Diamond Las Vegas Open

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
Which just happened, with a remarkable finish. Hill-hill, Skowerski misses a routine 8 ball. Filler runs to the 10, then misses a routine 10 ball. Skowerski then misses a very difficult 10 ball, then Filler misses a fairly easy 10 ball, leaving Skowerski an easy shot, which Filler concedes.

They're all human!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
4-4 Shane breaking
This is going hill hill.
Many hill hill matches at this late stage
Dennis hill hill loss to Wu Kun Lin
Oo hill hill loss to Chang Jung Lin


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Bergman beat Ko. Roy just said the Aranas/Bergman match is coming up on the CSI stream ASAP.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If I'm reading the chart correctly, this is what's next.

10 a.m. (Vegas time) Matches

Joshua Filler v. Kun Lin Wu
Eklent Kaci v. Pin-Yi Ko
Justin Bergman v. Corey Deuel
Dennis OrCollo v. Karol Skowerski

Ralph Soquet v.James Aranas
Jung-Lin Chang v. Chris Robinson

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
A couple of observations. It seems like half the matches are going 7-6 first of all, so they are long matches. Hats off to Chris Robinson who is breaking through with his best performance yet in a major event. Looks like he has made himself into a world class player! Very bothersome to me that all these players played 11:30 PM matches, some ending after 1 AM and yet they all have to play back at 10 AM! Not only that, they must play continuously all day today without breaks between matches. I'm sorry but that is some pretty poor scheduling imo. There has to be a way this could have been scheduled differently so this is not an endurance contest on the last two days. These guys have to be worn out and they are playing today with too little rest. Big advantage here to the youngest and strongest players.

We are going to be watching some very weary pool players (mentally and physically) going at it today. They are going to have to dig deep to win this one. It will be especially tough for anyone on the losers side to get there since they won't get any breaks all day. At least on the winners side the final two undefeated players will get a long break after they play (and survive) their first two matches. Big advantage here!

It's a shame to see it end this way, when they had such a great field of players and some pretty decent prize money. 17K on top is not bad for the "preliminary" event. One other thing. Professional pool might be the only sport playing next week in the entire country. Everything else has shut down! I wish the best for all these guys and the amateur players who are there. I hope to God none of them come down with the Corona virus, which is everywhere now, including Nevada whether they publicize that fact or not.
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