Forum Pet Peeves

Mike in MN

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What's yours? I mean, surely we all have at least one. Without getting into any finger-pointing or blaming, share with us what bothers you the most regarding this lovely forum and its members.

Mine is a simple one. I can't stand when people quote a previous post, but don't consider the size of it first, and don't have the common sense to condense it down.

For example, when someone is quoting a post with a bunch of pictures - which happens quite frequently in the Wanted/For Sale forum, the Cue Gallery forum, and here in the Main Forum - and what we end up with is seven posts in a row with the same pictures because no one deleted them.

Same with long posts. No need to quote the entire thing. Condense it down, or delete everything you're not quoting so we don't have to scroll through the same post a half dozen times as more people quote it.

There, now I feel better about my pet peeve! :thud:

What's yours?


O8 Specialist
Silver Member
One of mine is when we have anywhere from 3-10 of similar threads on the front page whether it is getting into arguments about aiming systems, putting up or down APA league, or just an event that happens and multiple people start their own threads to spin off that thread with their own opinion.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
9Ball-Im with you on that.

plus i hate bad thread titles where you have no idea what the content might be.

Examples- 'What do you think about this?" "Heads Up" "Did you ever.....?"

Kevin Lindstrom

14.1 Addict
Silver Member
One of many

When you are selling a cue or case or whatever and have a cash price listed and some asks if you are interested in any trades. The worst part is that what they want to trade ain't worth a shat.




AKA: Sandy Bagger
Silver Member
my personal pet peeve is when someone simply cut & pastes an article without even stating their personal views on the subject , & when comments are made about the content , won't even make their own arguments to defend the position ( I won't name any names , so that I don't hurt Sheldon's feelings . . . .OOPS , I mean so this can't be construed as a personal attack on Sheldon . . . Uh , I mean so that the Goofy can remain nameless . . .):)


O8 Specialist
Silver Member
One I could see someone getting upset over is when a person starts a thread looking for a specific cuemaker's cue. Someone then tries to offer a cue from a different cuemaker that the OP did not ask for.

And even another one might be when you start a thread in the for sale section looking for a custom cue and your budget is $1,000. Someone then tries to offer you a cue for $1,250 lol.

I could go on but will stop there for now :D.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
I find it annoying when someone keeps posting the same thread over and over....and over, instead of just bumping their first thread. This mostly happens in the wanted/for sale. It just makes it more congested for the rest of us. There is really no point to do this. Plus, it is easier to just bump a previous thread then copy and paste the old one again.

I also love it when you and a buyer work out a deal, and then never hear fro them again. I have had people say, 'that's a deal. what is your paypal address and I will get the money right too you.' And then I never hear from them again. I just don't understand. Even after I send them a nice PM to let them to please let me know either way, because I have other people interested, but am waiting on them. I love losing a sale because I hold an item for someone, and they do not even have the courtesy to let me know what is going on. I would much rather have someone tell me they can't afford something or just changed their mind, then to have them ignore me.

I have also had some goofy things as a buyer. I have sent a pm and asked about the weight of a cue, and never received a response. I would have bought the cue, unless it weighed like 34oz.:cool: A week later the cue is still for sale.

I also find it annoying when it is the same people arguing all the time. If you have been banned numerous times, it might actually be you with the problem; not everyone else. Plus, even if you were right, you still look stupid arguing on the internet and getting all heated over things.

One the same note, if you have told the whole forum that you are leaving and never coming back, what does that say about your word when you are back a day or two later? I don't know about most people, but when I say something, I will actually do it. Even though it is a pool forum, these people's word probably is shit in real life too.

I am sure I could think of a few more if I think about it, but will leave it at this for now.:thumbup:


Cue Author...Sometimes
Gold Member
Silver Member
9Ball-Im with you on that.

plus i hate bad thread titles where you have no idea what the content might be.

Examples- 'What do you think about this?" "Heads Up" "Did you ever.....?"

Piggybacking on this theme, I also hate titles like:

"John Williams and Joe Smith are playing LIVE right now!!!"

Right now? Like 8 hours ago before I went to bed?

Fred <~~~ right here


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Piggybacking on this theme, I also hate titles like:

"John Williams and Joe Smith are playing LIVE right now!!!"

Right now? Like 8 hours ago before I went to bed?

Fred <~~~ right here

I was going to mention these but then i thought it might be blowing my own horn as i had just posted one. (properly for the most part). Plus the first time i made this error myself til i looked back and saw how stupid it looked.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My pet peeve is B!+(#!n@ about aiming systems. I know aiming systems are worthless so I dont open the thread its that easy.

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
Repetitive quotes also.
No need to quote an entire post (with large pictures) just to comment on one point.

Tip of the day:
Highlight and copy the sentence you want to quote.
Paste the quote in between these quote brackets.

paste quote here[ /quote]

I left a space between the bracket and back slash or you wouldn't be able to see the quote brackets.
Real easy, try it sometime.


Grab Life by the BALL!
Silver Member
My biggest Pet Peeve is when a person opens a thread knowing the content and begins tell the moderators to delete the thread. I know there is only a few moderates, but about 1000 wannabe.

Hey moderator, please delete this thread, it's not even pool related, LOL.
Couldn't resist.

Big Perm

1pkt 14.1 8 Banks 9 10
Silver Member
Pet Peeves

Main Forum - The generic question with no details - "Hey, how come when I hit the ball and it hits another ball, it didn't go straight that one time on that table with the pocket?"

Tournament Annoucements - Personal fight in a tournament thread - "you owe me $10, you shouldn't be going to so and so's tournament"

The Action Room - bad debt - come on people, really?

For Sale Forum - no price - unless it's a custom or crazy high dollar item, post a price, AZ ain't ebay

NPR - the fly-by insult - if you want to knock me, at least give me some details about what you don't like as opposed to your weak azzed snappy, condescending insult


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When someone posts a thread and feels the need to post the same thread in several categories. (Main, NPR, ACTION, TOURNAMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS, ETC.)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mine is when the same posters say "thats my all time favorite cue & i bet it hits a TON".If they got hit with a ton then they'd know what it feels like.


Son of Da Poet
Silver Member
My Top Ten List

10) Asking rules questions without looking them up.

9) Answering rules questions without looking them up.

8) Signatures that take up two pages.

7) People who feel the need to say that they don't find Jeanette Lee attractive.

6) Threads asking for contractor advice.

5) The entire NPR forum.

4) Useless rep system.

3) Posters starting threads looking for attention rather than actually interested in gathering information.

2) Long posts.

and finally,

1) Travis Trotter never answering any questions. :D

Still the best forum around! :thumbup:


14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member
People who confuse forward and back slashes

Tip of the day:
Highlight and copy the sentence you want to quote.
Paste the quote in between these quote brackets.

[ quote]paste quote here[ /quote]
I left a space between the bracket and back slash or you wouldn't be able to see the quote brackets.
Real easy, try it sometime.

And another pet peeve -- those who don't know the difference between:
  • a forward slash ("/" -- it leans in the same direction we read in English: left to right, hence "forward")
  • a back slash ("\" -- it leans in the opposite direction that we read in English)
I love when TV or radio commercials say, "dubya dubya dubya dot something dot com backslash myproduct.html" *&^%$#@!!!

(J/K, Blue Hog rider -- I just couldn't resist! :D )