It is scary when a thunder boomer catches you when fishing the marsh. The small boat you are in is the tallest thing around and you are sitting next to a huge piece of aluminum, the motor. To make matters worse, my seven foot rod conducts electricity. I started casting sidearm!
Zero lag time between lightning and thunder, the smell of brimstone in the air. I have had lightning hit forty feet from the boat or less. Why it didn't take the easier path through the boat I don't know. Maybe the fiberglass hull.
One day we were in a small bay and the storm was outrunning the bilge pump. We ran the boat aground in some marsh grass. Some tall grass overhanging the water a little ways off so I quickly cast where bugs and such would be falling, even frogs and lizards knocked loose. Huge raindrops falling. Two nice redfish as quick as I could cast. Funny thing, the guy I was with didn't know you could catch fish in the rain. What, they are trying to stay dry? I do prefer a light rain if fishing in the rain though.