The carpet inserts in the Diamond ball polisher, folks, is removable and cleans up nicely with a simple warm and wet wash cloth. Same for cleaning the carpeted separator in the center. The Aramith ball cleaning solution is by far the best and if used sparingly, you get many hours of polishing before you need to clean the carpet insert. It should never get "mucked up" if you are cleaning it regularly. The timed polishing sessions don't need to be more than a few minutes if you are regularly maintaining the balls as well. It also makes a huge difference if you apply the Aramith polish directly to the cue ball with your fingertip very lightly covering the entire surface before placing it in the machine.
Seems crazy to me that anyone would use anything else other than specially formulated phenolic ball polish that is available cheaply and quickly to anyone on the planet. With your cellphone and Amazon, you can have it on your doorstep in a few days. And yes, they clean and polish beautifully by hand with any throwaway wash cloth. So no one "needs" the machines.
Come on guys (and gals) - soap, waxes, sponges or erasures. Really? Why not use the right products for your job? If you can take the time to find and buy car wax or Novus acrylic and plastic polish but not pick up some inexpensive Aramith phenolic ball polish for your investment, then no forum suggestions will make sense to you either.