and pro football ???

I think you must know this, so I am in hopes, you will pursue your original thoughts on some type of 'reality' presentation, like your competitors (American Road Productions, or the Manny/Rogan guys) are doing...There is NO way you will ever generate any interest in anyone watching 9/10 ball being played, whatever the rules..Only the pro's, and the insiders, will ever notice the difference ! :indecisive:...Good Luck in EVER changing that !....It will always be "THE TEACHER" !

SJD---Would it kill you, to maybe just this once, admit you were (gasp) 'not perfect' in all your assumptions ?
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CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
Not me, I'm in my prime.

Not me, I'm in my prime. ;)

click picture and see why

For the record, no one (including myself) ever said that you still couldn't hold your own. Only that there would definitely be a difference from how you once played when you were in your prime.

It happens with every player. It happened with Sigel when he came out of retirement. It's happened to Johnny and Earl.

Despite what one person thinks, I have seen a fair amount of footage of you playing, and it's always a treat. I do sincerely look forward to seeing you play again, because regardless of how well you perform, it will still be entertaining.

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
reminds me of a pink hat, sitting on a pool table, telling me of my future

I'm sure we all like to experience your opinion, it's always so informative.

It reminds me of a pink hat, sitting on a pool table, telling me of my future challenges.


.They will not be flocking to watch ANY production regardless, as pool is inherently boring to any novice watching !...All they see when pro's play, is after an occasional safety battle, (if there is one) is perfect position, and all those easy "straight in" shots, to run out.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
entertaining but way off base.

Been years but I had an off forum interchange of messages years ago with Keith. Nothing at all wrong with his ability to string words together and while he might have polished on things awhile his typo's weren't that extreme, some on here regularly are far harder to read than he was. I have no idea but I would assume he has improved somewhat from those days, I certainly have.

Enough difference that it is easy to see when JAM is typing and he is but a mistake to think that Keith is helpless on his own or that JAM has to put words in his mouth. The fact is that JAM writes better than almost all of us, she puts effort into it, or has put so much that it is automatic. No surprise that she writes better than Keith and better than some highly educated people on this forum.



AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
What's sad about being someone like Keith, who is as close to Minnesota Fats as still exists in pool - a real pool hustling living legend - is that when you were kicking everyone's ass, few would step up. Then as soon as you're out of practice, the lips start to fly. I remember Keith staring down top players until they were jelly. You did not just play Keith, you played the entire Keith show.

I was one of the doubters until 11 years ago when Keith decided to get in stroke and took 3rd at the US Open. Repeat, 3rd at the US Open! Folks, just think about that. Let's see someone else his age, away from the game so long, do that. THEN they can challenge Keith and it will actually mean something.

This is not to demean CJ - same exact thing goes for him. We need to show respect for greats and former greats. They REALLY WERE great and don't need to prove it every decade to the uninitiated.
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With all the talk of hustling, gambling, road players, reality shows, etc., what is the "line" if there is a match of CJ playing Keith in a long race of 2-foul, old-school 9-ball?

Both of them are still capable of hitting the balls rather smartly, given enough notice and practice.

I'd be interested in hearing who people think may take home the cheese if this could be set up and played out.


What's sad about being someone like Keith, who is as close to Minnesota Fats as still exists in pool - a real pool hustling living legend - is that when you were kicking everyone's ass, few would step up. Then as soon as you're out of practice, the lips start to fly. I remember Keith staring down top players until they were jelly. You did not just play Keith, you played the entire Keith show.

I was one of the doubters until 11 years ago when Keith decided to get in stroke and took 3rd at the US Open. Repeat, 3rd at the US Open! Folks, just think about that. Let's see someone else his age, away from the game so long, do that. THEN they can challenge Keith and it will actually mean something.

This is not to demean CJ - same exact thing goes for him. We need to show respect for greats and former greats. They REALLY WERE great and don't need to prove it every decade to the uninitiated.

I quoted the original post above your post. It was nothing more than a hypothetical situation/question yet everyone took it and ran with it.

Keith watched JAM post in this thread 39 times before he finally posted his thoughts. He could have ended the stupidity very early on but didn't. He read the thread from the beginning.

Keith McCready said:
First of all, I've been reading this sh*t for 3 or 4 days now. It all started from me joining the cast of American Road Player. How all this got thrown out of proportion, I don't know. Just trying to throw a little realization, trying to help the cast, and maybe have some fun with it. That's all it is.

As far as me playing CJ, me and CJ have had respect for each other's game for many years. I would never duck or be afraid of any proposition if I made the game -- if I made the game -- not the Internet. If the Internet is so interested in me and CJ playing, why don't they pool their money together and raise about 15,000. I'll need a little time. I'll play him a set of 10-ball, I'll play him a set of one-pocket, and I'll play him a set of banks for the 15,000. Whoever wins two out of three sets wins the money. No hard feelings, either way. CJ will still be my friend. And I will play my heart out.

Me coming out of retirement and having to play CJ off the bat is a little absurd. Believe me, I can find a lot easier games coming out of retirement than CJ, if you don't mind, Internet. For whatever it's worth, I will have to take many reps, many little reps, to try to get some timing back in my stroke. My eyes going from the cueball to the object ball is going to take a little of time. It's a little rusty, and that means a lot when you're trying to get back in stroke. I need hit balls, be able to feel them and dissect them.

I don't think it would take me a real long time to get in stroke because I do have a clear head now. I don't drink, and I don't smoke, thanks to my wonderful gir. She's made that possible. She fought for me to do it, and I did it. I've been 9 years clean of drinking, and I've been almost one year of not smoking.

And just for your curiosity, that 20 line going to 25 laid down on me, that sounds like a pretty good little starter kit. I will keep that in mind. I know CJ probably doesn't play as good as he used to either. It could be interesting in case I got to hitting the balls a little bit. You better ask him about playing me, he goes to 25 and I go to 20, before you start making these accusations. Don't let me win the first two games and him be down 7 to nothing. I might be able to go over my thumb from there.

For anybody that doesn't think that this is me speaking, think again. When my picture is up there, I speak, she writes. It's as simple as flipping a coin for the break. You need to find something else to do with your life if this is all you got to offer.

I hope this puts an end to this ridiculous thread, but I do hope that the American Road Player does happen becuase they will get a little dose of me. This is just the beginning of what could happen if the American Road Player arrived in your town.

Earthquake out.

I also hope this ridiculous thread comes to an end now but for very different reasons than Keith has.


book collector

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Keith is not even 60 years old yet, FWIW.

As well, Efren Reyes, who is the same age as me, 60 years old, just won a tournament in Philippines.

With some lifelong pool players, who who have hit tens of thousands of balls on a daily basis, they don't lose their talent. Earl, Jose Parica, Efren, et al., are perfect examples of this.

This discussion main forum does not do much for the promotion of pool. Rather, it's everybody take a potshot at another member if their opinions differ from what they beleive. Then there is a back-and-forth that ensues.

I am caring less and less about pool in my life today. For Keith's sake, I'm willing to get back out there, as I know how much it means to him. Me, not so much. I have a Home Sweet Home and a Mickey dog that brings me joy. Pool doesn't bring me joy, like it does Keith. It's nothing more than a huge disappointment, especially when I read this forum.

Time to go back to my industry forums and debate commas and semicolons. At least I come away with knowledge and not sore feelings. For some, pool is only a recreational game. For me and mine, it's personal.

Wishing all of AzBilliards a very Merry Christmas. May you count your blessings and realize everything good in your life. :smile:

For whatever reason, as I am sure you already know, pool is not allowed to have any heroes.
Today you play great and everyone wants to be your friend and tomorrow you miss a ball and you are a bum and could never play.
I've heard it all my life about all the greatest players who ever lived. {"Keith was one of them.}
Grady and I were talking one day and he told me that Keith could have been the greatest player who ever lived!
I pray the new show and the future brings only positive things for Keith and you !


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
SJD Really ??? What were you thinking, LOL ? CJ admit he's w....g... I couldn't even type it, it's so slim a chance ! :D

CJWiley said:
I'm sure we all like to experience your opinion, it's always so informative. It reminds me of a pink hat, sitting on a pool table, telling me of my future challenges.

You are right Froze-man...I must be losing my mind !..He was so busy being facetious in his reply to me, I doubt if he even read my post.. :sorry:... Here let me give him another chance, to make a 'sensible' response, to a few VERY GOOD questions !..But I'll probably just get another "pink hat" thingy again..(he is so clever) :rolleyes:


PS..I see his amazing gift to us all (that he started in 2011) that was supposed to transform the pool world, into NASCAR,
has now been moved to 2015 ???...Maybe he's been spending too much time on the keyboard..ya think ? :eek:
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The Renfro

Silver Member
You are right Froze-man...I must be losing my mind !..He was so busy being facetious in his reply to me, I doubt if he even
read my post.. :sorry:... Here let me give him another chance, to make a 'sensible' response, to a few VERY GOOD questions !..
..But I'll probably just get another "pink hat" thingy again..(he is so clever) :rolleyes:


PS..I see the thing he started in 2011, that was going to transform the pool world, has now been moved to 2015 ???...Maybe he's spending too much time on the forum ??? :eek:

Tranforming the pool world> transforming your liver to stone... Glad to see you are spending too much time on the forums... Less harm you can do in the real world... Danny says hi... Well actually he didn't... He said you couldn't play.... =D