Do carbon fiber shafts make the game easier?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
CF shafts are like baking a cake in that you can make same shaft repeatedly. No wood to cure, warp, dent, etc. Before much longer you'll see very few wood shafts at higher levels of play. Even at my local amateur level you see them everywhere.

Man I hope not. I hope it turns out like synthetics in guitars.


Coos Cues
I have played against many players who switched to CF. Every single one I could defeat before I still can and vice versa.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have played against many players who switched to CF. Every single one I could defeat before I still can and vice versa.
I have beaten every one I have played who was using a Balabushka! :)
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
LD shafts make the game easier, it’s like riding a E bike. Yeah the greats are still gonna be great but you will see more inconsistencies. You wanna know who the best player is get rid of LD shafts and jump cues.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's not clear to me why there's all this hate for jump cues/jump shots. At the risk of igniting something, it just reeks of old fogeyism. Jumping is just another pool table skill to be learned, like kicking or banking. Some people do it better than others, and it's another way of distinguishing the best from the rest. And I say this as someone who is a mediocre jumper, and who reaches for a jump cue only as a last resort.

Watching Fedor jump and control the cueball so masterfully is, quite frankly, awe-inspiring. It's another element of the game to be promoted and respected, like Efren's kicking. Personally, I find it inspirational and it encourages me to work on that element of my game. There's no reason to limit the game to how it was played 50 years ago.

Edit: sorry just realized I conflated this thread with another that piled on jump cues. Jump cues, CF, anything, it all fits, though. Let the game evolve and respect the people who can master it. It's a great game, however you want to play it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
LD shafts make the game easier, it’s like riding a E bike. Yeah the greats are still gonna be great but you will see more inconsistencies. You wanna know who the best player is get rid of LD shafts and jump cues.
The cues made by all the masters in the 60's made the game easier than some of the shit they used before. Should those be banned too? I guess golf should go back to persimmon woods and shitty out-of-round balls then too. Not going to stop innovation/progress. I do agree on the jump cue. IMO kicking takes far more skill than the hop-stick. I've used/owned quite a few LD shafts and the difference is there but its not that big a deal. Makes inside english shots easier but that's about all they did for me. All felt dead/numb.


Rolling Thunder
Silver Member
Simple question, but to clarify:
Would a person who switches to a carbon fiber shaft (Predator, Cuetec, Jacoby etc.), play at a higher level afterwards, with the same amount of practise as before, after he has gotten used to it?
I do not think a carbon fiber shaft makes your stroke straighter. Straight stroking and speed control are the core of good shooting.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
No. It’s just another option with a unique hit and feel That if you like it play with it. If you don’t use good old fashioned wood.


.. dogs' friend ..
Silver Member
3 players mentioned also won majority events before carbon took over so a different time my friend! Hate say carbon taking the market out and its a part of life much like electric cars are the new advancement in todays world. Crazy i know, see both sides of the issue.
Yes you are right when you state that in the past times many decades back, there were no carbn shafts like today. What I want to say is: The Pros play that kind of stuff where they get sponsoring for. And yes I think that carbon is much more than a small wave, because it is im my eyes prooved that you can play on the hill also with carbon, so it means to me that from the performance perspective carbon-shafts can be as good as wood-based shafts. But the carbon-shafts have that really big advantage that they are much much more resistant than wooden shafts, and it is new business and also for this it will be a big think during the next years or decades. All big industries are living from the fact that people buy new things but do not need it really.

Maybe in future there will be a third revolutionary material: 1: Wood, 2. Carbon, 3. ?? If material no 3. will be introduced to the market and its playing performance is also very good like at wood and carbon, we will see exactly the same what we saw the last years: Many Pros will switch to material no. 3 and also they will win big tournaments with material no. 3, and then someone will ask in az again something like "Does a shaft with material no. 3. make the game easier?...
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