My forum pet peeves:
1) If you are going to go to the trouble to post something, go the extra step and proof read it for the forum members. I don't know how many post I have read that didn't read correctly and made no sense. I was left having to guess what the writer was trying to say.
2) When people post a question either answer it in as much detail as you can and support your case if you can, or make a funny comment if you want, but don't be a dick just for the sake of being a dick, and don't give one word answers like your word is gospel and you are above having to give an explanation.
3) See numbers 1 and 2.
1) If you are going to go to the trouble to post something, go the extra step and proof read it for the forum members. I don't know how many post I have read that didn't read correctly and made no sense. I was left having to guess what the writer was trying to say.
2) When people post a question either answer it in as much detail as you can and support your case if you can, or make a funny comment if you want, but don't be a dick just for the sake of being a dick, and don't give one word answers like your word is gospel and you are above having to give an explanation.
3) See numbers 1 and 2.